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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in truth (123)


Activate a process older than time

(Image credit: Sacred geometry 9 by Endre Balogh)
Notice interdimensional travel happens as we master the breath, reinstate the full endocrine system and co-creative systems as well as natural energy functions. Intrinsic is the interaction with geometry that echoes coherence, wholeness and the truth that the human body is itself an antenna for receving, decoding and transmitting unseen energies. The Template Ceremonies help to reinstate the Source Code. Beyond the limits of this dualistic paradigm, human DNA and consciousness were manipulated. The original "transcendental human" can access any time or energy level in the universe. We each have potential to raise awareness, reclaim sovereignty and superconsciousness that is our birthright. Each sacred geometry emits frequencies of light, has different effects on electromagnetic circuitry and unique functions in different dimensions. Each sacred geometry is an enegetic being that interfaces with us within specific dimensions. In 3D, certain geometries have restorative properties over organs and systems that function symbiotically. The nature and construction of each geometry, the materials used and how they come together, are all elements of a certain process. As human beings do inner work, and shift to see everything as energy, dormant abilities come online and new opportunities open. We grow to tune into a wider range of frequncy realities on the cosmc spectrum. Our energy being tunes into more frequencies, and multi-sensory perception expands. We can even jump frequencies using our sentience as we recall how to feel and master our five energy bodies and 5 elements of creation. This guides one to transmute energy and consciously interface with the frequencies of sacred geometries. Reading of the formation of a star is not same as living it. The Truth is felt. Vast abilities activate as part of a process of initiation and evolution older than time itself.


True Freedom is Self-evident

Notice True Freedom is not about resistance, and is not earned or achieved. True freedom is an awareness that arises as you realize you are God. This is Self-evident. Why you know thySelf, all is revealed. Freedom cannot be taken away, manipulated, or threatened in any way by external forces. True Freedom is. It is embraced or blocked (resisted) in our own mind. The growing awareness of this initiates an alchemical process that affects life choices and situations as well as the expansion of multi-dimensional human experience. Shape your worth in image of God.True essence is mirrored by inner light, or infinite presence that is Divine Being. As we begin to see everything as a version of God, every interaction becomes an act of worship. Energy shifts as one surrenders the ego to God consciousness. Imagine what its like not to be caught up in anything but fullness, joy, service, empowerment, or acts that do not require reciprocity. We move from a materialistic system to an altruistic one. This freedom from neediness, is the realisation is you are already everything. This revelation precipitaes the feeling experience of True Feedom. All bondage relates to ego consciousness. The only path for relief from suffering is to turn inward to the open heart and realize I AM That which I have been looking for- the faceless, imageless presence. The act of self-recognition can happen in an instant. The moment we let go of the demands the external world says we require, it dawns True freedom is here all along. This dream is made up of our own projections. Once we awaken and become co dreamers of the cosmic dream, the world becomes a sea of blessings. These are not made up of our wishes, but rather inconceivable things that often go unrecognized. The very wanting of reality brings forth that which we do not initially see. Recongize the supreme reality that radiates on the phenomenal plane. This moment beckons for us to gain an unrestricted, unlimited insight into who we are. Be open to a level of mind that transcends artificial divisions such as language, decentralisation or ideas of separation of any kind. Awaken to True Freedom. All life is suddenly an act of grace. (image: Golden Beings of Light)


Be receptive to deeper Truths

Notice mandalas connect us with divine being and act as doors to other worlds. Mandalas echo sacred geometry and activating interdimensional abilities embedded in our DNA. Looking closer, it dawns core patterns are reflected in nature, in architecture and the swirling energy of the cosmos. The word mandala has Hindu origin and is derived from the root ‘manda’, which means essence, and the suffix ‘la’, meaning container. "Mandala" appears in the Rig Veda, a collection of mantras or hymns chanted in Vedic ceremonies. The universe was believed to originate from these mantras, whose sacred sounds contained the genetic patterns of beings and things. This is why “mandala” echo sacred places and worlds which, by their very presence, remind a viewer of the divine universe and its potential in oneself. Mandala describes any geometric symbol that represents the cosmic energy in a metaphysical or symbolic matter. reflect motion that comes full circle in the universe. Mandalas prompt us to feel centred, to reflect deeply and begin to recall our origin is realms of unimaginable power and light. We access this when in harmony with the big picture. To draw and colour mandalas is a spiritual exercise. This opens us up to connect with energy fields, Earth and planetary grids and to energetically connnect with interdimensional realms. The metaphysical world is a bridge to the physical world. To connect with knowing that has no beginning or end points to what is here. To see everything as a divine reflection is to see everything as a mirror on a different scale of the same energy. As one communes with mandalas and sacred geometry, one balances apparent polarities and allows the Truth to reveal itself. (mandala art by Irina Artamonova from


Rediscover paradise

Notice though often overlooked or temporarily forgotten, we are one with Nature. Freedom is calling each of us on a unique path of remembering. This desire will take One to where it rises from: Self. All other desires burn in the fire of the divine Sun. An archer metaphor suits. Although our intentions and actions are under our control, the direction taken by the arrow as it leaves our bow of life is influenced by variables beyond our control. How we respond as the arrow flies is up to us. Do we rise up to a higher level, appreciate life from a whole new vantage point? All Nature calls us away from suffering and fear into our own Divine Being. Any sense of separation from the Divine, from Truth, is merely imagined into experience. This is how suffering is born. The unchanging, ever-present Truth in the hearts of All. The world is a mosaic of expressions in which each of us is invited to awaken. To discover paradise is already all around us is also to recognise paradise within. The serenity in Love is a kind of paradise. The Truth is Self-evident.


Recall the Christ Consciousness Grid

Notice Christ Consciousness (or Oneness Consciousness) is a geometry being that has been present around the Earth since the origin of Humanity. It is the 5th level of consciousness that human DNA can achieve. This is one level above the current widespread one of 46+2 DNA chromosomes. The 5th level form is a stellar dodecahedron (sacred geometry). The biblical 'Fall from Grace' is a metaphor that refers to descent from higher vibrational (5th level) functioning to lower functionning. It occurred after the collapse of Atlantis 13,000 years ago. Around 1989, the Stellated Dodecahron (Spirit/Prana) re-emerged. Yet, it’s energies also combine both the Dodecahedron and Icosahedron. Its a powerful tool of Unconditional Love Frequency. The Stellated Dodecahedron, or the Christ Grid, holds the template of all the preceding templates expressed as geometric forms. It is an expression and model of integrated completion and coherent unity of all the foundational templates. The Christ Grid stimulates us to evolve into conscious awareness with our open heart and with high levels of impeccability and integrity. The Christ Grid also helps us integrate and harmonize a group unity. This Grid is a single, collective consciousness. The grid of unity or Christ consciousness is a combination of two Platonic solid forms that form a star dodecahedron – a dodecahedron (12 pentagonal faces) and an icosahedron (20 triangles). These forms are two of the five forms known as Plato’s solids or Perfect Bodies. Platonic solids are the only existing shapes whose vertices perfectly match the inner surface of the sphere. Many cultures viewed these forms as sacred. The structure of Christ consciousness creates a network of third-stage consciousness of the human race, which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds planet Earth and unites human consciousness. A network of consciousness of unity exists around the planet about 100 km (60 miles) from the earth’s surface into the atmosphere. This network also exists around every living thing. There are millions of these nets and from space they look like a ray of light around the earth. Every single species of every living thing, even if it is a beetle, has or must “have” a network of energy that surrounds the Earth in order to exist. This Grid is the Akashic library of this planet. It allows access to any information about everything that ever took place on Earth. As consciousness expands, the true story of Earth is accessible within along with vibrational Truths of Source that cannot be tampered with. The true Love vibration is ever present.