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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in energy (250)


Experience this timeless moment

Pay attention. Notice how time controls you and how you can experience timelessness. Some people stop wearing a watch or consciously shift focus of attention. Know time does not have to control or define you. Notice time only shapes and limits your life, if you allow it. You are not at the end of a process. You are the process, the original force of cosmic explosions, unfolding and expanding forever. You are the energy of the universe beyond definition.

To truly start to see things as they are, go into them. Be them. Feel what vision is as Soul. See the brilliant light of the cosmos in everything.  You evoke light in it all. BEing who you are, you call into being the light of everything. Be the timeless light.


Transparency is taking shape

As you no longer have any references for what you are beginning to see,  transparency is emerging.  Gradually, things are moving in your midst.  Let the images and story reveal themselves.  The sharpness of your inner vision depends on the fineness of your vibrating energy.  Clarity arises as you are very relaxed.  The stranger the experiences emerging from within, the less you can understand or describe.  Simply be excited. 

As you reach a place where nothing is weird or abnormal, everything functions with its own special magic.  Miracles no longer exist as exceptions to the rule.  Everything has a particular feel.  From birth, you have tendencies toward various aspects of life.  As you grow conscious of your breath, how you feel and harness energies, shifts everything.

In the wider world, miracles present with perfect timing and purpose.  Individuals accept miracles as stepping stones to deeper recognition of the unseen.  Each being can consciously sense at higher levels.  Subtle energies that are constantly flowing though.  You may be confused about how to translate them. This is beyond words.  Emotions feedback quickly through the physical body and as an interface with the world.  Play with the energies, see what happens.

Every moment, you are changing the imprints of frequencies of your being.  To separate from deep awareness is a step away from getting back into the full light, from being more consciously back in with the flow.


Review common sense

Review your view of common sense. This is nothing more than a set of collective beliefs or prejudices that evolves based on widespread acceptance.  Notice where you refer to common sense, resonate with it or not. Notice where you think and feel in ways that disconnect or alientate you from common sense. This births of your own uniqueness. Notice to what degree you accept and explore or resist and reject yourself. 

Imagine you are energy, and the universe. You do not find intelligent organisms living in an unintelligent environment.  A rose bush in a garden produces rose bushes.  A tree in a forest produces pinecones.  Energy in the universe produces people.  We emerge in the world like vegetation births new life in Nature. In this way, we are one in the same.

That is, you may view yourself as arising from the world or the light from which all things begin.Everything depends on the attitude you take towards the world. If you ground your thinking in common sense, that is common view of what is possible, accepted and real, you limit yourself and do not allow self to realize potential and see the bigger picture. If however, you relish the flow and evolution of life, opportunity and dreams, all is always unfolding perfectly. All is well already. Expanding senses are not always consciously recognized.  Awareness of what is arises when one is receptive.

Recognize though, that you do not have to see something to make it real.  What is real for one person may feel more or less real to another.  Imagine self-acceptance is common.


Be aware of encoded communication

Life experience is activating something within you.  This is drawing attention to core state of being.  Activation is transmitted through the written word, through books, the Internet and other media.  Energy itself is passing to and through you in the here and now.  Energy passes by way of the tone of voices you hear, by the word choices that stand out to you.  Energy passes through the physical bodies of humans and other creatures you encounter on this path.  Much is conveyed on subtle levels and waves.

Recognize that human senses are interconnected.  They draw the same energy like channels on a radio dial.  Light and sound are both vibrations yet at very different frequencies.  Beyond the five familiar senses where the mind grounds itself, energy flows seemlessly outside time and space. Whatever the mechanism, everything you think and feel and say is connected to people you pass by or with whom you never interact directly.

For instance, as you walk by strangers on the street, your energy flows into them.  Someone could experience an instantaneous revelation or healing right there.  You can think about someone and send thoughts (telepathy) and energy can also be received.  As awareness expands, you feel more comfortable functionning in less controlled surroundings.  Distant healing is another way energy is sent and received.  Your essence is in fact an energy transmitter.  Do what feels right.  Everything goes well.


Allow all feelings to dance

As a living being, you are rediscovering what is natural.  Part of your nature is to discover all emotions and allow them to flow.  It is fine to express how you feel in the moment.  

Watch children in their candidness and spontaneity. They do not judge or second guess themselves. They are like a free flowing river unless someone reprimands them. If this happens, its like the river comes up against rocks or rapids.  Where do you buck the current?

Ponder how it serves you to dwell on anger, doubt, fear or other heavy energy. What happens as you allow discomfort to get implanted under your skin? Do you scratch the itch?

At some point, you are going to encounter people who disagree with you or, who are closed off to what you are experiencing. What you feel is alive and true for you even if it is not someone else's reality.  Be awareness. Surprise yourself. Peace is not something to be kept or forced. All emotions have peace inside them. You do not find peace.  It arises as you allow it to be here.

In essence, you are aware of space yet, space is not aware of 'you.'  What is real does not need saving or changing as the mind thinks it does.  Watch what happens as you allow all feelings to dance.  Each one is a teacher inviting you to see beyond external conditions to feel through the lens of soul. Through the divine eye, everything is appreciated as it is and for what it is.

Notice you share an experience differently with people.  You may think you express love differently to a friend, child, lover, parent and acquaintance, yet do you really? Only the mind is capable of judging and distinguishing different kinds of love. The heart simply loves.