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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in beliefs (52)


Quicken your vibration

You may have heard the idea that you are evolving more like the five people you spend the most time with.   How do you feel about that? Do you feel consciously good about your current choices?

In truth, you take on the energy of everything unless you grow more aware of how you respond to energy inside.  Your anatomical structures are shifting based on how you respond to internal and external energy fields.  You change according to your beliefs, the higher and lower vibration of energy.   

What can you do? Meditation can change your molecular structure, align you with the stars. In the physical world, orient your activities to people and situations that quicken your vibration. Complete love and acceptance reinforce new energy.  Thought forms and negativity lower energy vibration.

All energy is available to you.  You do not have to interact with anything that distracts you from what resonates with your true self.  You become the future in the now.  Every prophecy points to 2012 as the end of a conscious energy vibration. Transformation is constant and unfolds within right now.


What if life is not what you think?

Many people spend an enormous amount of energy believing what they think matters.  What if life is not thought? In fact, what if thinking obscures what the heart knows?

To know thyself is not the same as thinking about it.  Leave your emotional baggage and memories at the door.  Stop thinking.  It changes how  and what you see. Be aware of when you permit thoughts to control you.  Realize you have choices. Give up your assumptions.  How does it feel? Discover nothing is as important as you think it is.

From the beginning of time, human beings are taught skills and lead to believe they can become better than they already are.  All the while, the universe is sending you infinite reminders that you already are perfect.  Why ignore what the heart knows? 

Everything happens as it does.  Every revelation is interconnected in cosmic synchronicity.  Feel it.  As you remember what is means to be truly honest with yourself, you open to all you ever need.  You are willing to let go of all you are taught.  Allow yourself to see beyond patterns.  What a fresh experience evrry moment.

"All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns." - Bruce Lee


Do you live what you believe?

Many people base their life choices on conditioning or conclusions passed down through generations. To experience things in a physical body and to take in info through certain senses seems logical. This mindset creates low vibration.

Yet, what happens when you discover physical perceptions do not explain everything? What happens when invisible, indescribable forms of energy and other mysterious concepts awaken unwavering faith? What happens to beliefs then?

The result is a genetic unfolding beyond anything you have yet experienced or imagined. The divinity in humanity is awakening. You move beyond believing you are a simple mammal with a mind, beyond believing you are a powerless creature unable to find your own answers.  You move beyond limitations ingrained about capacities and physical senses.

The higher vibration of your being is gathering momentum.  You are choosing to break free from physical conditioning and to recognize the nature of your own belief systems.  As you undo misconceptions about the past, you dissolve misplaced beliefs and stop defining miracles experienced in the present. 


What if you choose to believe?

Imagine how your life changes as you choose to believe something with all your heart.  Human beings often fall into the trap of saying, "it could not happen because..." or "I cannot see how it could happen."  This kind of outlook is common.  Remind the self how to rise above self-defeated thinking;

Consider the pro tennis player Melanie Oudin.  Recently in the 2009 U.S. tennis open, this 17 year old athelete surprised many people by reaching the quarterfinals.  She attributes her stellar performance in part to the word "believe" that she has on the sides of her sneakers. This reminds her and everyone else that the power of belief catapults you to incredible heights.

Consider country music singer Heidi Newfield.  Although she is known for her harmonica playing and other roles in the band Trick Pony before she took steps to launch a solo career, not so long ago she was parking cars as a way to make some income.  Her belief in her talent, potential has inspired hard work that catapults her up the charts.  The title of her first album, "What Am I Waiting For" encourages everyone to ask this question in the context of their lives.  What about you?

Consider the pioneering physician Patch Adams. You may have seen a movie with Robin Williams based on this true story . After committing himself to an psychiatric hospital because of thoughts of suicide, he learned he had a gift to help patients help themselves.  He signed himself out, attended medical school later in life, and achieved top marks despite rattling scientific authorities with unconventional healing methods. 

Patch reminds people of the power of laughter and compassion to heal. His non-conformism almost got him kicked out of school.  And yet, not only did he graduate and inspire peers to rethink their relationship to fellow humans, but he lived his dream to build the Gesundheit hospital which helps thousands. His unwavering hope and self-directedness enable him to knw what is possible.  He inspires positive action and as Gandhi says, "become the change you wish to see in the world."

Then, there is the case of Greg Mortenson.  He is the author of bestselling book, Three Cups of Tea.  Years before the book unfolded, he was on a mission to climb K2 to commemorate the death of his sister.  As it happened, he became lost in a remote valley of Pakistan and was helped by strangers.

In return for the kindness he was shown, he promised to return and build a school for girls.  The book is based on a foundation he formed that has enabled him to support the construction of more than 50 schools for girls in remote area. He did not know how his dream would happen, and yet the universe helped him find a way. You are not meant to know the "how." You are meant to believe you can and know it is done.

Now, step back and reflect on where you are and where you are going.  What if you focus your energy and choose not only to believe in the what you are already doing, but also to know what you are? Where is the mind right now? You have seen laughter and tears. Your innersight senses something new.  Your heart and soul always support your journey. What do you believe now? How is your life already changes right in front of you? How is supernatural intervention involved?


Gregg Braden & 31 Belief Codes for healing

Gregg Braden encourages everyone to move to a mental place where they raise awareness and grow more awakened to their own misperceptions and reasons behind them.  This touches on the hightened perception linked to the 2012 phenomenon.

Braden advises how each human being has inner power to shatter their own conception of false limits. In his book, The Spontaneous Healing of Disbelief, he explore these 31 belief codes in great detail and its truly worth reading;

1) Experiments show the focus of attention shifts reality.

2) We live based on what we believe, limit and create.

3) Science is one language that describes things as they are.

4) Particles we're made of interact instantaneously, bilocate and change the past through present choices, and so can we.

5) Beliefs can change energy flow and events in the universe.

6) Perceived existence is actually a series of energy holograms.

7) All energy is "on" (physical matter) or "off" (invisible waves).

8) Nature repeats patterns to build all you perceive or not.

9) If the universe is compised of repeating patterns, grasping small things is a window into the bigger picture.

10) Belief is a 'program' that creates patterns in reality.

11) What we believe is more powerful than what others accept.

12) Accept the power of belief can transform everything.

13) Belief creates certainty based on thought and feelings.

14) Belief is expressed in the heart, where experiences are translated into electrical and magnetic waves that interact withe the world.

15) Beliefs and feelings speak a quantum language to create.

16) The subconscious is larger & faster than conscious mind. 

17) The most deeply-held beliefs are hidden in subconscious.

18) During what are perceived as greatest challenges, deeply held fears/ beliefs are exposed and avaiable for healing.

19) Belief in unresolved hurt arises in harmful, physical effect.

20) Soul pain translates into diminished spiritual quality of life.

21) Principles that permit self-injury are reversed to self-heal. 

22) Belief in a unifying force or opposing ones, shapes you.

23) Choose relationship with light and darkness to heal the rift.

24) A miracle possible for anyone is possible for everyone.

25) You create and experience realities you conjure in mind.

26) In 1998, scientists confirmed photons are influenced by being watched and the more intense the observing, the greater influence over particle activity.

27) Key is to consciously become an experience you choose.

28) People tend to experience what they identify with/ believe.

29) Both logic and miracles open inner channels to beliefs.

30) To alter beliefs, shift awareness to many new possibilities.

31) No need to explain how or why something works, just be consciously willing to accept what it brings to your perception.