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Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in intuition (81)


Life is not what you think

As you awaken to how the game of life is played, you can choose not to be stuck in one way of thinking or doing.  To shift from an old paradigm to a new paradigm expands perspective.

Old paradigms suggest the answers are limited and found outside self in someone supposedly more knowledgable. External authorities and books related to this mindset prompted action. One often assumed one was powerless.

The new message paradigm is you are empowered with untapped inner wisdom. The shifting of vital energy fields means you view and experience energy differently. You refer to guides but also learn to trust yourself more.  You sense higher frequency energy that is more inclusive and expands a sense of higher consciousness. You can learn to detach from restrictive ideas and focus on intuition. Practical experience shows you what matters. Learn inner self is a timeless teacher;

1) Take responsibility for personal health and well-being.

2) Notice when body gets sick, it is sending you a message. Rather than take a pill to mute the symptoms, learn to listen.

3) Pay attention to what every situation invites you to learn.

4) Raise awareness to know you choose how to think & feel. 

5) Ancient cultures & quantum physics echo inner realities.

6) You predict the outcome of an experiment before you do it.

7) Spirituality and consciousness empower you immeasurably.


Soul work invites attention

Soul work is the exercise of learning to engage in heart-to-heart dialogue with your internal voice and also to listen.  This includes initiatives that empower you to explore underlying reasons for all emotions you choose to feel. 

As you consciously choose to detach from emotional energy, learn to notice hidden value and gradually move beyond it.  Consider inner tools your have overlooked or disregarded. 

Suddenly, you realize soul work invites much closer attention.  Allot regular periods of time for soul work to reveal itself to you.  Consider these 5 ideas as meaningful points of departure;

1) To judge anything as positive or negative overlooks the point of where you are and why you exist right now.

2) To appease the ego reflects lack of insight into the underlying strings or hidden agenda of praise and criticism.

3) To choose to be grateful for perceived critics helps you rise above resentment, envy and other destructive emotions. 

 4) To be motivated by power shows you are never fully empowered until you consciously choose to be disempowered.

5) To rediscover inner sight reconnects you with what you are and offers a path and direction to higher potential.


5 Ways to guide the right thing

The soul is part of you that constantly communicates using energy vibation.  This helps shift layers of your attention back to the truth. This meaningful process enriches the real you.

As you go about making choices today, keep 5 things in mind in order to guide you to the right thing at a give moment;

1) To conquer fear and doubt shifts you to love everything.  

2) To nurture faith is to strengthen and enrich soul energy.

3) Learn to feel with your mind and think with the heart.

4) To share experiences empowers others and listens to self.

5)  Trust intuition and unleash more wisdom than you realize.


How do you know what it means?

When spirit present in your dreams, part of you knows the precise reasons.  Yet, part of you may still ask what  this experience brings to light about varied dimensions of reality.  What are you supposed to do with what you are given?

Your logical, human side would possibly assume a figment of imagination magnified inner fear or, just seeks to entertain. Another part of you has a different view, especially if spirit visit dreams regularly. How do you know what to get out of it?

1) Believe in a purpose. You recall dream images and subtle experiences on different levels of awareness. Each encounter has reason for presenting. You choose to attune to certain energy. Believe reason exists. More than one may also appear.

2) Meditate on it. How vivid and memorable is the encounter? What sorts of details stand out? Which colors come to mind? Note strong sensations that stay with you.  Reconnect with details using mental discipline.  Dream journals can be helpful.

3) Reconnect with Higher forces.  Do you realize angels, animal spirit guides and other, higher vibrational energies, hear your thoughts?  They protect or draw attention to different aspects of self.  You can learn to communicate more consciously using telepathy in dreams and expand from there.

4) Ask your spirit guide. These beings often have some connecton to you in a past life and thus have experience on a physical plane. They draw from their own lessons learned to assist or reorient you. Some human beings get more than one assigned at different life stages. Each one assists with lessons.

5) Accept its not black and white.  Some dream visits are fragments and do not initially make sense until you piece a series of them together. A glimpse of a color, feeling, event or sensation has stand alone meaning yet, may figure into a larger puzzle. Patience helps you identify relevant points for you.

6) Trust your gut. As a child, you believe your instincts. You do not question them until adults convince you what you sense is not real.  What they are really saying is your view is not theirs. You can rekindle and revalidate your innate skills and sensitivities by listening to your inner vibes without doubt.

 7) Learn to raise vibrations.  To ask a spirit directly who he is, and/or how you can help is easier as you learn to attune to energy.  Thus you wll also be able to dialogue and get a sense of why the spirit presents to you.  Do not pretend to fully grasp what is happening. Regardless of the energy vibration you are at, others also exist and shape different perception.


The biggest risk ever follow-up #3

As you evolve through your own life, there may come a time when you stop asking questions and begin savoring each moment.  The idea of taking risks implies you have a hidden fear that things will not work out. You can move beyond that to transcend risk.

For anyone who has been reading "The biggest risk ever" series of posts, you may be wondering what has been  happening with the fairytale romance of two strangers who met in passing on a bus in a foreign country.  Why not share your own risky experience?

People make of their conditions whatever they wish.  You create your dream.  We are each our own messenger of truth. We choose experiences that challenge and stretch us, that may cause us to feel less than worthy.  Yet, whatever you have done or not done, wherever you have been or decided not to go, true love finds you.  Open your senses.

My own fairytale continues.  The marriage is planned to take place as an evening wedding sail  in August on a tall ship.  Funny, how you may have a premonition about an experience and realize your thoughts and feelings are more powerful than you realize.  The revelations that unfold inside me throughout this experience are phenomenal. 

I sense that as you learn to open yourself up to unconditional love, you realize there is more to it than you ever imagined.  Learning to love yourself brings unexpected joy.  All the questions answer themselves.  As you nurture faith and trust, you transform your perception.  Seven countries and an adventurous train trip open my senses wider. One creates and dissolves the illusion of risk. Trust your intuition. Trust the universe. Discover they are one in the same.