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"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Reconnect with your core frequency

"Not all those who wander are lost.” -J.R.R. Tolkein

A new wave of energy triggers upheavals for humanity. You have the choice to believe that completely unpredicatable phenomena will continue to enrich this physical world. You also have the choice to permit fear to shape mental visions and ideas.  What kinds of scenarios seem increasingly present for you? What do shifting moods indicate inside? What if all this is a strategy to reconnect with core frequency?

1) You sense what is happening now.  To be more aware of your creative power, you are learning to discern high and low vibration energy. Its helpful to acknowlege heavier states of being.  You are integrating intuitive and rational sides of the self. To move to sense completeness, you gain insight into the feeling of energy contracting and expanding within. 

2) Imagine the catapult effect.  Energy can be harnessed and released.  Think of a projectile or the action of an underlying catapult.  You decide how deeply you will mentally explore negative energy and vibrations. To grow to discern related sensations offers insight into stress and perspectives that hold you back.  This insight propels you to move to lighter states of being.

3) Rediscover what 'fully awake' means.  You are gradually learning what motivates you to leave a psychological comfort zone and what compels you to return to a sense of baseline frequency.  You create the conditions that inspire and encourage or contract your energy and create unstable energy.

  • Be aware of the effect on your energy when you are altrusitic, self-sacrificing and over-zealous. How would you describe the overall effect on your thoughts, physiology and perception?
  • Imagine shifting between positive and negative views of your current conditions. What wisdom dos this offer in terms of your feelings? That is, what serves you or not?
  • Consider the impact on vibration when you ponder negative scenarios. How does your energy level change? What effect does this have on your core frequency of peace, acceptance and joy?


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Reader Comments (8)

Great points to ponder, Liara--I think that self-awareness is always beneficial as we can learn so much from our minds (and bodies) if we listen carefully.

I know that when I am involved in helping others, it has a tremendous effect on my happiness and health. In fact, this is a point that I counsel others on--when they are feeling down/depressed, a great remedy is to get away from oneself and get out and try to help others. Long ago, in my recovery, a wise medicine man told me, "Melinda, when we are all wrapped up in ourselves, it makes a small package." This is a somewhat corny saying--but it is true, nonetheless. Giving of ourselves to those less fortunate allows us to view a much bigger picture than if we remain wrapped up in our own turmoil.

Thank you (as always) for sharing such beautiful, thought-invoking, posts.

May 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelinda
Melinda, the soul journey includes phases where you misunderstand what you are. In choosing to believe you lack something intrinsic you need, you go through a process to rediscover how every being is perfected in every dimension. Unconditional love and self-acceptance return via practical experience. The truth is only ever felt.
May 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hello Dear Liara.

Are the core frequencies akin to emotions? As in the low frequencies are worry and sadness? And the high frequencies the more positive emotions, like joy and laughter?
May 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJannie Funster
Core frequency is aligned with your intention and soul when you are completely honest, loving and accepting of your authentic self. It is an internal baseline for the life you choose. Human beings are increasingly noticing internal and external energy, its levels of intensity and the basis of how it works. This includes principles of frequency, vibration, resonance, cycles and others. Your personal vibration shifts based on emotions you choose to generate or release. You determine the intensity of energy you produce, the volume and impact it has. You decide whether you react based on aligning with your dreams or alienating yourself from them. Slower, distorted frequencies relate to choices you make that are not aligned with what you truly are and feel most ready to do.
May 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

I like Tolkein's quote. It is often that we feel lost when we wander down lonely paths, but we are only going down the paths that have been lit by those before us. There are answers to life's quagmires that are sprinkled throughout the path. All we have to do is stop, look and listen. Spirit is speaking in volumes.
May 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
Alexys, you have a fabulous way of reminding fellow readers about the timeless guidance available to everyone. As Tolkein says, one is never lost. One is always found. To have the answer, be consciously aware of that answer and to accept it, are sometimes separate states of mind. Physical existence is the process of soul alignment. The mind shifts consciousness to align with soul. Applying mental force to things does not work if they are not meant to be experienced this way. The universe registers when you pass feeling milestones even if you are not consciousof them. The process of awareness brings you in-line with universal energy flow. Its all coming back.
May 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Wow! It amazes me (but doesn't surprise me) how accurately this describes my experience. Thank you .
May 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterC. Om
C.Om, as you progress in mind from doubting to believing and make your way toward the certainty of inner knowing, there are stages where you experience things you cannot explain yet still desire to. Rest assured, every experience you have is useful to you, even periods of apparent contemplation. As you allow yourself to feel everything, what you are doing is balancing out energy vibration and also gainig indescribable insight into an ongoing process.
May 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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