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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in alignment (48)


Breathe into Soul Alignment

Notice we are spiralling up energetically and revisiting familiar themes with a different level of consciousness. Core energy reorganizes and recalibrates different situations from inside out. Ongoing shifts in frequency magnify one's inner compass, and prompt increasingly spontaneous action. This may include living more simply, moving geographically, changing jobs & relations, sungazing more often and consciously absorbing cosmic energy. We continuously ask Spirit what is most loving to ourselves, what is in our highest good, and then take action we are guided to take. The higher vibrational version of you is resetting or reinforcing boundaries, rebalancing, easing into congruence. We re-arrange, redirect, or reconnect energy in new ways, all of it with purpose to empower the highest version of you. It is about reclaiming sovereignty and staying sovereign, calling energy through us, allowing ourselves to be compassionate, to harness and redirect energy for greater good. We recall what being genuine feels like by connecting with people who are loving and supportive. Create the reality you deserve. Live and breathe in alignment with Soul.


Move through time-space & beyond

Notice as consciousness expands, timelines seem to stretch & move through time-space and beyond. Through initiation and conscious shifts in vibration, one tunes into any point on the cosmic dial. The human being is in the process of transcending quantum barriers and manipulations of the psychic field. Receiving encodements allows psychic consciousness to re-emerge. Expanding innersight unleashes power to consciously affect energy flows. Everything in the reality field is shifting and changing at a cosmic pace beyond self-created limits and electromagnetic distortions. Be the flow and know only synchronicity exists. Access to deeper Truth and sacred geometry of Divine Being.

(Image: spiritual expansion by Cameron Gray)



Realize higher dimensions of life

Notice to know the higher dimensions of life, one must have a consistent sense and vibration of peace and joy in one's being. This requires self-mastery of desire, emotion and impulses. Tuning into higher dimensions means you can receive, hold, translate and decode higher dimensions of energy. The kind of spiritual growth that moves humanity into higher vibrational states and allows interdimensional travel will ultimately transform our carbon-based body into spiritual form. This process unites 3-D existence with what we are taught is the afterlife dimension. This will end the mental process of birth and death and transform our reality in ways unfathomable to the conditioned human mind. The Truth can only be known and felt directly. Reflect on this mantra:

Everyday, I am expanding my own perception of reality

I am open to new ideas and ways of thinking

I am breathing alignment into my body

I am pure awareness

I am expanding consciousness

I am wise, complex, intelligent

I am guided toward my true destiny and highest potential

The entire universe exists in every cell of my body

My life is unfolding perfectly

I am surrendering to what is

I flow with the natural movement of life

I trust I am exactly where I need to be right now

I am divinely guided and I am safe

I am awakening to my own wholeness and love

I am here for myself with love and compassion

I am activating love and compassion within me

I am balanced masculine and feminine energy

I am awakening to the depth and love of my own being.

I am God

I am All

I am noself

I am Nothing and Everything Now


Live the purpose of life

Notice you are deeply conditioned psychologically to pursue happiness, fulfillment, security. When you forget who you are, you lose the way and come to think material existence is the answer. Any fear you hold is a fear of not having, not being or meeting your expectations of your ego vision of self. As you discover such paths are unsatisfying, that pleasures and imaginary identity do not last, you are guided back to kindness, to the mysteries of nature, and to timeless wisdom. Many ways exist to recognize higher purpose and to shift so as to live in alignment with it. If you feel ready, you are here.    The what always comes before the how.

What is life? It is a global unity movement, a consciousness or flow of awareness coming through everything. Operate from the truth that humanity can thrive through cooperation and destroy itself through competition. Start to notice the catalysts that prompt you to look inside yourself. Everyone you encounter is a pointer to harmony.  Each polarity can be understood and balanced. Everything emerges from and disappears back into love. You can function based on existing world distortions or see beyond them.

Living in love is understanding and appreciating all experiences as lessons, teachings and opportunities available to you.  Act on what resonates or feels right.


The answer is yes

As you choose to realize you can focus your thoughts in any direction, you know all things are possible.  You no longer question your abilities or doubt what you are.  Figure out what thoughts and feelings prevent you from realizing certain dreams, from getting to where you want to be, from allowing energy through. You translate through physical senses and more.

In other words, suspend reality, let the mental resistence and beliefs about practical limitations go.  Be the unlimited being you are.  Allow contradictory thoughts in your vibration to disspiate.  You are aligned, secure, and healthy.  You no longer focus on how you will achieve, or what is probable.  You focus on how it feels as you are doing it.   As you feel the exhilaration and appreciation, you know what is real and live it.  As you shift alignment, you tune to vibration and dimensions that resonate.  Whatever you imagine, you already are in more than one way.