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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "From the moment you shift from, why is this happening to me, to why am I creating this or why am I responding this way, you begin to heal wounds and take back personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in expansion (73)


10 Visuals to Live More Fully

Whatever you currently perceive as your life conditions, practice these ten visualizations to live life more fully:

(1) Imagine yourself open wide and expanding  
(2) Feel like pure water: see everything in crystal clarity
(3)  Be like the wind, in the flow, embracing cycles
(4) Ground yourself in the heart, align with what feels right 
(5) Taste what it is to be immersed in this eternal moment
(6) Discover what it is to celebrate and appreciate all of life, to do everything with passion and joy
(7) Trust the universe, accept everything unfolds perfectly
(8) Relish creative expression to unleash True Nature
(9) Let go of all thoughts and beliefs that express resistance 
(10) Love everything, every encounter and experience

Shift how & what you see

You may have heard that it requires a certain amount of time or number of days to change a habit. To shift how and what you see is not based on time so much as on vibration.  

The familiar five senses you use to decode or interpret life are filters.  They may seem to tell you a lot, and people are taught to rely on them as reliable guides.  Yet, in doing so, you may not realize you block other senses out completely.  

This is not about seeing the world through rose-colored glassess.  Its about being aware of the unconscious lenses you already wear, consciously evolving to see through them. 

At the perfect moment, something shifts or arises within you. When ready, you use a different compass to navigate through life. The language of geometry offers  something different. It is all about recognizing what you are taught and letting go, allowing nature and its ancient wisdom to be your pilot.  



5 Steps to expand your options

To think you are at a crossroads in your life is a breakthrough.  Raise awareness. Consider 5 steps to expand your options;

1) Accept that your beliefs about yourself and the world are incomplete.  Beliefs are self-created and accepted limitations. Who you are (unlimited being) has no-thing to do with beliefs.

2) Be willing to deepen understanding of yourself and the world.  Whether you understand or not makes no difference to Truth.  The panorama expands when you do not believe or disbelieve.

3) Be open to recognizing new possibilities.  Only in openness can clarity emerge.  Only then do you act as a mirror and no longer distort the bigger picture. You are now ready to see it.

4) Let go of barriers (prejudices) that block deeper vision.  Notice options are unlimited unless fear gets in the way. Courageously examine new possibilities.  Get out of the way.

5) Embrace core Nature.  This implies always being honest with yourself, listening closely to intuition, feeling your way through life. Know that how you live can reflect your highest view of love and compassion or deny it.  Love.  Infinite options to love exist.


Read the signposts

Everything you experience is a kind of signpost or, riddle to be solved.  In a way, every being exists to decode or decipher his own being. Questions such as "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" are guides to explore the unknown.

As regarding events you perceive with the physical senses, humans are currently living through tests for their humanity.  Anything you cling to in your own life is offering a lesson about change and detachment.  Each individual is invited to find a way to let go of old ways of doing to embrace new ways of being.  Being honest involves  remembering how to listen to your heart, being open to possibilities that defy logic.  Be aware there is always more going on than recognized by your filters of beliefs.  Notice what happens as you allow yourself to explore options presenting for you.  You are being by love rather than fear, expanding into more of yourself.


Transparency is taking shape

As you no longer have any references for what you are beginning to see,  transparency is emerging.  Gradually, things are moving in your midst.  Let the images and story reveal themselves.  The sharpness of your inner vision depends on the fineness of your vibrating energy.  Clarity arises as you are very relaxed.  The stranger the experiences emerging from within, the less you can understand or describe.  Simply be excited. 

As you reach a place where nothing is weird or abnormal, everything functions with its own special magic.  Miracles no longer exist as exceptions to the rule.  Everything has a particular feel.  From birth, you have tendencies toward various aspects of life.  As you grow conscious of your breath, how you feel and harness energies, shifts everything.

In the wider world, miracles present with perfect timing and purpose.  Individuals accept miracles as stepping stones to deeper recognition of the unseen.  Each being can consciously sense at higher levels.  Subtle energies that are constantly flowing though.  You may be confused about how to translate them. This is beyond words.  Emotions feedback quickly through the physical body and as an interface with the world.  Play with the energies, see what happens.

Every moment, you are changing the imprints of frequencies of your being.  To separate from deep awareness is a step away from getting back into the full light, from being more consciously back in with the flow.