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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in peace (66)


Mindfulness serves you

Choices actually do not harm you.  Being unaware of the thinking process behind your choices or being selectively aware of the consequences, does not serve you.  You may ask then, what truly serves you? 

Many people are materially-wealthy but crave time. How often do you question or reflect rather than follow the norm? When it comes to happiness, how do you measure it, how much do you want or need? Contemplate the extent of your own short-sightedness.  Which choices serve you and which do not? When you want things, do you honestly feel satisfied? The wealthy are those who make time for each other, who create a loving quality of life. Peace, contentment, compassion, generosity, are immeasurable.  To want for nothing is a most wonderful feeling. As you align with timeless peace in the heart, share it with the world.


Enjoy the match

What if you choose to enjoy the match and forget about the possibility of winning any game? What if you concentrate on experiencing fulfillment where you are and stop reaching for what always seems beyond you? Why not stop trying to be anything different than you are, stop struggling to get somewhere. Learn to let go of craving, wanting, striving.  The end of suffering comes as you stop fighting and choose to be here now.  To keep mind still energizes rather than drains you.  Trust, allow peace and joy emerge from within.


How to create peace in a difficult situation

Some people speak of dream relationships where they always get along with others.  You may wonder how to create peace in what seems to you to be a difficult situation.    Many ways exist to perceive and respond.  Each one tells you things about your state of being.

1) Consider the possibility you suffer from misunderstanding and misapprehension.  Clarify the mind, purify heart and sactify life.

2) Imagine the experience of showing compassion.  Demonstrate you empathize or relate to concern expressed by another.

3) Discern the messages your behaviour sends.  All you do echoes scales (for acceptance/ rejection), motives, principles, and values.

4) Recognize problems created in mind are only ever solved there.  In order to conquer mind, you must take steps to transcend it.

5) Awaken to the role of consciousness in all this.  Sense true nature reveals itself when you accept your role in all that you create.


How do you feel synchronicity?

Many people  do not notice synchronicities in their lives.  Reflect on your own. What if you begin to recognize that every moment, your experience is what you truly need?  This is a wake-up call to be more aware of subtle feelings.

The desire to be more aware of day-to-day moments enables you to read them and your energy differently.  You can experience things on a fuller, deeper level.  You can sense that every circumstance is part of a process of coming to know who you are and what you are not. 

Every choice you make has more than one purpose.  Choose wisely, and you allow yourself to sense how love, peace, harmony and abundance communicate with you in every situation.  Simply shift your focus.  Awaken to the joy and interconnectedness of every moment. It is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


What blocks you from peace?

You may notice people around you seem serene yet you feel restless. What does this tell you?  The vibration of love is something that emerges from the core of being.  If you are disconnected, being aware of this is the first step to other kinds of recognition.

What happens as you sense perception is leaving out part of the bigger picture here?  Let yourself feel the flow of energy within. Listen to your word choices. Are these kind and compassionate terms grounded in the present tense?  Notice the food and beverages you consume.  How does this eating and drinking impact your thoughts and emotions? If you care for a car, would you run anything other than clean, healthy gas through its engine?

When you think, speak and focus anywhere other than in this moment, you block acess to timeless inner peace.  The truth of who you are exists and unfolds in a timeless realm without constraints even when your focus is not here. You can always shift attention.

Consider limitation only exists in mind. What motivates you to limit where you can go, what you can do, and how you express your true self? Why would you choose to ignore innate peace and contentment? What if you have power to Transform your life?