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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "From the moment you shift from, why is this happening to me, to why am I creating this or why am I responding this way, you begin to heal wounds and take back personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in expansion (73)


Notice the flawed premise

Listen closely.  Notice what you tell yourself.  Notice when you assume conflict exists within your own mind or you see conflict arises as the result of lies you tell yourself.  The truth never opposes itself.  It just is. Notice how you feel around different people.  What happens when being in someone's presence brings out the best in you?

The larger part of you, the source energy consciousness, knows what is going on. That part of you feels its way into states of continued renewal. It knows how honest you are with yourself,  is reflected in every situation and relationship.  If you only ever feel good, you do not notice an emotional gap, and life does not cause you to expand.

Notice thoughts and beliefs you hold prevent you from allowing and being the joy that is unlimited. Where are you in vibrational relationship to unconditional love and acceptance of all you are? Notice the power of influence you have over your thoughts and feelings. Notice how people feel in your presence and whether you notice anyone at all. Notice othes are inspired and uplifted, or they express negativity and bring you down. Notice how you feel deep inside reveals itself in your external world. 

In essence, the vibrating energy that you are raises and lowers based on whether you allow what you perceive though mental filters to affect how you feel. Approach reality based on pure appreciation or not. You control how you respond to whatever unfolds. See what happens as you begin to see everything through the eyes of genuine love. Flawed premises are no longer.  This is no coincidence.  Its Cosmic Synchronicity.

"You see someone on the street, and essentially what you notice about them is the flaw [you imagine in yourself]." -Diane Arbus 


Open into the kaleidoscope

The deepest part of you knows the vibration of a given experience and how it resonates with inner being.  The mind interprets what it sees and thinks meaning into being. A simple stroll in the garden invites you to attune to every aspect of the experience or, be selective about what stands out.  The aromas of flowers may consume your focus.  Perhaps the ladybugs tickle tiny hairs and skin as they crawl up your leg. You may sense the presence of enchanted beings under toadstools or in more obvious places. When a kaleidoscope of butterflies appears and disppears in your scope of awareness, you glimpse openings in dimensions.  You allow and resist.


You are more

You are more than any physical perception or situation.  You do not have to try to be more positive, to try to feel better, to try to change what seems to be your current state.  Personality and ego are not you.  They are conditioned patterns, grounded in illusions of time that are irrelevant. 

Notice whether you hear a voice telling you that you are anything less than unlimited, successful, confident and expanding into more.  Be aware of the mechanism at work within the mind without allowing it to control you.  At your centre, the authentic you feels another perspective.  Be that.


Allow your expansion

Your invite everyone you encounter. How you view each one is up to you.  Nothing external affects how you feel inside unless you allow that.  As you choose to feel vibrational reality, and you focus there, then emotions do not distract you from the big picture.  Fare ye well. Wisdom allows you to access and be happiness regardless of what happens.  Taste it.  Allow nothing to affect peace of mind. Keep things in perspective.

Regardless of what you see in the external world, how you choose to feel determines what unfolds. You cannot find what you do not believe. You do not experience what you do not feel. Release resistance to what is actual in a vibrational reality.  What you seek is never lost. Know it exists.  You feel it into being. Expect the perfect unfolding.  Restore faith and trust. You deprive yourself only through your focus or patterns of thought. Do not bend the truth to fit you.  Be awake.  See life as it truly is. Clarity is here already.


See yourself as you are

As you see yourself as you are, limitations no longer exist. You see through illusion and know clarity.  As you see yourself as you are, expectations, goals and possibilities fade, and you give your undivided attention to closing the gap.  As you see yourself as you are, you no longer care who gets credit for a result.  Instead, you focus on activating feelings of joy, security, acceptance and expansion.   As you see yourself as you are, you no longer view yourself or your ideas as an anomaly. The extraordinary becomes ordinary, and you stop resisting. As you see who you are, you realize your chosen experience is your truth at any given moment.  Knowing replaces questioning.  Stillness replaces agitation and restlessness.