Notice life experience invites inner world issues to come to light. Through awareness, one joins dots in the bigger picture of one's fear-based patterns. This illuminates divine presence or Christ consciousness. Awakening to destructive patterns can trigger revelations, bring new clarity of direction and life purpose. The origins of my own mistrust, scarcity and insecurity guided me to uncover and explore unconscious childhood & interdimensional trauma. Turns out abuse keeps us caught in time loops of repeated behaviours that blocks expanded perception. Yet, the key is to grow aware of what we think is missing within ourselves or our lives, make conscious why we keep choosing situations that deprive us from tasting true love, affection and appeciation. Many of us have been trained or socialized to see self-created "defects", or find balance. We often act based on others' expectations. When ready, we allow all we had denied to surface. We are each on journey to wholeness, back to where we never left, to accept what is not lost or missing. Through fearless self-exploration, growing awareness and by making new choices, we empower ourself to break self-defeating patterns. To change the world, we must begin with ourselves. To know what is unfolding around us, we must master what is within. Breathwork is a valuable tool on the path to embrace limitless being.