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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (630)


Allow energy to flow with ease

Notice what occurs to our dreams, sense of being and purpose as we refocus to navigate existence with energy awareness. Shifts in consciousness happen as we allow "light" to guide us. Although sensing energy is second nature, (only to sight), this ability usually lies below conscious awareness. It flows in the background, remains unconscious until we decide to be aware of its presence. To recall we are energy beings, existing in an energy world, helps shake us out of unconscious patterns. Ancient wisdom and modern physics both describe the sea of quantum energy in which we exist, and our body is composed of oscillating fields within a liquid crystal structure. Consciousness itself is captured within the brain’s matrix of holonomic photons. Familliar physical senses distract us from energy awareness. Intuition provides energetic information (as energy and info are inseparable) about another person’s feelings, the negative energy in a particular place, or even about food quality. Bringing this natural sensing ability into conscious focus is the key to shifting into consistent heartfelt living. Tuning into this innate sensory capacity transforms your experience. Beyond the obvious, it is key to the flow of spiritual paths. Unleashing True Nature is about moving through 3D distractions to activate the light body. This requires inner work with shifting, changing, and monitoring body energies over an extended period. We can learn to pack bioenergy into certain areas, condensing, storing, and distributing finer forces. The alchemical refinement of our subtle energy systems and purification of the five elements demand the same skills. The entire process is about awareness moving within our body field with ease. Purification is initiation to activate more advanced alchemy. The process invites tuning in to sense and contain our core energies, to-get-to-know energy on a visceral level. If it resonates, we begin to experience how emotions and thoughts all ride these energies. We grow aware of stored forces within the bones, the abdominal plexus, the gonads, and other tissues. With energy awareness, we may also begin to see, from a practical, not just moral point of view, how useless it is to waste precious energies on hatred, ill-will, jealousy and unconscious engagement. Energy awareness accelerates transformation. Without valuable preparation/ inner work, we are a priceless bioenergetic missile, possibly unique in our galaxy, ready to launch, but with no fuel or insight to power it. Growing aware of energy blockages, then accessing and fine-tuning energy within u, is the groundwork to initiate a natural process. Only then do inner flames ignite and illumination occur.


Engage intuition interdimensionally

Notice everything is a state of mind which emits a frequency. Astral travel is the ability to wander through different states of mind and deepen awareness of subtle energies and realms right here. This is about activating, strengthening innate abilities and systems to move through dimensions at will. Recall intuition is language of the Soul. Astral and other Beings pierce the veil and observe human activities in 3-D yet, only as one expands consciousness does one glimpse astral beings and travellers as well as venture consciously to explore other stellar worlds.


Love is a mirror

Notice how you love yourself is how you show others to love you. Falling in love with yourself can seem difficult. We tend to be the hardest on ourselves because we see and feel inside what others do not. Each of us knows ourselves better than anyone. The heart knows we only control our response to situations. Falling in love with self consists in being authentic, seeing through self-created illusions, and being willing to shift and deepen self-love and acceptance. Be true to Soul.


Vulnerability is strength

Notice the more vulnerable we are, the more invulnerable or untouchable we are. Contrary to what is often taught, we are only ever vulnerable to ourselves. What other people think is irrelevant. Fear of vulnerability stems from fear of self-love. The irony is that to be vulnerable is to be truly powerful, confident and free. To be fully open and transparent, is to hide nothing, fear nothing and be indomitable. As we love and accept ourselves as we are, fears and insecurities fall away. We only seek to control others so long as we are run by insecurities. The more vulnerable we are, the more the subconscious trickle of negative thoughts/ beliefs dissipates. Society is designed to make us protective of self-image. Social acceptance is based on a keeping up an "acceptable" identity. Embracing vulnerability invites us to break the shell that hides who we are so we reveal it and grow as a Soul. Society trains and challenges us to project and reach outward for a sense of success and happiness until something shifts our focus inward. As you choose love, choose to be more gentle and kind to self and others, you embrace vulnerability, consciousness expands and realities shift. Being conditioned into anxious states keeps us looking outward for success and happiness so people avoid finding security within. Fear is metaphysical energy moving into greater fear and illness. Vulnerability is a path to opening up and questioning everything you think about yourself, to go with the flow of what comes and goes. As consciousness expands, what one fears losing turns out to be the construct of social conditioning. At the perfect moment, it dawns the transition from metaphysical and physical to purely metaphysical is simply a change in energy. Being aware of everything as energy, is a state where fear no longer runs you. As long as you fear death, attachment, identity, the body, life mirrors your fear. As you begin to see fear is illusion, you stop fearing judgement, retribution, constructs, ideas linked to death and dying. Caution though. This goes way beyond a mental journey. True aliveness unfolds through a mulit-facited, visceral journey. Ultimately, vulnerability is a choice and a vibrational energy field. Trust is also a vibration. Choosing to let go of defenses that cloud more than the solar plexus is life-changing. It marks milestones, stages of Soul transformation.


Everything has Perfect Timing

Notice you can only assist or empower another to the degree they are willing to help themselves. Wisdom unfolds from the inside out like an awakening lotus. People only hear information they can vibrationally receive at their state of consciousness. People are always doing their best at their level of consciousness. The urge to simply be yourself and let go of layers of illusion occurs when you are in a state of higher consciousness. As consciousness increases and expands, you feel connected to everything. Energies that enter one's scope of awareness are beyond verbal description. This requires alignment in thought, word, action. Light Body Activations occur with perfect timing. It is an alchemical process triggered within Oneself.

(image of Cosmic Consciousness by Cameron Gray)