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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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145 inspirational quotes to motivate your to be honset with yourself and solve your problems.




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Entries in fear (153)


Be intrinsic value

Every moment, the mentally- created you seeks what it thinks its missing while the silent observer exists in everything, needing nothing. How to end your sorrow?

Ever ask yourself what prompts you to turn to percieved authorities for direction? Ever wonder why you develop attachments, make judgments, and evaluations? What happens when you stop analyzing and exploring the mysteries? Who is the analyser and how is this different from he who analyses? How does it all come together?

Notice the investigator coming face-to-face with his own consciousness and moving to feel the wholeness of life. Be the intrinsic value the mind denies.  See what happens.  Questions answer themselves.  Psychological division is gone.  There is no such thing as mistakes.  Problems are all interrelated and stem from the same point.  Outward challenges are resolved the instant it is recognized you are not a separate individual. Pleasure is experienced temporarily and outwardly and joy is felt inwardly forever. 

All inspirational quotes and situations act as a mirror to invite you to look deep within your own perceived fears, conflict and contradictions and see they come and go.

"The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed."-Buddha

See through your questions

Every question you ask beckons you to read between the lines. Discern the lies you tell yourself. Notice that when you ask how to do something, you assume the knowing or solution is outside, you assume things are not already working themselves out. Why does the urge arise to look? Do not doubt yourself but doubt what you come to believe.

Be that which trusts the clarity of the heart. To know you dream this existence is to realize you are already awake. To be aware of a habit is to move beyond it so that unconscious pattern is broken. Every move you make, every step you take, something is watching and loving you throughout every choice and judgment. That which cannot be named has silent power. It knows transparency and has nothing to prove.

"No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious."
-George Bernard Shaw

Everything is cyclic

As you connect with what drives you on the wheel of success, fear arises in the mind, the thought that any joy or enlightenment you glimpse can also be lost.  Only as you allow yourself to explore your sense of truth and go wherever this truth guides you without resistence, do you truly surrender.  Shift vantage points and see what unfolds in silence.  What happens as you realize that everything, including the personal story and your dream, comes and goes without you? How does it Transform your Life?

You emerge in this body innocent and helpless and leave the body after coming full circle, returning to innocence and helplessness, and opening to degrees of inner-sight. You grow aware that motion is ceaseless and also non-existent. Suddenly, it is very apparent that everything comes and goes. Absolute acceptance of the way things are arises, including who you are, why existence is what it is.  You sense how it feels to be motionless.  Waiting is no more. From the moment, you abandon the wanting, stop fighting yourself, you see more clearly.  Nothing matters.  You no longer seek anything through experience. You are in this world but not of it. The wave of energy is being.

"All motion is cyclic. It circulates to the limits of its possibilities and then returns to its starting point." -Robert Collier, The Secret of the Ages


Allow what is to flow

You may think it is useful to gather as much information as possible on a subject of interest. Notice whether you acknowledge and give yourself fully to your passion, feel guided by one inner voice or teacher, or whether you are driven to obtain training in a number of areas and from a variety of people. How does each choice serve you?

Notice whether you are truly listening to the soul or whether your attention is not truly devoted to who you are. To believe you think you know what is best for yourself is to have faith and actually to harbour doubt about what feels right. To trust is to know. Notice whether you allow what is speaking though the heart to flow. Do you hear?


Building or allowing dreams

Everything speaks to and through you.  Sometimes this is hard to describe.  Dreams exist in layers.  Some are being built through action and others are allowed to unfold spontaneously. The focus of your attention allows awareness to appreciate dreaming from varied perspectives. Do you decide and take responsibility for the course of your life consciously or unconsciously?

When building or chasing dreams, you are taught to believe techniqes and methods. This is motivated by intellect and ego.  They show you reality through mental and emotional filters. Notice when you create dreams motivated by psychological fear. Notice why doubt arises. Notice dreams vanish when they hold no focus or attention. 

When allowing dreams to unfold, there is no teaching involved. They arise and intuition discerns them. To know is to feel whole and live or be this dream. Notice unwavering, unconditional love is flowing. Be that. Intuition is beyond intellect. It is not a technique you apply. It has not conditions and arises spontaneously. This dream never dies.