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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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365 Paths to Love

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Be Your Dream

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Transform Your Life

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Daily inspirational quotes about life from the book Transform your life - 730 Inspirations


Cosmic Synchronicity

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This book helps your recognise challenges and overcome fear


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145 inspirational quotes to motivate your to be honset with yourself and solve your problems.




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Why are you here?  

You are drawn to  connect with Liara to explore; 

  • The wisdom available in yoga, breathwork, sound & meditation
  • The impact of holistic coaching 
  • The renewal & connection 
  • The Covert Mystery School

It is possible you sense some aspects in life are working and other things are not. As the nature of the breath grows clearer, it reveals details about your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, connection and disconnection. Living consciously is key to raising awareness, identifying trauma or shifting blocks, uncovering true purpose. 

During private sessions, Liara provides insight that guides you to view self and the world in a whole new way. We guide you to feel better naturally.  Discover how it feels to explore a new kind of existence, to allow realizing potential at your pace.  

What Are the Benefits of Working with Liara?

  • More accurate information on specific life areas where you may be stuck
  • Elimination of negative thought patterns and beliefs that normally are stored on a subconscious level
  • Identifying core fears and negative beliefs that were created during childhood or trauma 

What is your intention?

• listen to yourself differently
• overcome personal challenges
• achieve deep transformation 
• clarify your visions
• create the life

Key Questions to ask;

  •   What if I don't take Action to Face fears?
  • What will Happen if I Stay Stuck on my emotional patterns?
  • Why am I Choosing to Accept Life as it Is? 
  • If I choose to live more consciously, where do I begin?