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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in clarity (47)


3 Ways to know truth for yourself 

Everything in life is a pointer that invites you to experience greater clarity. Imagine you are a mirror and choose to polish it. Ask yourself what it is to feel liberated. This is grasped in relation to its opposite. You measure heartfelt wisdom through direct experience.  Explore how it feels.

1) Let go of your reasons.  You are your own judge and jury.  Life gives you all the evidence to confirm what you value.  Be aware of how you navigate through life.  What represents your compass and reference points? Let them go. The helm of the ship knows how to steer itself.

2) Allow the Self to disappear. Be aware of what you cling to and how you create stepping stones or maps to follow in life.  Ponder the possibility that you do things for no reason.  Only the truth knows why things happen.  The mind can only imagine ideas of the truth.  You cannot change something using the same level of consciousness that creates it. Something sees beyond.

3) Say nothing.  See everything.  Nature is an infinite spectrum of miracles.  You are a telescope.  What you see is limited by filters. See them as they are and they dissolve instantly. 


Let it be

Imagine the life of your dreams is unfolding.  Allow it to be.  Know it is already here.  The only thing that stands in the way of the actual experience is your own mind. Watch the thoughts that pass through your head.  Notice what you focus attention on.  It is not a matter of asking how you can make it happen. Rather, it is a case of surrendering into what already exists for you. Get this: you do not know what it is until the moment you allow yourself to see, feel and find it.

Its as if every dream you could ever imagine is manifested in this un-namable place.  All of it is accessible to you from the moment you let go of any thoughts or beliefs that say its not possible. The conditioned mind only echoes why you do not deserve it, why a relationship cannot work, how obstacles stand between you and what you would like to have.  Watch what happens as you see through self-imagined illusions.  Decide to feel as though you live the life of your dreams.

Give this a go: visualize what feels right at this stage of life, allow yourself to see it clearly as you awaken in the morning and as the last thing you see before you are going to sleep.  Love all you do and see everything you do not do as a blessing.  Love all that arises.  Appreciate it is all directing, nudging and pointing you to what the heart already knows.  See one synchronicity guides you to another and another. Know every encounter and event is divinely orchestrated.  You do it all for your own learning.  The soul is awareness unfolding the bigger picture. Let it be.

"The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up." ~ Paul Valery


15 Benefits to seeing things as they are

For some people, seeing with genuine clarity happens spontaneously.  Other people journey through life and reach for guidance during stages of awakening, that is, a process of letting go of who they are not.  The more you come to see things as they are, the more revelations unfold.  As how you view changes, what you see also changes. Ponder what transforms as you:

1) Take nothing personally.  E-motion is energy in motion and no longer gets the best of you.

2) Feel complete and secure. Know what it is to require nothing outside to feel whole.

3) Be soul-centred rather than self-centred.  Discover purpose without being ego-driven.  

4) Realize all beliefs and intentions manifest.  Direct the true power of mind and thought.

5) See through behavior patterns.  Self-sabotage ends. The unconscious grows conscious.

6) Accept no answers exist to life. You know you always seek true nature or love.

7) Observe what you resist persists.  Surrender is accepting yourself as you are.

8) Activate quantum level healing.  Any imbalances re-align instantly & permanently. 

9) See Oneness rather than separation.  This allows deep appreciation of infinite diversity.

10) Act as your own authority. External approval is irrelevant.

11) Love fully.  This is about being light-hearted, feeling free. You live as joy.

12) Listen to stillness. Take breathes as a detached observer. Listen is 'silence' re-arranged.

13) Feel true nature is awareness. You are self-recognizing. Everything emerges here. 

14) Be in the now. All suffering resides in the past or fear of the future. When you live in this moment, the past and future are irrelevant.  Suffering cannot exist now. Awakening is knowing now is all that is. It never began and never ends. Core essence is aware being. From awareness emerges consciousness, the ability to think, from thought, the thinker arises in perceived time. 

15) See time as illusion. Recognize all suffering only exists in a period of perceived time where there is a lack of self love. The mind cannot engage in something with no points of reference. You cannot stop thinking.  Yet, as you come to see thoughts are unreal, you can let them flow. When you do not give them attention, they pass. That which never changes is real and never threatened.  


The scriptwriter emerges

Notice how you attribute responsibility to what appears to be happening, right here.  Notice if you attribute events to God, the universe, Higher power, or something else. Is that so? 

Imagine that wider awareness is revealing itself by part of self that is not yet fully clear.  Imagine that you cease resisting the heart, spirit and choice of being the scriptwriter and architect of life.  What happens as you begin to recognize not-knowing of something at any given moment is a choice of the wider you? Be aware of the page you are on.  A page lasts only as long as you allow it to hold attention. The book of life is constantly unfolding.  You are the camera, writer, director and single actor playing all roles. Every event is of your making.

Be aware.  This book of energy is constanty flowing, changing this is not a matter of a higher being who is not here, creating.  Some events that arise are judged and resisted.  Other events are embraced and loved as they are. The ups and downs of a movie are part of what intrigues you, fascinates and inspires you.  It is all you. 

Like Harry Potter, you are the invisible magician, who is forever changing the story, creating every aspect of the illusion you call life.  Although you script events, you do not script how you respond and feel.  See the same movie or read the same book again, and experience it again, as if for the first time. Diverse experiences exist by choice.

Notice what occurs as you begin to flow with life without wishing to change anything.  You grow detached from the plot and appreciate the wisdom of your scripting. Let go of the pain and never a dull moment. Every moment is a vital part of the unfolding. Trust yourself more. The higher power is you. Love life fully.  Love yourself fully. Embody joy.


Imagine awakening now

Imagine awakening to a world where everything you sense and perceive is like never before.  Memories no longer guide your choices.  Emotional reactions and judgement no longer cloud your view.  Clarity is what it is.  You no longer see things through mental filters are, but as they are.  You live in the moment, taking everything as it comes,  Appreciate the messages offered.  As you listen to the heart, open up and life to the fullest.

"However, anyone to whom this happens should not leave his room upon awakening, should speak to no-one, but remain alone and sober until everything comes back to him, and he recalls the dream." -Paracelsus