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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Entries in resistance (65)


Be kind to yourself

When was the last time you truly noticed how you treat yourself? Listen to the words you use. Are you kind? Are you understanding? Do you accept, resist or reject what is happening? Do you get easily uptight? This is an invitation to care.

Open your heart.  Allow yourself to feel your way through the inner messages you are sending. What if every time you communicate to the world, you are actually inviting yourself to love more unconditionally? Laugh uncontrollably.

“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.” 

-Mother Teresa


Release your vision of outcome

What is in your highest good presents in ways you may not at least initially recognize.  How often have you come to feel that not getting what the mind echoed you wanted turned out to be a good thing?  How often are you temporarily blinded by situations that emerge to stop you from going down a path not in your best interest? What prompts you to shift and see the blessing in disguise?

Take at least a moment to reflect on periods of frustration, fear, or anger.  Notice how choosing to feel anything other than compassion and appreciation reveals where you are resisting opportunities to help you expand.  You decide whether to Transform your life.


Why do you resist yourself?

Many people are unaware they resist who they really are.  This could be a key reason for your own percieved discomfort right now.  Why would you try to get away from yourself?  What would you say if you hold the power to change how you think and feel now?

Your feelings are a useful point of reference.  Be very honest.  If you do not feel perfectly aligned and in peace and harmony, then you are likely resisting something. Rest assured, you are equipped to figure this out.  You are also empowered to Transform Your Life.


5 Reasons to feel the expansion

Right now, energy is penetrating and radiating inside your body.  You choose to feel it on deeper levels than before.  Physicality is not separate from energy. You vibrate and perceive in a variety of ways.   Why choose to feel expansion? What if you let go of what mind thinks it knows should happen? How do you feel as the love that you are emerges?

1) Realize perception defines your reality.  Those things you see as solid also become fluid.  Those things you sense as fluid also become solid. You feel energy is going through constant transitions.  You focus on whatever states you choose. To perceive your body as an energy system means you are more accepting of alternating states.  You are like water, in constant movement or transition.  You are ready to re-experience previous states to let them go.

2) Sense presence affects awareness.  To focus on now does not arouse anything but permits love and joy to present without being obscured.  This empowers you to choose what to feel with levels of awareness, to let yourself go into the flow.  You release all fear, worries, anxieties and doubts that hold you back.  To allow yourself to be who you really are is to disolve what you are not.   You invite what you do not want to release as part of the process.

3) Accelerate remembering.  It is reassuring to reconnnect with the inner knowing that the real you always has everything it requires.  You recall how to connect with an invisible space, to stay connected to all energy flowing through your entire system. Be ready to expand, to remove limits that have comforted you.  You outgrow them. They are not you.

4) Feel more comfortable with spiritual questions.  To remember how to give complete and compassionate attention to the soul journey is to feel content with wherever you are. You realize you need not control the direction. You can feel reassured about your intrinsic value, about the meaning of your existence that could never be taken away. Consciousness is like a bridge to your body. Fear does not prevent awareness, love and acceptance.

5) Help others discover their own truth.  Encourage people to talk.  Everyone nurtures their own life wisdom.  Allow that to surface.  Remind people that infinite sources of healing exist within. Invite them to look inward.  Allow their unfolding on the outside.  Rather than impose your views, enable others to grow aware of their own. Many people are afraid to look, to awaken.  Echo how everyone is lovable and forgivable now. Open the energy field of unconditional love for the self.  Inspire others to drop resistance and awaken all that they are.  Release expectations.


Everything is inside you

Many people temporarily forget that everything they require is inside them. This is where dreams are devised and from where plans to realize them are projected. You point things out to yourself directly through your visualized sensations. You imagine a whole range of emotions and manifest them into being as experience through different dimensions of reality. Why then, search outside at all?

Part of you resists believing, sensing or knowing that what you experience is contained within the mind.  This same part of you hesitates to accept that your karma or energy has anything to do with discomfort that is unfolding in your scope o awareness. You may empathize with another or, disregard his plight as being in any way related to you.  Could it concern self-love and forgiveness?

Even now, your own teachings emerge from the wisdom mind.  This is not a dream.  You feel what you seek through the palm of your hand.  As you go deeper into the nature of the mind, you discern answers.  You discover they unfold themselves without prompting as you are ready.  This is yet another stage in higher consciousness evolution.  It is part of attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.