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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in unity (14)


Expand to transform existence

Notice our lives transform as we expand consciousness. This requires we be open to new things, like responding differently to the same people and familiar situations, and using expanded insights to understand the mind, thoughts and behaviours differently.
At a pivotal moment, it hits that physical sensations and restlessess are gifts we give ourselves. They gently point to what we have been ignoring. Suddenly, conditioning is seen to reflect our outdated ideas of reality. When we act based on expectation, based on what we are taught we are supposed to work toward, we ignore the heart. As we identify less with the external, and begin to look inward, solitude guides shifts in priorities and perception. How we spend time grows congruent with what matters in the heart. We distinguish between sex and love, between superficial and real power. We are more sensitive, allow ourselves to feel more deeply, to cry, explore pain we used to repress, openly express creative impulses, share vulnerability and forge true connections.
The moment arisess when we suddenly understand how we relate to life, to physicality, sexual energy, creativity, ourselves. We begin to empathize, sense what others feel. It dawns what it is to be a human being, a true friend and neighbour, confidante. We grow value- driven, make decisions aligned with the soul. It begins with consciously shaping our thoughts and emotions, to carve out the soul path. We grow as we practice mindfulness, that every thought and action is shaping the direction of our life. This is about swallowing pride, letting go of all that blocks love.
This is the moment we stop seeking external acceptance, and start to live as our trueself. We begin to offer service based on innate urges to give, enrich the world and exchange in balance. Devoted practices and pursuits lead ego concerns to diminish. We begin to manifest our spiritual being in the physical and in our relationships.
At this very moment, that split between the external world and the spiritual realm grows clear and the incongruence of that double life is obvious. We are in the world but no longer feel part of it. We grow adept at passing between spiritual and physical realities and transfer insights between worlds. It dawns we naturally adapt to situations but always act from the Higher Self.
At the same time, we meditate more often, see into conflicts and offer genuine guidance from our own direct experience. Living from spirit and being grounded is key. One tunes into emotional connection with all living creatures. One understands what lies in the hearts of people, one feels their pain and know sharing one's truth is what heals everything.
To express our spirit physically, is to be uninhibited by negative feelings or judgments of self or others, to be affectionate with overwhelming warmth and emotional connection. Barriers between the ego and the collective dissolve. This goes beyond recognition of connection with "others." We begin to feel the symbiotic connection with all of creation. We grow aware of energies and realize that all feeling, thought, and action is based on vibrations or frequencies of energy. We see that master the energy we channel changes everything.
This is the point where it dawns that heart energy transforms thoughts and perception as well as all we meet. As each of us no longer identifies as an individual being with ego concerns, there is nothing to become and we are one with the universe. Sense of self and ego boundaries dissolve. Sense of existence is completely transforming from the inside out until boundaries are no more.

Embrace the whole journey

Notice each of us is on a journey. We have opportunities to join our own dots about who we are and why we are here. Based on our own allowing and resistance, direct experience leads us to grow aware of more innate wisdom. What we read in books or hear from others, can lead us to reflect but does not itself activate our alchemical process. No shortcuts exist to what can only be fully activated within based on our choices and shifts in consciousness. Being aware of the divine radiance in our midst mirrors what we may not yet recognize in ourselves. As the internal compass comes alive, one shifts to tune into True self and sees the unified view in the ether before it manifests in 3-D.


The Truth of Oneness

Notice no separate events, relationships or "other(s)" exist. Any conflict you detect with another is a conflict inside with yourself. Any fear you harbour about sharing your feelings or perception points to what needs healing. At a pivotal moment, it dawns that nothing is left to fear. Right here, it dawns nothing remains but love.


Resolve the unresolvable

(Image: Time Travel by Mark Golding)
Notice the multiverse is increasingly self-evident. In this 3D "Earth" reality, we are upgrading to hold a huge amount of high frequency energy in the physical body and shifting to rely on visceral functions. As huge energy influxes intensify, the physical body is pushed to it's limits. Our human mind is being pushed beyond it's limits on purpose. We are activating limitless being. Emotional energies surface to be pushed out of our physical body vessel. ​Earth vibrations are rising. Our bodies are upgrading to hold more light, purging what we are not/never truly were, all the false stories, all the discord/delusions and programs held deep inside our physical structure. As full recalibration occurs, we no longer need this. Linear time is fading. Certain memories remain to inspire and help awaken others to the bigger Truth. Our human experiment or experience exists for us to completely transcend from within. As "you" unify inside, the illusion of separation ("time") falls away. Limits once "imposed", dissolve. It dawns we exist vibrationally, and thus bypass the constraints of time, itself an illusion held in the human body template- mind. As our body de-densifies, we physically move into higher frequency bandwidths. That which was not possible before, arises as our new reality. Each timeline collapse is actually a convergence, a unification of all time. The apparent quickening occurs as all existences within those previous vibrations are caught in the collapse or convergence all merge into one. All of those realities unresolved or needing to be resolved/unresolvable merge "into the same space", where one has not completed each cycle, finalized all details, tied up all loose ends dangling before the convergence occurs. will be on many dimensional levels, if you will. Inside, with each other, vibrationally... as all come together to unite, to anchor the highest vibrational realities into your physical one. As each fully embraces their own soul purposes/missions here, as each realizes that everyone is important here, as each understands that which their human cannot comprehend, as each transcends all separation from within. 

Be open to the Gamut

Notice 'ah-ha' moments are arising in many areas of our lives. We are acting more fearlessly, listening to natural urges to let go and make changes. One big revelation is Earth is not a spaceship but a timeship. As we awaken to the the nature of galactic time, we awaken to our timeless, multidimensional nature and the profound implications and upgrades unfolding in every area of our lives. The radical truth is not something to simply believe in, but something to live and fully embody. As we tune into energy vibrating, we grow more aware of what goes on within us as well as engage more consciously in life and cosmic travel as/ thru a vortex. It dawns no separate self exists, no discrete knower, no autonomous entity standing apart and witnessing all this and reporting to "the others." There is no past, no future, nowhere to go, simply freedom beyond imagining. This is heartfelt Truth. And yet, we exist to go further than simply deduce our 3D world is illusion. There is no substitute for first-hand learning. We exist to discover intimacy with ourselves and life in the world of form. Getting out of our heads is about taking risks to live dangerously, face fears, live and love in ways that allow us to be vulnerable. Only as we experience the gamut of emotions can we fully manifest our gifts, deeply express our own uniqueness.