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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in dreams (68)


That which has no name

When you hear "he who cannot be named," the mind may wander to J.K. Rowling's fictional character Lord Voldemort in her Harry Potter stories.  Similarly, "that which has no name" often evokes feelings of confusion fear or dread in the mind. Why is that?

Take your dreams for instance.  You are conditioned to be able to name and thus, think you understand and have some level of control over your destiny. When you are unable to name or identify a thing, the mind cannot grasp it and assumes something is wrong.  What happens as you listen to the heart? What does it resonate that is beyond mind?

Consider "that which has no name" is not reason to fear, but reason to awaken to who you are. Perhaps it feels like a layer of a dream.  Indescribable sensations arise. Roll with this. Allow it to flow freely.  Notice what happens when there is nothing left to say. You Transform Your Life by admiring and identifying with others only to see yourself.

"Music...can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable."
-Leonard Bernstein


Building or allowing dreams

Everything speaks to and through you.  Sometimes this is hard to describe.  Dreams exist in layers.  Some are being built through action and others are allowed to unfold spontaneously. The focus of your attention allows awareness to appreciate dreaming from varied perspectives. Do you decide and take responsibility for the course of your life consciously or unconsciously?

When building or chasing dreams, you are taught to believe techniqes and methods. This is motivated by intellect and ego.  They show you reality through mental and emotional filters. Notice when you create dreams motivated by psychological fear. Notice why doubt arises. Notice dreams vanish when they hold no focus or attention. 

When allowing dreams to unfold, there is no teaching involved. They arise and intuition discerns them. To know is to feel whole and live or be this dream. Notice unwavering, unconditional love is flowing. Be that. Intuition is beyond intellect. It is not a technique you apply. It has not conditions and arises spontaneously. This dream never dies.


Reflect on dreaming

People are inspired and motivated by different things at different stages of their lives. You may find your mind in control of your attention, your heart and intuition guiding you, and even something else you cannot put your finger on at the helm of the dreaming.  Which kinds of dreams stand out for you?  Where is your focus right now?


Be the real thing

To be 'the real thing' is to be here now, focused entirely in the present moment.  How does this kind of attention impact on you?  What happens to the mind and its influence on your life as thoughts cease? As you feel this moment, how do you move?

When you ask how to be present, the mind tricks you into focusing on the future.  The present already exists and passes during your inquiry.  Notice how the mind creates visions of dreams and prompts you to assume they are merely a future possibility.  What happens as there is no more motive or seeking? What remains speaks for itself.


Expand spiritual growth

Some people ask how many levels exist in this dream?  Everything depends on perspective.  As strange as it may seem, you orchestrate exactly where you are and have everything available to you to complete the mission.  You have ability to heal yourself from past deeds perceived or incurred in previous incarnations.  Every lesson expands spiritual growth.  Your mission unfolds on many levels. Sense the love, the opportunities to show compassion, to act responsibly, to function in harmony and appreciation.  Experience the reason for creation of the universe. Feel the love expanding.  Learn and unlearn the nature of love.