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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in empowerment (38)


5 Reasons to savour where you are

Regardless of what appears to be unfolding in your life, you always have the choice to decide how to feel about it, that is, how you respond or even whether you respond at all.  It is always possible to find something to appreciate about your apparent conditions. Muse over five:

1) Recognize how you feel is reflected back in how you experience the world. 

2) Accept whatever form this moment takes and tap into inner peace.

3) Know perceived challenges are what stretch you and build character 

4) Realize you create all you encounter and choose to be empowered or disempowered

5) See that to love others, to love anything is to see true essence, to love Being more fully


Be the change

Most people approach life as if it offers them something they need to get. Notice why you may persist in thinking you lack in some vital way.  Imagine the feeling arising at the discovery that life is more about letting go and getting rid of things.  Declutter the mind and declutter your life.

Life is like an exercise in realizing how you trick yourself into believing what is not real. The key then, is to simply be the change you wish to see.  That is, stop talking about some dream as if you would like it to be part of your future.  This is not about becoming, it is about having confidence to embrace all you are offering yourself.  You cannot help but be here.  Know you lack nothing.    Practice awareness.  Allow yourself to see what is at hand.  Nothing never ceases to amaze.


Nothing stops you but you 

Whatever you envision, nothing stops you from experiencing it but you.  Challenge your basic assumptions and discover what is untrue.  The brain plays tricks on you.

That which you take to be free will is itself a way of filtering options. By the time you make this choice, you have ruled out others.  All-the-while, something sees beyond the choices. It observes the brain, how it operates, sees what people cannot possibly see. 

In essence, everything that can ever be felt or known fits into the mind.  Anything you can see in the world emerges from there.  Its size is unfathomable. Watch what happens as you make the quantum leap from sensing one universe, to many.  Let go of everything you are ever taught.  Know you never stand in the shadow of giants, you stand on their shoulders. Take any insight you gain further.

"Never make the mistake of thinking you are alone — or inconsequential. Ignorance is voluntary and confusion is temporary. You see the world as-is, which is more than can be said for the vast populace." -Rebecca McKinsey


Love brings it up

Unconditional love speaks through everything. It also draws attention to anything that is not love. Notice which relationships, emotions and situations stand out for you.  To step back and digest this empowers you to shift your focus and experience infinity. Love brings to the surface and makes conscious the fear that hides. Love invites you to recognize patterns, false defenses and heal wounds imagined into being. In truth, one is forever perfect, divine, unlimited and constantly expanding into more. Love it!


You are free 2BU

You are forever free to be you. Nothing you find here imposes anything or forces you to change your beliefs.  This is about inviting you to remember the authentic you, to empower you to feel and decide what you want.  Being you has infinite advantages every moment.  Regardless of your physical and other self-perception, something fantastic is emerging to reveal to you your true colours.  If you choose, you are guided through a progessive awakening.  Every choice invites you to launch and expect, allow and receive.

For fun, to uplift the spirit, and to remind you what soul knows, you may choose an inspirational word for every letter of the alphabet.  To go further, choose to identify something good where you are and in every circumstance.  Notice your intention and focus fluctuate from natural to conditioned perspectives.  As you feel and observe the impulses from deep within, you sense and make decisions without words.  You pay more attention to how you think and feel, and recognize the power you harness by choosing to appreciate your time and place.  Empower yourself again.  Remind yourself of the feeling of timeless freedom.

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