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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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6 Ways telepathy can help you

People will say it seems difficult to get a grip on telepathy as a phenomenon. You may ask yourself if it is real. If you decide its possible, then how do you do it and how can it help you?

Different exercises exist and can be explored to train your mind. The key starting point is belief in abilities you may not fully understand. Scepticism is not helpful. As you accept you are notmeant to grasp a phenomenon based on your current human points of reference, you can still choose to evolve to learn. People who consciously walk in the darkconfront fear.

When the pupil is ready, teachers appear. Where there is a will, a way presents itself, providing the core motivation is not ego. It is each person's responsibility to learn to remove their veils of illusion. Consider these five ways telepathy can help you;

1) Expand your frame of reference. Even right at this moment, you are exploring telepathy from inside the dual frame of reference. That is, you are a sender and receiver of information. You send a loving smile, 'the evil eye' or a flirtateous glance and this allconveys messages. You are not always consciously aware of what you are sending and receiving or, details of all destinations of your manyenergy vibrations. Nonetheless, you engage in telepathy whenever you bypass the use of language. Practice is slowly altering your self-perception.How youview yourselfis changing.

3) Develop energy reading. As you transfer thoughts using means other than the traditional five senses, you aredetecting andre-interpreting energy. When you anticipate who is calling before you answer the phone, when you accurately discern your needs before someone tells you,when you gradually expect the unexpected, then you arereadingenergy fluctuations. You are learning to translatewhat you intuit. You are attuning to energy differently, nurturing faith in your dormant faculties.

3) Sharpen deliberate intent. Rather than assume telepathy may be some curious, latent ability of few unique individuals, you can grow to realize that telepathy is another skill thatmay bedeveloped through focused training. The nature of deliberate intent enables a person to find ways to learn techniques and gradually develop skills to complement evolving awareness and internal mental capacities. For example, people who bend spoons with the mind consciously harness mindpower and energy vibration for purpose. To decide you can do something and to learn to focus your energy will expand your potential.

4) Shift applications of traditional senses. Human beings are conditioned that their five senses have specific applications. For example, you are taught to see color, smell aromas, taste flavours, touch sensations, and hear sound. This said,you can evolve to see sound with senses other than hearing. What would you say if you evolved to taste light? People sense auras with different faculties.Beliefslimit what youexperience.How you think canstill be greatly expanded.

5) Better understand fellow human beings. People exist who seem to function differently from many others. As you develop the patience to learn to communicate differently yourself, you will gain empathy and a new sense of inter-connectedness with all humanity. Youwill look at a person and convey messages more readily without words. In fact, you do this already without realizing it.

6) Move beyond fear.  In fiction, telepathy is often linked with conflict between good and evil.  You may have feared the notion of possessing mind control because it may be used to harm others or permit others to harm you.  The idea of developing ability to "push" thoughts, feelings, or hallucinatory visions into the mind of another person, to cause pain in others at will, paralysis, or unconsciousness, alter or erase memories, are all reasons why people do not explore the truth. If you permit fear to control you, then you do not permit your mind to dissolve illusion and experience the power of love.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hi Liara. "... learning to translate what you intuit." I like this concept, and how you spoke about our facial expressions and gestures -- how we are not always conscious of the messages we are sending.

It helped me tune in to the fact that there is a constant stream of energy emanating from us, whether we feel it or not. Just as we can be sensitive to a person we pass on the street, they can be as sensitive to us. It really IS important to be responsible for the space we hold. Reading your posts are like putting on a pair of glasses to see better with. :-)
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdavina
Davina, every moment offers infinite opportunities to attune to energy vibrations. Human beings forget that they are comprised of many more cells than they could ever count with human perception. Each cell is functioning at a particular level of awareness and all this is happening simultaneously. Human perception localizes your focus, that is, your mind selects where to hone in on energy activitiy. As you take steps to raise your awareness, you are opening doors to learn about possibilities within yourself that your conscious mind had not been willing to sense or accept. To alter your beliefs, alters your perception and also completely transforms your life.
January 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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