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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in listening (41)


Allow what is to flow

You may think it is useful to gather as much information as possible on a subject of interest. Notice whether you acknowledge and give yourself fully to your passion, feel guided by one inner voice or teacher, or whether you are driven to obtain training in a number of areas and from a variety of people. How does each choice serve you?

Notice whether you are truly listening to the soul or whether your attention is not truly devoted to who you are. To believe you think you know what is best for yourself is to have faith and actually to harbour doubt about what feels right. To trust is to know. Notice whether you allow what is speaking though the heart to flow. Do you hear?


Lighten your load

Your thoughts and beliefs sometimes create feelings of heaviness which are misplaced and misguided. What would it take for you to release any blocks that prevent you from living a more uplifting life? What would you have to do to hear what your Higher Self tells you? This core of being never ceases to tell you how much you are loved as you are.

If you detect an awkward heaviness, its an invitation to lighten your load. Learn to anchor the mind in a new place. Seeking self-improvement reflects a desire to feel better about yourself, yet it overlooks that faults and weakness only exist in the mind.

Learn to listen, trust, and take action guided by the fun-loving accepting heart. If certain choices evoke discomfort, notice what these geelings point toward. You can explore this. Shifting attention to what you imagine feels good brings this forth.

You are alive and everything you do or do not do can only help you. Listen to heartfelt messages to know all burdens are illusion. Discomfort signals your desire to heal a wound you come to feel is no longer there. Anger reminds you untapped energy can be transformed and rechannelled. Worry teaches the power of trust. Know everything is a disguised form of love pointing to how it feels to be yourself.  Its the simplest thing to do.


Use your power to alter your life

What if someone brought your attention to the idea you only remember aspects of yourself that you consciously manifest? That is, you are selective.  You focus and limit the attention of your brain based on what you think you know. What if you miss the crux?

You might say, “Whoa there! Life isn’t really as I see it?” At the same time, somewhere, not so far away, in the back of your head, echoes a persistent, “Nope...”

The fact of the matter is, in all likelihood, you choose not to listen to this voice as much as you could.  Ego quashes it, to deny the truth, for reasons you don’t yet recognize.

Take your senses. From a young age, you train yourself to organize information based on what you’re taught is traditional sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. You make comparisons. You’re taught certain experiences are ‘taken in’ and described using certain senses.  That approach supposedly makes your views more easily understood. Yet, you limit yourself based on conditioned beliefs about the right thing to do and when.

As your body cringes in apparent confusion,  you may ask yourself why you assume other ‘right’ or ‘useful’ ways don’t exist.  Do you take a trusted person's word for it? Why do you choose to give another human being's word or experience your trust?

What if future experiences need not be interpreted by your senses as you have done before? Your power lies in your current experience.  Beneath your reflex reactions, your being reacts to events in ways that break your normal patterns.  Are you ready to listen?

What if someone tells you that you can ingest information through different mechanisms? This means you can see aromas, hear colour, taste light, feel sound, even if these aren’t your current ways of perceiving.  You can even interpret time and events differently.  What if your current physical experience is merely a choice among possible realities?

Consider that whenever you detect obstacles, you have assumed you will have barriers in your path.  You have assumed something is missing you desire.  The result of which perception of yourself you create and which circumstances you choose combine to highlight your source of power.  You force your mind to view your life as sequential moments.  Action is thought in motion.  Use your power to alter your life experience now.

"Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations.  You are originally unlimited and perfect.  Later, you take on limitations and become the mind." - Ramana Maharshi


Jumpstart your greatest healing potential

People hear stories about witch doctors, modern physicians, shamans and holistic healers, but seldom realize we all have an inclination toward specific types of healing. We develop and explore healing options consciously and unconsciously, at our own pace.

You guessted it! We all have healing talents and are more receptive to certain kinds of healing practices. Yet, many people don't realize this or take steps to apply this to perceived states of well-being. Where might you fit in? A good starting point is to recognize your innate strengths in a sense or in combinations of senses. What will you do after you identify yours?

1) Are you an avid listener? People with a knack for healing through words are to whom you'll most likely confide. Ever find yourself suddenly opening up to a friend, relative or, even random strangers in passing? This would imply you're drawn to their healing energy and feel comfortable sharing private feelings and intimate parts of yourself.  Maybe you're also an exceptional talker? Certain healers help others by listening, speaking and sensing vibration. Its all in tone, word choice and establishing a human conection. When these healers don't apply their talents, they tend to block their energy flow, and may experience headaches. Tools such as Tibetan Singing bowls are effective.  Cells vibrate and hear.

2) Are you sensitive to touch? You may be the sort of person who naturally hugs or kisses people you meet because its automatic. Being touchy-feely is just who you are. You may also intuit when people establish boundaries in their personal space. Its a question of knowing who likes to be touched and feeling comfortable talking about the power of touch. These people work with the skin, seek to soothe muscles, and sense benefits of applying gentle pressure or massage. Head, neck and shoulder tension can build up in muscles if you fail to use touch-healing abilities.

3) Are you aware of energy & auras? Some individuals have no need for physical touch to help others heal. If you sense energy fluctuations as you bring your hands close to the physical body, this implies you have potential as an "auric" healer. You can grasp how to unclog and channel energy flow. If you under-utilize innate auric abilities, you may sense energy build-up, tension or arthritis in arms and hands.

4) Are you the type to visualize? You may retain and share the most detail through your visual senses. This doesn't assume you simply look at people and heal ailments on the spot. However, you may visualize the source of someone's health problem and help alleviate pain and suffering, even when the person isn't nearby. You may use your mind to intend problems to be cured. You can imagine all the steps a person would experience internally during a physical or emotional process of recovery. At the same time, visual healers resist focusing on long-term outcomes. To send a message of healing through love, telepathy and positive visualisation, is the goal.


Power questions & power talk

Whenever you speak, realize words are powerful energy.  They hold potential based on how and what you express and to whom. Language has different impacts on people and the world as a whole.  Get ready to engage in power questions and power talk.

Even from something as simple as how you approach another person, you can gain more than a wealth of information.  Critical thinking becomes a valuable tool as you learn new approaches to obtaining information, and to weighing the pros and cons of what you hear. How words are formulated determines the power and impact they will have. 

Whether you seek to strengthen your relationships, to build a business, to deepen your sense of connectedness to spirituality and the world, or to enrich some other area of your life, consider the power of communication in the form of relevant questions.  Begin by asking yourself "why." 

Questions are a means to create abundance and affluence because they:

  • Enable you to avoid arguments tactfully, with diplomacy and get to the point.
  • Remind you how it can be desirable to talk less and listen more to others' needs.
  • Allow you to empower someone to recognize what he/ she really wants.
  • Probe into the mind of another person to teach you things about yourself and that person.
  • Encourage a sense of appreciation, since you request and value the view of another.
  • Help you realize that promoting respect and self-respect will lead to fruitful collaboration.

In addition to asking pertinent questions, the way you come across will determine whether you deserve the faith and confidence of another person. Your behaviour can help you win and hold the attention of other people or become the reason why you aren't to be taken seriously. So long as you always talk well of other people, be it past relations, colleagues or business competition, you will give others reason to praise and value you in varied capacities. What would stop you getting there?