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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in dreams (68)


Embrace what is here already 

Through direct experience in different areas of your life, you open up to how the body speaks to and through you. With certainty, you know your body is not a fixed entity.

Regardless of how you view the body, love is here already and constantly expanding through your choices to sense it or not. Every moment, the clouds of confusion are parting. Your body's alignment and energy levels shift.  What kind of communication do you notice?

Notice how you attract seemingly different external practices and behaviours in others. What this reflects back draws attention to a common thread.  They all invite you to recognize The Ten Pillars of Buddhism or guiding principles we can apply to daily life.  Gaining deeper insight into thoughts and feelings empowers you to transform from the inside out.  Allow compassion and inner wisdom to be your rudders in the ocean of life.

“Recognize that you have the courage within you to fulfill the purpose of your birth. Summon forth the power of your inner courage and live the life of your dreams. ”
-Gurumayi Chidvilasananda


What do your dreams reveal?

You are present and eager to be more aware of the nature of your own dreaming.  Fantastic! Notice how often you write down glimpses of what you recall from night dreams.  Notice whether you refer back and if so, what you allow yourself to recognize within and about the self. What occurs as you look as the soul? What is apparent?  Whatever you allow self to see, there's more.  It reveals itself as you get out of the way.

“That’s how I know they are dreams. Because the simple and plain and everyday things are the ones that we can never have." - Ally Condie


When questions cannot be answered

The mind asks questions.  It creates processes and ideas as a means to answer them. The mind is unaware that exerting effort to dream, to confirm its vision and reinforce its identity, is actually a way of slowly letting go of all that it thinks is real. 

Everything is taking place in the presence of something that merely sees.  It is always here even when attention is focused on concepts, on changing ego self-views, priorities, and questions.  It is always possible to release all that stands in the way of being that which cannot be lost, all that does not change. Notice what happens as questions arise that cannot be answered.  Energy and attention shift.  Without consciousness, nothing exists.  This cannot be understood.  That which sustains being, that which exists beyond all questions, is not invented.  Close eyes and see.

"The one who starts the inquiry does not finish the inquiry but is finished by the inquiry." -Mooji


Knowing your life purpose

So often, people allow fear and insecurities to trick them into postponing their dream.  Your mind may echo that you are not ready to take the next step and provide endless excuses to rationalize staying where you think you are, doing something you dislike. However, the ways you focus and see things always serves you.  Its up to you to realize how.

As you step back and watch the ego mind, you may notice it tells you that you have other priorities.  You may notice it echos you do not have the time, money, skills, training or degrees to realize a given goal.  This kind of talk plays on your self-worth and can deflate your enthusiasm and confidence, but only if you permit that. Fears and insecurities exist when you believe in them and allow them to hold you back.

Observing your own thoughts also helps you begin to realize the ego has motives for saying what it does.  You can appreciate what it has to say and you can also choose not to allow it to keep you from doing what inspires you.  Why not Be your Dream? This choose-your-own adventure is like a kaleidoscope with infinite realities.

"I've never begun any important venture for which I felt adequately prepared."
-Sheldon Kopp


Notice what you are not seeing

Regardless of what you are seeing or feeling at this moment, every experience invites you to clarify things for yourself.  Whatever dawns in the mind is there already.  There is no one path to follow. You matter as you are where you are.  Any tension you feel is telling you that you separate yourself from full awareness of ability and potential. 

Notice what you describe and the feelings evoked by each word you choose.  Giving words to experience can be an unconscious effort to control, understand or pin it down.  What's it like to contrast your experience with those of others?  Notice what happens as you allow Self to experience without describing or comparing.   Awareness arises. Notice that your focus of attention can shift to see what you are not yet seeing.  Every book you invite into your life has perfect timing.  Everything reminds you that you are a divine messenger with access to soul and inner knowing about who you are.

"You travel but in dreams, while safe at home." -A Course in Miracles (ACIM)