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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in empowerment (37)


Create new brain pathways

(Image: Sacred Geometry by Samuel Farrand) 

Notice aspects of our illusory world must be consciously seen as they are and dismantled for our true calling or purpose to come to light. If we resist doing what feels right, dreams shake us up or tiny pockets of reality crumble to get us back on track. Certain roles, situations or relationships may no longer be aligned with who we are. Resisting what feels natural, or not listening to our inner voice, creates energy blocks. Every external event reflects deeper energetic shifts. They take shape as physical events moving us into greater harmony with Soul. The prime director is your “Higher Self”. Those that guide you to heed intuition take cues from your Higher Self as only you know what’s best for you. Your Higher Self is your Soul. That’s who chose your parents, body, family, friends and situations planned out through experiences. Your Higher Self makes no mistakes. The more in alignment you are with Higher Self, the easier things become. We have each uploaded Source Code to empower us to move ahead at our pace in our unfolding reality. We are already activating many abilities yet not using all consciously. Pattern recognition is emerging as we apply the power of intention. As you interact with what reflects your higher consciousness, you are interacting with your collective consciousness in both past and future in the same moment. Each instance wholeness mirrors back to you, you gather and process wisdom, experience and knowledge from other lifetimes at will. Many humans are attached to their current form. In order to change that, you invite a situation that allows change to happen. Current global events set the stage for internal restructuring or transition. All changes require a medium to create the change. By creating change, you change your consciousness, rewire the brain or create new brain pathways. This changes thoughts and behaviour patterns. To create a new reality, we transition into a new understanding, a more refined perspective of the same thing, from a different, more expanded point of view. 


Breathe into Soul Alignment

Notice we are spiralling up energetically and revisiting familiar themes with a different level of consciousness. Core energy reorganizes and recalibrates different situations from inside out. Ongoing shifts in frequency magnify one's inner compass, and prompt increasingly spontaneous action. This may include living more simply, moving geographically, changing jobs & relations, sungazing more often and consciously absorbing cosmic energy. We continuously ask Spirit what is most loving to ourselves, what is in our highest good, and then take action we are guided to take. The higher vibrational version of you is resetting or reinforcing boundaries, rebalancing, easing into congruence. We re-arrange, redirect, or reconnect energy in new ways, all of it with purpose to empower the highest version of you. It is about reclaiming sovereignty and staying sovereign, calling energy through us, allowing ourselves to be compassionate, to harness and redirect energy for greater good. We recall what being genuine feels like by connecting with people who are loving and supportive. Create the reality you deserve. Live and breathe in alignment with Soul.


Breathe more mindfully

Today, during a breathwork workshop, we explored a variety of situations. It dawns that we have the choice to function unconsciously, which implies allowing emotion to take control, or, we can be present, grow more aware, choose to respond consciously to whatever unfolds. We explored what it feels like to breathe as we experience different emotions, where the rhythm of the breath changes as well as the signs and signals of the body. Go ahead, reflect on what is happening within you right now. Scan the body. Focus on the breath as energy flow. What stands out? Could it be that something invites closer attention? What are you willing to see?

If you wish to breathe more mindfully, are curious about the nature of the ideal breath and are ready to explore breathing techniques that empower you to live a fuller life, contact us for details about our next breathwork event to be this Tuesday, October 6, 2020 on the Sunshine Coast.


7 Steps to more Conscious Living 

To get into the vibration and consciously create a new normal, its helpful to ground ourselves and be more aware of where we stand. Living more cosnciously is a choice for each of us. The question is, where are we, how do we view ourselves and the world, and where do we go from here? Consider 7 Steps to shift into more conscious living:
1. Create a Conscious Living Journal
This ia a place where you write, sketch, create collages or whatever orients your journey forward. Its not a place to rant or complain. Its important to get clear on how you view yourself and a sense of what matters to you. Adding daily entries enables you to see shifts in perspectives, priorities and the blossoming for yourself.
2.  Devote time to doing what you love
At this stage, the focus may still be unclear. To help the process, respond to these questions in your journal:
a. What would I do right now if I knew I would die tomorrow ?
b. What kind of legacy do I wish to leave?  
b. What evokes heartwarming feelings and excitement to motivate me?
c. How can I love myself and the world more?
d. Which action will I take right now to share more of who I am?
3. List you fears
Fear is linked to unconscious living. It is linked to heart-brain IN-coherence.  Coscious living is linked to heart-brain COHERENCE. What If I told you that if you change your thoughts and feelings, you have power to change your brain chemistry, shift from default settings to live more consciously?  Conditioned thoughts and behaviours that evoke fear are felt in resistance, withdrawl and doubting who you are. Its helpful to take a close look at ourselves.  You are invited to explore fears, write the opposite to get comfortable with new possibilities. Imagine how it feels to face and conquer fears. What is life feeling like in the present moment? Do what you fear and feel yourself reclaiming power you unconsciously gave away. Only as we make the unconscious conscious do we empower ourselves to live a more naturally loving, enriching kind of existence.
4. List 5 blessings in your life
Being aware of what we appreciate gets us in touch with uplifting feelings of balance and wholeness. We benefit from growing more conscious of joy, pleasure, bliss. The more we focus on balanced energy, the more we invite creating more experiences that evoke similar feelings.
5.  Learn about sacred geometry
Geometric shapes are the building blocks of nature.  Everything is formed by vibration and geometry.  Geometry is the way in which universal energy manifests on the physical plane.  It communicates to and through every living thing on earth.  this, in turn, is how we communicate back, consciously and/or unconsciously.  Conscious living is about growing more aware of the power of our thoughts and feelings
6. Set an intention
The power of intention is often underestimated. Reflect on yoru sense of direction and motivation right now.  This is an evolving process. We can have personal, family, community, planetary, universal or even galactic-related intentions. As our perspectives shift and change, our sense of intention changes as well.
7. Engage in breathwork
Breathwork is one of the most effective actions you can take to make the unconscious conscious, live more in integrity, enrich the overall life balance and align with well-being. A range of breathing techniques are available to help you learn to decode and read your own breathing rhythm, as well as techniques that facilitate deeper emotional trauma release. Follow your intuition. Everything is synchronicity.

5 Things to learn from a pineapple

It is easy to forget how much we can learn about ourselves from the external world. We are taught to see difference or separation rather than sameness or opportunities to shift perception. When on an exotic vacation or noticing the exotic where we are, we invite getting to know the unfamilliar in ourselves, making the unconscious, conscious so that we can see differently. Consider 5 Things to learn from a pineapple:

1. Recognize appearances are deceiving

Pineapples as spiky. Some might judge them as weird on the outside.  Yet, they can be sweet, juicy and full of pleasant surprises on the inside.  The lesson is we are each more than we appear.  Each of us can grow aware that we are more than we are taught to see about our external selves. Part of our deeper purpose is to explore and expand into more of our untapped potential.

2.  Intuit hardness hides softness

Although we can seem hard, stoic, unapproachable or hard to get -to-know on the outside, just like a pineapple, we all have soft inner core.  We stand tall but do we silently feel confident or put up a front?  The more we are kind to ourselves, the more we allow ourselves to speak our truth and be vulnerable, the more the outer hardness softens, the more we attract people and situations into our lives that empower us.

3. Know growth only happens in the right conditions

We are each like a pineapple which only grows in the right conditions. It cannot be too hot or too cold. There has to be enough sun and water, the right nutrient-rich soil. As we get to know and listen to the seed of our true selves, we naturally plant ourselves where we grow best, or move, transplant ourselves in spaces suited to different stages of our evolution. What feels right nurtures our soul growth. 

4. See groundedness nurtures growth

The pineapple's root system is broad and shallow with roots that often extend beyond its leaves, which can reach up to 5 feet long.  What does this tell you about feeling spread out, over-extended or properly grounded in your life? This invites you to discern activities that feel too confining, be unafraid to shift focus, orientation to face and absorb more sun. Its always okay to put down new roots.  (pineapple rows image by Nigel Goodman)

5. Discover what is self-seeding

Cut off the bottom of a pineapple and plant it to grow another.  Each of us is birthing something new.  When we are ready to express a vision or intention, we let it blossom. Upon closer look, a pineapple looks like a giant pinecone. This symbolizes the pineal gland or third eye (of the endocrine system), immortality and enlightenment that we can each evolve into. Light flows downward from the heavens into the green leaves. Pineapples offer a direct example of co-creation, self-directed growth, expansion, and regeneration.  Ask how a pineapple invites us to flower from within. (pineapple planting image by