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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in fear (153)


Bound to be silent

The mind eagerly listens and anticipates for the next word or whatever it expects to be coming.  How does it react to an event? It downplays the last one, asks about and begins to plan the next one. What does mind do with silence? It grows restless, voices anxiety or shifts attention to mental noise.  As mind hangs on a state of no mind, it is faced with its greatest fear, the threat of having no identity.  Mind responds to silence by doing things to change your focus of attention. Why does silence inevitably emerge?

The deepest being is only ever silent.  To know one is awake and enlightened means one is bound to be silent.  The heart feels this as ordinary, allowing silence to be as it is. Unconditional love accepts and appreciates each moment and all it embodies.


See beyond words

You may get confused about your perceived conditions.  Wonder why your state does not seem to be changing or improving? You may ask why you think you are sick and not be consciously aware you constantly talk about imbalance, pain, suffering or discomfort. You may complain about some condition or relationship in your life and not realize the negative thoughts and nature of your words keep you from seeing or living anything beyond them.

Words are powerful. How deeply do you allow words and their vibrations to travel through you? What is the impact on your state of mind? To what degree do words trigger emotional reactions in you? How tightly or loosely do you adopt context as explaining who you are?

Feel the nature of words you use. Notice whetehr they reinforce things that enable yo uto feel good or feel frustrated or negative. Notice how words gain meaning for you. Notice using any kind of language creates a sense of separation. The mind understands words compare, distinguish and describe. Silence also speaks. Notice what expresses itself through you. 

In truth, nothing words describe is you.  He who allows himself to see beyond words senses deeper. All-knowing is always accessible beyond words.  Moving beyond self-imposed limitation and fear beings you to merge with love that is. This is pure freedom that speaks for itself.  Words do not do cosmic truth justice.


Appreciation, gratitude & balance

When you appreciate, you recognize the nature of unconditional love and how allowing yourself to feel that increases the intangible value of an experience.  Appreciation is like the absence of doubt, fear, negativity, and all those things that have no relevance to the energy you are vibrating when you feel good.  Consider thoughts of fear do not cross the mind when your focus of attention is on the frequency of love.  You may sense selective awareness, as if the lens of love only sees mesages of love.  As you find the silver lining, see something good in others or in every situation, you appreciate or, make the most of where you are.  You know resistance cannot emerge in allowing.

Gratitude resonates a slightly different energy.  Gratitude is a feeling that emerges as part of the process of sensing accomplishment, like after you overcome an obstacle.  It is then you feel grateful to be where you are after hard work or struggle.  You may feel grateful to be alive after surviving an accident or health issue.  In this way, choosing to feel grateful brings balance.  It brings you from a state of fear back to the inner knowing of the love that is.  A spark of doubt still resides within you about the possibility of having to endure pain and suffering again.  You recall what unwavering acceptance feels like by feeling gratitude, but do not dwell there every moment. You falter slightly.


Allow what is to be

From the moment you allow what is to be, the mind is no longer in charge.  You choose to see fear as it is and not permit it to control you.  Unconditional love flows freely through all of you and you sense it in everything. You shift from a focus on seeking and believing to experience being and knowing.  The truth reveals itself through you.


Remember courage

Through the process of realizing fear is illusion, you may feel vulnerability before you recall inner courage.  As remembering deepens, accelerates and intensifies, all that is not you is suddenly irrelevant and falls away.  Consciousness is awareness, the experiencer, that which is being experienced and the act of experience itself. This cannot be described or known.  Love is. You cannot know that which is and yet, it is what it is.