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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Entries in energy (250)


The Power of Love 

Love is described in many ways.  Often overlooked is that every instance you say, "I love ...anything" perpetuates illusions of separation. Humans are taught to fear the impersonal. This is why its common to be concerned with creating an identity, gathering labels, credentials and accumulating roles and experiences or stories to share.  People are taught to fear losing these ideas, and so, experience a tug-of-war within. Whenever discomfort arises, this is a gauge you are drifting or turning away from the truth felt in the heart. The power of love never stops vibrating through everything. Your body is simply a vehicle where you tune in or out of the flow of something bigger than you.

Watch what happens as you turn away from the personal, from desires and fears, from the thoughts and memories they create, the sense of linear time and space or familliar points of reference.  Hence the phrase, 'all roads lead to Rome'.  Home is not a place, but a feeling that is felt come what may. Being the witness allows the natural state to reveal itself beyond self-created illusions.  Every moment the Light has potentlal to illuminate itself.

Thus, it is said, whatever you do, happiness is. It is not dependent on experiences. Real love is without conditions.  Everything is actually love energy in motion.  What is perceived is shaped by mental filters until mental filters are recognized as they are and allowed to dissolve.

The true Power of Love is felt as everything is felt to have equal value.  That is, everyone you meet, every experience is created, orchestrated and/or destroyed by you for lessons.  Every revelation triggered, every thought and feeling, is the universe speaking to and through itself, in infinite diversity. 


Navigate the best you can

Bring yourself out of your head and into the heart. Trust the frequencies that arise in your experience. Go with the current. Life takes you to places that evoke every emotion you allow, including fear and discomfort. Discomfort is where you learn your greatest lessons. Go completely into whatever you feel. The best thing to do is to face everything you create for yourself for each experience has a deeper message. Nothing in life is easy but everything is simple,when you pay attention. Remind yourself that you are okay, regardless of what is unfolding. Experience is opening you up to parts of Self that you did not know existed.

Face the challenges you create for yourself. Each one is an energetic message just like every word emits an energetic frequency. This is the only way you emerge with the conscious wisdom that always exists within you.  The quality of your life expands and insight deepens in unforeseen ways. 

Notice you can view every event as a gift that brings deeper and more expansive levels of understanding. See yourself as generator, orchestrator and destroyer of all we experience. We are shaping ourselves and growing into true nature.


Reaching cosmic consciousness

Increasing interest in cosmic consciousness is inspiring me to initiate a new radio show. This notion is introduced November 26 during the Insight Radio show I co-host with Steven Hairfield and will broadcast regularly in 2016. The new show is arising due to increasing interest in my Facebook posts as well as experiences with activated bio-circuitry from the Template Ceremonies. The show is to include interviews and listener participation. Invite you to read Worldbridger by Juliet and Jiva Carter and to watch their videos on youtube or vimeo. This show explores energy in motion on a whole new level. Reaching cosmic consciousness is another way to Transform Your Life.


3 Tips to keep your energy up

Whatever you currently focus on in your life is pointing to what you are not yet seeing.  Take these three tips to heart:

1) Be aware of your thoughts.  They almost always trigger feelings and emotions.  It is these feelings and emotions that determine your energy level. Infinite energy is always available to you from the cosmic source. Imagine a beam of light going into the top of your head from the universe. When you feel inspired, excited or optimistic, energy flows much faster to you.  Love keeps this cosmic channel open and clear. Negativity, like fear, doubt, or anger, block the channel.  It is why you may feel drained, anxious, heavy, uninspired. 

2) Think less, intuit more.  The act of thinking invites analysis.  This gets in the way of the flow of energy and inspiration.  Notice that when you allow yourself to make choices that feel right, no thinking is involved.  Action is is more spontaneous and turns out to be in your best interest. 

3) Trust yourself.  The underlying reasons for choices you intuit are not always clear when you act.  And yet, heaven always knows that what you do not initially see or understand reveals itself to you when you are ready to handle it. 


3 Tips to experience more freedom

Many people say they would like to experience more freedom. It is useful to ask yourself what you mean by freedom, and from what or whom are you seeking it?

You might reply from certain people, conditions or society. You may change relationships or conditions and temporarily feel liberated  Yet, notice what happens as you recognize you can only give or deny freedom to yourself. Here are 3 tips:

1. Recognize freedom begins and ends in the mind.

Thoughts are energy and this power is often underestimated. You can convince yourself you are constrained or held in some situation by circumstances beyond your control.  Yet ultimately, you are the generator, organizer and dispenser of your thoughts. Your thoughts project your experience.  You decide what matters. As a human being, you are free to choose how to think, free to respond to your own thoughts.  The freedom you have is free will.

2. Reflect on what food and drink tells you about freedom

To see and feel that everything is interconnected (as it is), is to recognize what you eat and drink sends a message about the freedom you are ready and willing to allow yourself.  Universal law says you receive and experience what you give. To choose to eat meat, eggs, dairy, or any animal products, it is like denying other living beings the happiness and freedom you think you want. This idea goes back thousands of years to the timeless wisdom of the Yoga Sutras. Yogis are often vegan or subsist on air energy (prana) alone. We each weave our own tangled web of karma until we are conscious and transcend it.  Our perceived reality is being created from our own actions.

3. Be more aware of how you feel 

When you agree with what life is showing you, you are in harmony with yourself.  When you disagree with what life is showing you, you are in disharmony with yourself. You attune to and respond to what feels natural or to choose instead to tune out or be selectively aware. This is part of your freedom.