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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in empowerment (38)


5 Tips to own it

Would you like to see your life shift in a new direction? Would you like to discover and use untapped power? Are you ready to manifest what does not yet appear?Wish to feel different or expand and see everything in a whole new way?

Come what may, you are the owner-operator of your body, and determine how you function. Consulting a life coach is a step toward growing more aware of the truth of yourself and putting this knowing into practice. This is not about WHAT you are told you are but rather, it is about accepting WHO you are and living accordingly. Ponder these 5 tips to own it:

1. Be empowered.

If you do not feel empowered in your life choices, then this is an opportunity for you to grow. Who are you in this unique expression of you? Humans are taught to make complicated that which is simple. You are what you choose and can be anything. As you take personal responsibility for what you feel, lessons present. Life coaching guides you to reframe and appreciate the very things you go through.  A coach that resonates understands and intuits your unique process.

2. Keep a sense of humor.

Many people tend to take life too seriously. People get busy living and forget to really live. Priorities change. A life coach helps you raise awareness of your priorities and how they are shifting. Humour is indispensable, especially as you grow aware of shifting prioirities, values and behaviours that do not jive. Most people allow the external world to control, limit and define them. Come what may, life coaching helps you to reframe and see things with new lightness. Working with a life coach guides you to see your beliefs and emotions distract you from aspects of yourself and reality until you face them.

3. Listen to yourself.

This is about tuning into intuition. It is about being aware of where you doubt your feelings. You produce exactly what you receive. A life coach helps you be aware of vibrational language so you no longer underestimate the power of your thoughts, words, actions. If you are unaware of your body's signals or inclinations, if you never start a project, you cannot experience the dream. From the moment you focus on something, you give it energy. Remembering how to tune in and listen to your own messages changes how dreams manifest. Working with a life coach helps you identify where you are listening to logic or heartfelt vibes. Every moment, you bring your dreams closer or push them away. An intuitive life coach guides you to see and feel everything based on energetics. Every human is an electromagnetic generator. How do you tune in or out, even stifle your own vibes?

4. Recognize balance is ever-present.

Balance is something many people strive for and assume effort and juggling required. Turns out, lifestyle changes come naturally to everyone who is in the flow or aligned with integrity of true being. A life coach is a soundboard to assist you to read your own signs and signals more accurately. Life coaching draws your attention to your own unconscious resistance. This is less about discipline than about letting go of control. Come to tell the difference between what is nurtured and what is natural. Working with a life coach allows you to recognize what contributes to or throws off your natural balance and how you can change anything.

5. Adjust your perception.

Shifts seem to be happening everywhere but this is not about the external world. Its about who you are inside and how your focus is shifting. Its a move from logic and limitation to feeling and limitlessness. Life coaching helps you be aware of what it is to be true to you. To connect and converse with someone impartial can help you shed light on things. Although having the best intentions, family and friends tend to agree with whatever you are thinking or impose their views and choices. Intimates often share personal opinions. A life coach is more neutral and helps you understand you do not see the world as it is, but rather see the world (and yourself) through your filters. A coach that resonates is worldly, encouraging and offers objective guidance on how to handle yourself in different situations. Ultimately, you decide where to go from here, to what degree you are willing to expand perception, and redefine what is possible through your own direct knowing and belief in your own true power.


10 ways to get to know yourself

It is handy to get to know yourself better. This builds confidence, self-appreciation, deepens your connection to what matters, is useful for dialogue, interviews, functions, ice breakers or as as guide for visionboards and meditation. 

Regardless of your current conditions, ponder these ten questions at your leisure (write, paint or express your responses in ways that feel most natural). The answers reveal qualities and priorities that can guide to help you decide what next in life and whether our coaching can assist.

1.  Reflect on what you feel most often

2.  Be aware of the most frequent focus of your thoughts

3.  Notice how you spend money (& how you feel about $)

4.  Identify what inspires you, gets creative juices flowing

5. Be conscious of those things that tickle your funny bone

6. Who are the five people you spend the most time with?

7. What touches your soul?

8. What do you bring or contribute to a new planet?

9. Which ten things do you grab to make a quick meal?

10. Where do you go/ what do you do if no limits exist? 


5 Steps to be happier more often 

Everyone seems to be looking for something. How to find whatever this is may be less obvious for you. Consider five points to be happier more often.  Enjoy a more enriching life:

1) Expect good things.

Some people say expect the unexpected and never be disappointed. This is true, but understanding the power of thought is also knowing your experience reflects what you expect. Imagine the best case scenario and focus on this vision, and this is more likely to become your reality.

2) Know how you feel is up to you.

Its very common to blame situations on others. Although you cannot always control what goes on around you, you are actually in charge of how you respond to everything you encounter. Take personal responsibility for how you feel and suddenly, you can be happy now. No more excuses.

3) Tune into the signals around you.

All the world is made of energy.  Each human being can feel the pulse of the Earth beneath bare feet and through every pore of the skin. Simply realize everything from change in body temperature, to goosebumps, emotions arising and mood swings, are all forms of non-verbal communication between nature and the illusion of separate self. You are always guiding yourself to the best choices for yourself. All you have to do is tune into your signs and signals and listen.

4) Accept all the universe is supporting you.

It may require a shift in your perspective, but assuming everything is always working out for the best is an empowering revelation. This enables you to see blessings in the apparent ups and downs of life and find you are able to laugh and smile, come what may. Life is more light-hearted.

5) Decide everything is possible.

Whatever your personal, professional or other conditions, deciding everything is possible empowers you to realize where the will exists, and a way can be found. You can discover ways to self-heal, launch a bumper business, find the financial means to realize a dream, plan or innovate approaches to whatever life presents. The world is your oyster. This reminds you thoughts shape your perception of priorities and experience. All you need is at your fingertips.


9 Signs Human evolution is underway

It is increasingly clear that changes beyond human control are sweeping the planet.  Humans cannot control but can choose how to respond.  You can love (allow) or fear (resist).  That is, you can get comfortable or be uncomfortable (disagree) with it.

What is also increasingly clear is that how we are conditioned to believe things are done is no longer working.   Many practices are not only unsustainable, but they also guide us to the truth of the bigger picture.  On a deeper level, there is a collision of judgements, a breaking down and dissolving of our own self-created illusions.  Consider nine signs who we are as a species is revealing itself in the nature of human evolution (feel free to add your own observations and intuitions):  

1) Food sources are shifting- where and from whom we buy food is changing.  More people are reading labels, growing food, sourcing it from places that are compatible with what feels right in the heart.  This creates a shift of power from paying larger corporations to empowering smaller entities and oneself.

2) Eating habits are changing- what humans are eating is changing. More people are realizing they are conditioned to adopt beliefs that have created a system of industries and food raising practices that are not built on love and compassion.  The phrase 'you are what you eat' arises to help people be more conscious of what they are condoning and perpetuating. The result is more vegetarians, vegans and raw foodies. More people eliminating sugar, caffeine, wheat, dairy, and animal proteins from their diets because of developing allergies and/or being more aware of high vibrational food and favoring that.

3) Work ethic/ choices are changing- more people are feeling entrepreneurial, working part-time at home or viewing work in a new light.  More people are choosing to love what they do even if they are paid less or not at all.  What you do matters less than how you feel about it and while doing it. The result is a move to more cooperation and less ego-driven competition.

4) Weather patterns are disappearing - the illusion of predictable seasons and climates is falling away.  People are invited to recognize innate ability to adapt effectively to all that Mother Nature dishes out. The result: a move from complacency or reactive living to far more creative, pro-active existing.

5) Spiritual practices are taking off- growing global interest in spiritual practices such as yoga, pilates, meditation, ashram retreats, radio programs and other community activities is part of the planetary intelligence itself guiding the return to our higher consciousness, to remembering of our true divine nature.  The result is Self-understanding and peaceful interaction grow.

6) D.I.Y. attitude exploding- 'Do-it-yourself' is catching on like wildfire.  Increasing numbers of people are gaining confidence in their own abilities to not only do their own home renovations, but to also self-heal, to make home remedies, health products, to self-encourage and to act as their own reliable authority in varied circles. The result is people are referring less to external guidance, buying less and making more,  and depending less on traditional 'authorities' and trusting the heart/ intuition more.

7) Impulse building to do what is 'natural'- More people are coming to see through their own beliefs and to recognize what is natural.  This translates not into helping others not because they have to, but because they can.  The movement toward selflessness is growing. Its not just people taking time off work to go donate time and expertise to help clean up after natural disasters.  The result is a growing awakening to what feels natural, or what feels right and more people doing it.

8) Energy sources are shifting - As people grow more conscious of dirty and clean energy and natural alternatives to those which harm the environment, the increasing trend is toward more environmental choices of wind, solar, electric, other sources of power that benefit the greater good.  Free energy is something more people are aware of.  Humans are also realizing they are themselves energy sources or batteries that can be used.  The result is increasing interest in electric cars, flying vehicles and even more creative engineering that shatters myths and defies the imagination.  No limits!

9) Nature is calling  - more people are getting back to nature: camping, planting gardens, hugging trees simply feeling the urge to go to the ocean, to spend time in the mountains, valleys, forests to recharge. People hike, get their hands in the dirt.  As the unspeakable connection, people create homes in more natural settings. The result is a deeper recognition of the web of life, being one with water, the sun, wind and all creatures.


3 Steps to greater happiness

Many people reach out for greater happiness or a deeper sense of fulfilment.  Infinite ways exist to get anywhere and be anything.  Its up to you. Conside these three steps to access:

1) Be aware of your thoughts.  You may underestimate the power of your thoughts.  Being aware is noticing what you think about and beginning to recognize you are not your thoughts.  In fact, they are simply passing ideas you choose to believe or not.  When you focus on something, you come to believe it.  Let thoughts arise and fall away and  they do not control how you feel. 

2) Let go of what you outgrow. You may notice aspects of your life no longer feel right or resonate. As you go through stages of evolution, you lose interest in certain people, places, activities, foods, jobs, behaviours. You may feel the unexplainable urge to cry, change or do something you have never done before. You may be going through a kind of shift in identity, a shift in how and where you live.  Being willing to let go of what you outgrow implies being open and receptive to your feelings and spontaneous impulses.  Listen more closely to the heart.

3) Be happy where you are. When you get right down to it, if you are unable to appreciate something in your life as it is, then you are not going to find happiness elsewhere. The common thread is you. How you feel where you are relates to what is conscious and unconscious.  Your understanding of 'happiness' can make you feel separate from what you want.  Watch what happens as you come to see beliefs as they are.  Allow yourself to feel what you are feeling. As you observe everything as a blessing, joy flows more freely.  Whatever obscures it falls away.

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