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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in beliefs (52)


How to liberate yourself

If you do not open to explore who you are, you do not allow self to gain insight into the way things truly are.  You also prevent self from moving through obstacles and freeing yourself from repeating patterns.  As you choose to do what it takes to liberate self from mind, you not only empower self by zeroing in at the root of perceived issues, but also help others.  To be here means you are ready.

The first step is to feel what its like to observe the mind.  Notice how destructive thoughts and emotions arise and how you choose to be affected in your exernal behaviour. This invites you to reflect on role models you follow, examples you adopt and underlying why.

The second step is to recognize how you superimpose beliefs onto people and situations.  Consider why you choose to believe each person or thing is independent from you, and why perception of polarity arises. Notice how this triggers degrees of remembering.

The third step is to explore how to reduce your misconceptions. As you grow aware things do not quite jive inside, you are drawn to explore beneath the surface, to learn to see through assumption. For sample exercises as a guide: Self-Disclosure: Changes From Within.

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Be the architect of your own life

You may not yet consciously realize it or accept it fully, but you are the architect of your whole life.  This might seem daunting at the same time as a most incredible revelation.   After all, this implies you are in charge of everything you experience.  That includes those things you like and do not like, those things that enable you to feel comfortable and uncomfortable.  Each one is helping you.

Consider the human mind conditions you to goal-set based on perception of the external world.  You are taught what is supposed to feel good, how your body is supposed to function, why you are expected to treat people in a certain way undercertain conditions.  Even ideals are ingrained in your mind about what is perferebale to wear, eat say and do. It all guides your choices and beliefs.  You are awakening to realize how powerful thought energy is.  You are not your values, thoughts or beliefs. You are so much more. 

Take a moment and brainstorm words or things you would choose to describe yourself. You might select words like 'sick' or 'healthy,' 'happy' or discontent,' Notice the judgment and how each word speaks to you. When is the ego-mind speaking and when does your heart feel  and express self-love? Every adjective or descriptive sentence reflects something back about your state of mind as well as your state of being. Each step you take to raise awareness about how you think and feel is how you choose to Transform Your Life


Learn to let go of what you are not

So many people cling to labels and identities that are not them.  You may temporarily forget what is.  You may sense you are asking questions and fillng in the answers based on conditioned beliefs. Only as you detach from beliefs do you feel what else is there.

In truth, your life purpose is not uncovered at a given moment. It is not fixed or linear.  What you are is ever-changing.  You are an extension of universal, divine light.  You know limits do not exist. There is no way to minimize real experience. To reconnect with the limitless being you are, is to remember everything is a droplet of a cosmic ocean. You align with what you have always known.

The unconscious path you are on involves expanding consciousness and moving beyond what you are trained to view as your ego self.  To align with truth and beauty elevates states of consciousness and being.  Ideas, thoughts, beliefs or concepts vanish. They burden existence and prevent you from merging with the flow.  To move into extension and perfection opens to Cosmic Synchronicity.


What brings you closer to the truth?

The truth exists beyond any words.  Some people ask how is living according to personal truth supposed to affect their perspective and circumstances?  Thoughts and asking someone else what you are meant to feel is not listening to the self.  Insight beckons to you who is ready.

The truth of who you are is the truth of what everything else is.  As you choose to explore beliefs and mental attitudes, you open up to feel inner shifts of coinciding energy vibrations. You move from being unaware to choosing consciously every idea and experience.  The core of you feels its way through life. As you let go of beliefs you outgrow, you simply join the dots inside you.

Many people come to realize how they are unconsciously clinging onto thoughts that do not serve them. Rigid mindsets prevent you from being the flow. If you believe in serendipity (accidents), you prevent yourself from sensing the symchronicities that connect all you meet and do.   As you move to realize accidents do not exist, you see through the quagmire to ways of allowing and resisting.  The truth of why you are here seems forever changing, but is it really?

As you choose to let go of what you outgrow, you remember to feel who you are.  You also respond to impressions coming to you from all forms of life, from worlds of spirit, intuition and beyond.  You  begin to sense all you do or do not do is part of Cosmic Synchronicity.  When ready, you move beyond seeing coincidences.  You realize chance encounters do not exist.

"Truth is a deep kindness that teaches us to be content in our everyday life and share with the people the same happiness."- Kahlil Gibran


Where does it take you?

You own journey is taking you somewhere.  You may sense you are a kind of energy vehicle in transit.  This process is an information-gathering expedition.  It is not about perciving tangibles but intangibles.

You exist not for learning about strange beliefs from faraway places.  You exist to awaken and reflect about your existence. You are inivited to understand yourself and to cope with your daily problems.

In some sense, you embark on a quest for truth.  You may take formal study, yet all experience is a wise teacher. Nothing you reach for in the external world reveals how to end suffering or trigger revelations.

As you move to a state of being where compassion has no bounds, you help everyone and the self all along the way.  Where you go is no different from where you are.  Accepting this changes everything.