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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Whenever you step out of the noise of thinking, that is meditation, and a differetn state of consciousness arises." - Eckhart Tolle





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Entries in truth (122)


11 massive breakthroughs

You know why you are here.  Watch what happens as you have total confidence in who you are.  Something massive is emerging. Heat, light and vibration point to innate knowing. 

1) Notice what happens as inner heat burns away friction, indifference & doubt. As you shiver, this signals an energetic block disappears.  You retain an energetic signature.

2) Everything that hurts is time-based.  Drop a sense of time and all fear, suffering and separation drops away.  This allows you to feel your own divine presence as a gentle buzz.

3)  Its automatic.  So long as you are yourself, nothing gets in the way of trusting intuition.  You are everywhere. The energy field of harmony always communicates through you.  No action is required.  From the moment you feel how easy it is to be you, no other state exists.

4) This field of harmony is connected to the energy field of intention.  Know you direct this  palpable field.  Your whole purpose is to change the world and you are the way. 

5) Allowing yourself to feel joy activates and expedites your engine of creation. You are the first one to feel it. Your set of gifts affects events and can take you anywhere in any universe.  You know the multi-dimensional nature and feel it without any change at all.

6) Processes in another part of your being are active somewhere other than where your body is today in a sense of time and space.  Its beyond anything the brain can handle or grasp.

7)  Be aware of a temperature change in the body as creation is self-generating.  You are starting to feel complete in ways that cannot be described.  A life force is expanding to support you everywhere.  Multi-dimensional connections enable you to move through them.

8) Every moment you sense the magic of your energy field.  You do not have to wait for wildlife to turn up in the forest.  They allow you into their dimension.  Your own divinity is revealing itself.  Notice your 'norm' is going to recognize its own multi-dimensional nature.

9) The nature of the energy you are is erupting from within the heart.  You contain lots of energy within your system that enables you to feel things at a distance you did not think possible.  Imagine knowing where everything is and knowing what its doing every moment.

10) Transparency is deepening.  The beauty of peace speaks for itself.  The flow is so complex, you can only enhance the energy flow of all others.  You sense a controlled system of harmony among everything.  Its all here now.  You do not have to know anything.  Gifts of capability solve everything and defy all explanation.  Whatever is necessary happens.  Universal life force allows you to feel going forward has nothing to do with the past.

11) Enjoyment is the energetic catalyst, the vibration that makes everything possible.  Connect with the life force of children.  They awaken a very refreshing spontaneity.


Direct knowing is here

You dare to see for yourself what the world inspires you to explore.  You do not have to embrace one possibility at the exclusion of another.  No experience invalidates another.  None is lesser or greater. They are all equal.  Only the inner judge invites you to create hierarchies or tune into a disharmonious frequency.  This blocks direct knowing.  The energy radiating through your form simply invites you to see and experience life in different ways.  How you respond is up to you.  

The truth and the way it manifests is completely unique for each person.   The truth is a pointer to seeing itself.  Seeing does not see illusion.  As you simply see experience, you are in a state of natural balance, harmony, equality. It is a state of fearlessness that is ever-present and accessible when you do not look away.  Look more deeply into experience to see which aspects of self do not change in time and which parts of you are in no way limited or obscured by experience.  Everything invites you to discover the reality of love. This arises as you see clearly, without conditions, through the divine lens of equality. If you are tempted to see through mental filters, shift focus.  Look again.

To be free of all forms of understanding is the end of inner doubt, the end of the need to understand.  Everything you discover about yourself is an ally or a doorway into a true aspect of inner being.  Notice what doubt invites you to do.  Doubt is an opportunity to face the most vulnerable parts of yourself.  The flip side of doubt is the innocence within that reaches out to be loved and accepted.  Do not fear losing what you give, or losing what you let in or being rejected.  Love without question.  Being true to yourself is attuning to that which you cannot explain and letting go of all resistance.

"The final freedom is freedom from the need for certainty." - Matt Kahn


What you are is always here

What you are is always here.  To simply be, do nothing.  In the same moment, you are drawn to experience a process of letting go of everything.  How does it feel to be the void? You intuitively know you are not the body, not the mind, not the emotions, not the intellect or any of those things that you adopt. Faith and belief contain sparks of doubt.

Notice what happens as the essence of being is awake and aware of re-orienting back to itself.  The experience of the absolute is unfolding within you right now.  Nothing but the total spontaneous happening is ever happening.  Awareness is every pointer here.

"Deep listening is miraculous for both listener and speaker. When someone receives us with open-hearted, non-judging, intensely interested listening, our spirits expand.”
-Sue Patton Thoele


See yourself everywhere

Purpose can be viewed as a changing perception of fulfillment. Everything can also be felt as a stepping stone to opening to consciousness. What happens as you voluntarily turn inward to explore the truth?  What do you let go of and what reveals itself quietly?

What you find is that beyond the fear, anger, sadness, despair, and other emotions, you are willing to be more honest wih yourself and see through direct experience what is real. You begin to see yourself everywhere.  This is not the Self the mind defines.

You travel no distance to be where you are. Now is the  moment is when you simply Be who you are.  The sense of oneness and individual co-exist with nothing to reconcile.

"The nature of truth is dynamic and always calls for a deeper level of simple honesty and vigilance." -Gangaji


Feel the love that is

The more you let go, the more love actually reveals itself to and through everything.  It demands nothing, needs nothing and is, in essence, nothing you can pin down. It is like the gift of feeling peace and contentment or the presence of life itself.  Recognize the sun rises and sets the same way everywhere. The only difference is what you see.

Similarly, consider how you tell when night ends and morning begins. One perspective is light and darkness exist in the same moment.  The focus of your attention is based on what you are ready and willing to accept, that is love and accept the essence of being fully or remain shrouded in fear and doubt. You observe difference or sameness, focus on separation (and difference)or unity. From the moment you look into the eyes of another and see the reflection of God or spirit, then dawn breaks. Unconditional love arises and it has no opposite. It is what it is.  Silence takes over to play its own tune.

"Most humans, I've noticed, are trying to figure out what's wrong and then change it. The truth is, if we become comfortable with who we are rather than who we think we should be, then we will be less insecure."  -Daniel Gottlieb