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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in resonance (23)


Cosmic energies guide inner change 

Notice the recent "extended" lunar eclipse and ongoing celestial events reflect an intensifying energetic process. If the Sun seems more intense or you feel disoriented, this echoes spiraling telluric energy. This electrical Earth current typically moves underground or through the sea. Humans are moving into greater resonance with Earth shifts. In our optimum functioning, when endocrine and other dormant systems are fully activated, we are in complete alignment with Earth and Cosmic energetic shifts. This energy is spinning us into a much lighter body and pulling us up into higher frequency bands. It is allowing us to receive, decode and transmit more light. You may find you experience a mixing of the senses or symptoms of what may be described as synesthesia. Some of us have exprienced this for a long time. It is a symptom of expanding consciousness. This is happening at cellular, DNA, and deeply into every atom, molecule and electron in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Energy waves are accelerating our transformation and transmutation of light. This is mirrored in the pace at which changes are unfolding in our own lives. It translates into a sense of urgency or nudge to make life changes we are meaning make.


Benefits of connecting with Nature

Notice getting back to Nature is about connecting with true self. Its about finding ways to 'hang-in-there' feeling ungrounded, and reaching for what brings balance. It dawns that to explore new ventures or activities, even mind-wandering, helps strengthen our ability to clarify what matters now. We each weave a mosaic of our lives. Mindful moments are created wherever we are, come what may. Being ourselves is about living in the present, showing our true colours, nurturing curiosity, living spontaneously, letting go of what we outgrow or what outgrows us, moving on from projects at will, knowing that embracing change is part of acceptance and deepening awareness. Connecting with what is heartfelt is about showing kindness and compassion, knowing that encouraging others is encouraging ourselves. This trains us to grow adept at navigating our thoughts and perceptions. When self-directed, we nourish what resonates, thrive at our pace.


3 Tips to be congruent today

From one perspective, with ongoing global changes, the only responsibility we have is to make choices that we really want and stick with them. It is an invitation to tune into congruence. Here are three tips to be congruent:

1. If you don't want to do a certain thing, do not do it (this is not the same thing as doing what people tell you to do and then changing your mind. Its about acting from sovereignty and true power)

2. Know that being in harmony with Self is to function on nature's principles & you must listen to the heart

3. Let go of choices and actions that are in reciprocal relationship with core being (allow parts of your world to fall away that no longer resonate with core being)


9 Benefits of Tuning into light language

When open and receptive, we all have access to a universal healing modality called light language. This multidimensional, energetic language is understood by all on a soul level. It is channelled Dynamic Frequency Encodings of Sound and Light. We are constantly receiving, decoding and transmitting energy on various frequencies. For some, this can feel like a heavy load. From the moment this possibility of light language enters our scope, the intention is for it to serve our highest good. If this involves gaining insight into ourselves and new realities, then this is what light language allows.  We have a responsibility to live in integrity, recognize and get comfortable with light and dark, to create balance among polarities within us.

Light language flowing through us adjusts to the resonance of each of our vibrational needs in the moment. With perfect timing, this emerges in a spontaneous urge to utter words, sing tones or write script that seems mysteriously familliar.  This may happen out of the blue, intermittently, at night or, more regularly as we grow more conscious and accepting of ourselves. Light language can take shape in our mind's eye as sacred geometry, symbols, or other images, be expressed as we conduct energy of the air in physical gestures, drawing, painting, and enage in other creative forms of expression.  We may or may not recognize visible shifts in our lives but its happening and continuing even after light language is uttered.  As the impulse arises to allow more sound and  light energy to flow through, feel the way into these 9 benefits;

1. clearing energy 

2. balancing chakras

3. activating dormant systems

4. aligning with vibrations of Well-being

5. expanding perception 

6. activating spiritual or psychic gifts

7. deepening awareness

8. grounding confidence, truth, clarity of purpose

9. harmonizing polarities within and beyond ourselves


The Key to lengthening Life

Notice the key to lengthening life is understanding everything in terms of energy and cultivating the Tao.  This is about setting in motion the circulation of energy and aligning with universal or divine will.  It is about turning inward, being aware, controlling the unseen energy path. Being harmony is allowing consciousness and life energy to merge in thought, word and deed.  

You can view areas of your outward life; personal, professional, community/ hobbies, family or other, and feel the energy that you are generating and receiving. It is clear whether you are engaging fully, 'heart and soul' or not. The nature of feelings echo resonance or dissonance.  Being here now is about sharpening discernment, seeing beyond the illusion of linear time, being willing to shift focus of attention and energy flow toward resonance.