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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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The biggest risk ever follow-up #3

As you evolve through your own life, there may come a time when you stop asking questions and begin savoring each moment.  The idea of taking risks implies you have a hidden fear that things will not work out. You can move beyond that to transcend risk.

For anyone who has been reading "The biggest risk ever" series of posts, you may be wondering what has been  happening with the fairytale romance of two strangers who met in passing on a bus in a foreign country.  Why not share your own risky experience?

People make of their conditions whatever they wish.  You create your dream.  We are each our own messenger of truth. We choose experiences that challenge and stretch us, that may cause us to feel less than worthy.  Yet, whatever you have done or not done, wherever you have been or decided not to go, true love finds you.  Open your senses.

My own fairytale continues.  The marriage is planned to take place as an evening wedding sail  in August on a tall ship.  Funny, how you may have a premonition about an experience and realize your thoughts and feelings are more powerful than you realize.  The revelations that unfold inside me throughout this experience are phenomenal. 

I sense that as you learn to open yourself up to unconditional love, you realize there is more to it than you ever imagined.  Learning to love yourself brings unexpected joy.  All the questions answer themselves.  As you nurture faith and trust, you transform your perception.  Seven countries and an adventurous train trip open my senses wider. One creates and dissolves the illusion of risk. Trust your intuition. Trust the universe. Discover they are one in the same.


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Reader Comments (8)

Congratulations Liara!!
Self-Love is the key to unlocking all the magic in the world. When you love yourself unconditionally, the doors to the universe open wide and the stars begin to align.
July 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBruno LoGreco
Bruno, taking action enables you to feel fully alive. Everyone has the right to create a vision and live their dream. Not enjoying what is happening to you right now is living in the past. Each person was born with the right to love and be loved as they are. To take a risk to enjoy your life is to realize what living is all about. You have the right to be you, and to be honest with yourself about how you feel brings unexpected opportunities to savor all that you are at this moment wherever you are. Become a master of self-love.
July 27, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara, Yes, this post is RIGHT on. Funny you always contact me when I have been thinking of you.... Since my Akashic reading I have been feeling VERY empowered and my self love is growing daily. I CAN and will do amazing things helping many people in the process. I love all the goodness I am surrounded with and am very grateful. Whoo Hoo! Life is so much fun! A BIG Congratulations to you! All the best! Love, Jenny
July 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJenny Mannion
Jenny, it is empowering to realize that you are the creator of your own fairytale. You can choose to be inspired by other people you know or do not know. You can also choose to take steps to rediscover yourself. each chapter in your saga is as fascinating and life-transforming as you choose. Its always uplifting to hear you talk a sense of progress.
July 31, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
nice article, thanks for sharing.
August 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterparesh
Paresh, inspiration is always available to encourage you to create and live the life of your dreams. Sharing real-life experiences allows me to share positive energy and joy.
August 3, 2008 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
This book is called "Worthy" it's about the first 100 people who I gave a Karma Chip to, their letters, and why them. "Karma Chips" are my way for telling God that this person did something kind or provided me a lesson to help my life move forward. They are my physical way of "standing up" for these people crossing my path! My personal way of asking God and Heaven to make sure their is in the book of life! May their lives be lifted up as High as God can make it!

Brightest Blessings,
Sabrina Oxford
August 31, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSabrina Oxford
Sabrina, you share a very uplifting story. Love certainly expands. Everyone is worthy. Not everyone is aware that every choice they make, every person they encounter, contributes to meaningful growth and learning. Your contribution is valued. May the positive energy that surrounds you build confidence and remind you every opportunity you need is already knocking at the door.
August 31, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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