All is well already

The mind invites you to define things on your terms, based on degrees of self understanding. Beyond this, something constantly flows and expresses itself in ways that resonate deeply.
Unspoken intentions are known beyond the physical. Awareness opens based on levels of conscious self-acceptance. Until then, you hear what you are willing to hear and block out the rest. The physical body expresses core well-being. Yet, what you allow yourself to see and experience reflects the level of alignment or mis-alignment of the mind and spirit with love.
Notice emotions that capture your attention. Are you focused on love or degrees of hope, doubt, fear and resistance? Unconditional love is silent and ever-present. Being here in the body you know as you is an exercise in awakening to your beliefs and habits. Its about self-recognition. The more you are open and receptive to love, the more you experience well-being. You align with who you are or pinch yourself off for the fun of it. Come what may, know all is well already.
So, the next time you feel a nudge from within, pay attention. Allow it to be second nature to be kind and compassionate to yourself and others. Imagine how life unfolds as you know this. Realize you left that temporarily to stretch and expand through experiencing contrast. It feels great to recall nothing fazes the essence of being. The unreal is a figment of imagination.

Reader Comments (10)
When everything is felt as if it were a close knit family and is therefore related within the scene of our creation..... then we are in phase and in relationship to that which we acknowledge into Being. Nothing Fazes one then out of alignment when we know in our hearts that the Faces we see are a reflection of our desires.
Wellness then comes from being Ready with All that we Experience. All is Read then from the Well of Being which comes from the Light of Knowing.
"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
The story about the passing of your hen reminds me of a story of a lady. She adopted a boy and promised him she would help him reunite with his biological mother at the age of 18. However, just after his 18th birthday, he died instantly from a motorcycle accident. His adoptive mom was very upset. She felt she had let him down and could have done something to alter his fate. She attended a Neale Donald Walsh workshop and voiced her confusion and anger at God. She felt she had always done the right thing and could not understand why God had taken her son before she could fulfil her promise. Neal helped her see that her son had reunited with his birth mother at age 18. The reunion is just not what her ego mind had envisioned. We are all invited to allow ourselves to see the bigger picture.
Sense you would find this Esther Hicks video very timely. Its called "From Grief to Joy" :