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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in congruence (7)


Breathe into Soul Alignment

Notice we are spiralling up energetically and revisiting familiar themes with a different level of consciousness. Core energy reorganizes and recalibrates different situations from inside out. Ongoing shifts in frequency magnify one's inner compass, and prompt increasingly spontaneous action. This may include living more simply, moving geographically, changing jobs & relations, sungazing more often and consciously absorbing cosmic energy. We continuously ask Spirit what is most loving to ourselves, what is in our highest good, and then take action we are guided to take. The higher vibrational version of you is resetting or reinforcing boundaries, rebalancing, easing into congruence. We re-arrange, redirect, or reconnect energy in new ways, all of it with purpose to empower the highest version of you. It is about reclaiming sovereignty and staying sovereign, calling energy through us, allowing ourselves to be compassionate, to harness and redirect energy for greater good. We recall what being genuine feels like by connecting with people who are loving and supportive. Create the reality you deserve. Live and breathe in alignment with Soul.


3 Tips to be congruent today

From one perspective, with ongoing global changes, the only responsibility we have is to make choices that we really want and stick with them. It is an invitation to tune into congruence. Here are three tips to be congruent:

1. If you don't want to do a certain thing, do not do it (this is not the same thing as doing what people tell you to do and then changing your mind. Its about acting from sovereignty and true power)

2. Know that being in harmony with Self is to function on nature's principles & you must listen to the heart

3. Let go of choices and actions that are in reciprocal relationship with core being (allow parts of your world to fall away that no longer resonate with core being)


Shift toward greater integrity

Sometimes we get the feeling we are getting ahead of ourselves or, are not quite caught up with where we think we are meant to be.  Reflect on examples where you feel in between places or conditions.  These are signs of ongoing shifts toward greater authenticity.  Notice where the universe is echoing this message back:

  • Ever ask someone to assist with a project and that person responds after the job is already done?
  • Ever get asked to provide a service in a geographic area after you have moved to another location?
  • Ever feel like you are evolving at a different pace than your partner or entourage?
  • Ever witness individuals you know not behaving in their integrity and feel awkward or restless about it?
  • Ever see an honesty box by a roadside fruit stand and read a sign that some people take without paying, but feel compelled to pay?
  • Ever intuitively pay the toll for the car behind or feel drawn to show compassion in new ways

Now is the reflect on deeper sources of discomfort.  What messages is the Soul really offering? 


5 Reasons to join our 12 week program

We are excited to offer a 12 week program to get you on track to living a more congruent life. This is the most comprehensive package we have ever offered.  It is structured around our 13th book in process. Here are five reasons to contact us for the course outline:

1. You are eager for a game plan

This program guides you to examine 12 key life areas.  As the result of a pre-program questionnaire, we can tailor the program to focus more on key areas. As you grow aware of the difference between how you see yourself and what / who you see yourself becoming. you grow aware of your biggest obstacles and core beliefs that hold you back.  As your sense of identity, success, and reality change, you create a game plan to move forward. 

2.  You wish to better understand yourself 

This program assists you to better understand what is going on inside yourself. As part of a proess of re-alignment, you feel inner nudges to shift how you see and shape your priorities. You are invited to grow into a more astute observer, to respond to exercises and points for reflection to add clarity to an evolving vision.  The more you listen to yourself, the more synchronicities present and the more natural it feels to follow them. There is always more going on than you consciously realize...

3.  You are open to system upgrades

Research reveals that we grow faster by being open to system upgrades.  What we assume is importnat to us now is changing because we are changing. This means we are willing to learn and unlearn what we think we know about the status quo.  As the saying goes, what is initially perceived as heresy comes to be seen as pioneering or cutting edge, and then later, as genius. Evolution in how we view ourselves translates into changes in how we experience the world.   

4. You wish for expert support 

This program offers personalized phone or in-person sessions as well as email support. Liara is an expert in incongruence and the journey to congruence. She draws from worldly insight and experience unlike anyone else. She makes connections between changes in lfe conditions and shifts in consciousness. You benefit from being guided to your own inner wisdom through tools such as dream analysis, branches of breathwork psychotherapy including; past life regression, future pacing, soul retrieval and others. Her shared insights arise from changes in nutrition, emotional release, shifts in relationships, career, lifestyle, re-evaluation of quality of life. She empowers you to grow aware of different ways to see and experience everything. Where possible, we facilitate group circles or discussions mediated by technology as part of course. 

5. You creave lasting results

Lasting results arise from remembering what fearlessness feels like.  This leads to unleashing inner power and allowing this to shift how and what you see. Regardless of your perceived challenges, emotional roller coasters at the start of this program, steps guide you to grow conscious of habits and patterns, to see first-hand how it feels to shift perception, value intuition.  Confirmation is you recognize more synchronicities, feel more comfortable with uncertainty and discover what is involved in creating lasting lifestyle change. 

Read more details at Life Coach Australia Services here. Contact us for pre-qualifying questionnaire and course outline.


12 Dimensions of Success

Over the years, I am repeatedly asked for steps or advice to assist people to feel more fulfilled or attain greater success   This guided me to create the inspirational mentor interview thread and inspirational mentor articles to encourage connection, dialogue, encourage transparency so more people gain insight from unique paths.  Over 5000 self-development articles exist here. Contact us to submit article topics and seminar ideas. We appreciate all your valuable contributions.

In addition, I also offer workshops where I explore the process of optimum living in more detail.   This draws on insights of my 13th book now in process. Take your life to a whole new level by participating in one of our group events in 2019.  The life shifts you experience speak for themselves.  I share huge shifts I have experieced as the result of healing unconscious patterns, shifting perception, and retraining the mind.

For now, as a gift to yourself, ponder these 12 dimensions that shape your experience of success:

1. Clarify your version of success

Be as detailed as possible. Its sets the stage for the journey. Notice little is accomplished with tears alone or complaining about where you are not or, being frustrated about what you are not doing. Get practical: look at multiple life areas: personal, professional, spiritual, community, and others.  (Refer to: Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within for sample questionnaires). Where do you ideally envision yourself? What do your loved ones say? What are you willing to choose or what drives you over everything? What if you could be a pioneer? Do what your heart years for? What is it that truly stretches and inspires you? What do you wish more than anything else? Maybe this takes shape as a bucket list: things 2 before you leave this world. Next stage make three columns in terms of priorities (A=short term, B=medium term, C= someday)

[***during my workshop, I reveal my lists, how visiting 65 countries and doing unique and daring things has happened as well as what remains for me to create, manifest and download to translate in this world] 

2.  Empty the Mind

While reflecting on your response to the above, empty the mind of negativity. Do a brain dump of what limits or prevents you from moving forward.  We tend to adopt beliefs of people in our midst, unconsciously decide what is and is not good for us, all unconsciously before taking action. Write all examples of self-defeating or self-sabotaging thoughts running through you that discourage you, echo self-doubt, cause you to feel unworthy or to forget everything is possible. Take a close look at beliefs you are allowing to run you.   Every time you lie to yourself, decide to call yourself on it. Grow aware of the lies. Its the only way to transcend them.   Jot down examples where you transcend your own self-sabotage.

3.  Think less, Feel More

Following the title of one of my ebooks, I invite you to feel your way to your own solutions.  If money was not an obstacle, if your perceived doubts and mental clutter dissipated, how would you feel the way into new contributions to this world? What does this revised version of success look/ feel like? Imagine no limits, being heart-centred and service-driven. You can create your own fairytales by feeling the way into blessings and all that uplifts you. Notice the focus on feeling energy shapes your life. Allow yourself to feel the way into optimum living, well-being, and clarify new peak experiences. Create a new point of reference for yourself. Raise the bar higher. Why tell yourself you must work toward intermittent peak experiences? Why not instead convince yourself everything is part of the same peak experience you fragment with the mind?

4. Access hidden genius

Regardless of your evolving vision of success, inviting external guidance helps expand awareness so you reclaim inner power.  Mentors, coaches, inspirations, teachers,  all empower you to recall what matters, encourage you to push the limits of your talents and access your hidden genius.  This is about listen to the heart more closely. As you shift your understanding of what is possible and go for it, do what people do not expect, you have no reason to give up.  Sometimes people seem to stand in your way as if to discourage you. Take note of who does this, how it makes you feel. Do not allow them to hide you from your larger self. Remind yourself these are projections of your shadow. As you make the shadow conscious, self-defeating patterns no longer control you. You laugh at your genius.

5. Align with your Soul

Although we may identify what it is that nurtures and energizes us inside, we are often conditioned to talk ourselves out of things.  It can seem hard to take the steps necessary to be true to yourself, listen to intuition.  To live in harmony and inner peace, your thoughts, beliefs and actions all align.   As you grow aware of how you hold yourself back, it hits you can retrain the mind. Affirmations, mantras, meditations and other techniques assist you to feel what it is to be authentic.  Then, step back from what you are doing, and recognize how authentic you feel where you are.  You know better than anyone how you feel. Be brave: listen, act on the heart. 

6. Connection

Sometimes blood relatives support and encourage us in our heartfelt pursuits.  Other times, they discourage us, do not understand ius or, cannot relate to our motivation. We each choose who to listen to or ignore. Edna Buchanan echoes: Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. Most of us know what discomfort or restlessness feels like.  It is part of our journey to grow more discerning of external opinion in relation to our own intuition.  We choose role models and mentors. Be like Alice from Alice in Wonderland, who says, Sometimes I believe in as many as 6 impossible things before breakfast! (See Transform your Life: 730 Inspirations) Maybe nobody has done what you dream? Who inspires you to connect  with yoruself and the world in ways nobody has done before?  

7. Build confidence

Some where along the journey, we come to believe we are inadequate or do not have what it takes to realize our true potential. On some level, this invites yo uto get in touch with the undelrying reasons for your fears so you can access more of your own innate fearlessness. Identify events, experiences, conditions that ingrained your fear.  Where do you recall becoming a coward? Make this conscious and change the energy. 

8. Deal with fear of success

Deep down, you may fear people may be jealous of you if you realize dreams.  You may already have examples of where those you encounter do their best to criticize you and tear you down.  This draws attention to issues of self-worth, superiority and inferiority and the underlying fear of vulnerability.  Now is the moment to get in touch with yoru shadows on a whole new level.

9. Be congruent

Incongruence is allowing yourself to live and act based on fear.  Congruence is acting based on love. As you act from a place of love, you grow aware of a Soul purpose.  Act from this place, and what you offer the world is service-oriented rather than (ego) self-serving. You trust yourself more deeply and people and opportunities in the world naturally show up.  Synchronicities are easier to see.  As you grow aware of unconscious blocks and clear up what is out-of-alignment in your life, your evolving vision can manifest with much more ease.  You understand the energy flow behind change and dreams happen/ manifest quicker.

10. Follow intuition

You may find yourself intuitively drawn to focus time and energy into endeavours that do not make conventional business sense, but resonate and strike you as something that is part of a larger picture or transformation. You may also feel criticized for listening to your heart and not following the status quo.  You may feel called to download or share what feels daunting to you.  Freedom means feeling hiow you want to feel and knowing it feels perfect.  It means wearing what you want to wear, expressing what means the most without fear of persecution, punishment or repercussions.  Sometimes followign dreams, leads us to leave country of birth, entourage or environment to a more suitable place to allow freedom of self expressions.  This is a reminder that what and who you need always comes to you.  Its up to you to take the next step.

11.  Exercise the imagination

Notice the imagination has no boundaries but those you choose to create. You may brainstorm or free draw that which comes to you about yourself.  Have no preconceived ideas of the meaning.  Allow that to arise within you later. Notice Thomas Edicon was inspired by something to create the lightbulb.  he nearly flunked out of primary school and was repeatedly told he was stupid before later being called a genius. Some people believe Alexander Graham bell downloaded the idea for the telephone from the ethers in a dream.  It takes courage to  stand up for what you feel is right.  Yet, if you do not believe in yourself, why would anyoen else?

12. Do the unthinkable

Seize this moment to design the world you imagine existing in.  Go further than simply thinking up a career change, new relationships or environments that match ego desires. Challenge yourself to re-imagine the world from the inside out.  Imagine no karma.  What is unfolding as you are Mastering Time? The building blocks are love and compassion rather than fear and anger. Go further than simply being the conductor of the Sunrise and Sunset like in The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. As co-creator, all is possible.

The power of the universe will come to your assistance if your heart and mind are in unity. -White Buffalo Cat Woman