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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in alignment (48)


Discern energy as a self-portrait

Every human being is in the process of making choices in the physical world.  Every thought and feeling has an energy vibration that contributes to multi-dimensional patterns.  That is, sheets of energy vibrate on frequencies undetected by conscious radar.  What does it mean to your sense of realities?

Although a being's sense of "normal" experience is expanding, not every being chooses to be consciously aware.  In cases where you experience phenomena that other beings do not acknowledge or accept, they may view wider perception as 'extra-sensory' or, beyond explanation.  This reveals that perspectives can be rigid and static or flexible and fluctuating.

To take this a step further, consider mental attunement.  As you begin discerning energy vibration, you can learn to consciously discipline the mind and notice your own energy differently.  This is a new level of self-discipline. As you begin to mentally scan a variety of possibilities and timelines, what you take in with human senses changes. You begin to tap into altered realities and learn to shift interchangeable outcomes.

Consider how human beings question which aspects of their physical lives are illusions. Human beings do not always trust what they discern using their basic senses. They often doubt, scoff or disbelieve. Among those who do evolve to trust, some evolve further to experience intelligent light energy. This is a means of opening a door to much deeper consciousness.

By and by, you may come to discern energy as a soul mirror and self-portrait. The intensity of energy you feel through attitude, beliefs, emotion and unattained ambitions, offers insight into states of your character. The energy vibrations you receive determine whether you absorb uncluttered truths and to what degree you continue to perpetuate misunderstanding.

As one chooses to widen vision, to sense possibilities, one slowly reads energy. To sense soul-level energy is to begin to grasp form and features change based on one's personality and mental blocks. What you are willing to experience differs from what is. Mind power makes it possible for anyone to discern color and texture of energy layers and what exists in between.


7 Lessons to re-orient the waking soul

When you know a human being who passes on, your mind may wander to memories. Images and symbols may seem to arise in your dreams. What to do with them, if anything?

Passing,mental images do not always mean anything at that instant. You may even view yourself with the deceased in unfamiliar places. Do such insights arise from somewhere other than within the self? Who are the dreamweavers who guide beings during waking distress? Who re-orients soul?

You may be unaware soul exists in a perpetual,present reality. Many Earthly belief systems nurture fear about the unknown. Dream sequences offer metaphors and clues about former lives, spiritual transitions, and behaviour patterns that grew from somewhere other than where you are. What to make of all these possibilities? Consider 7 lessons to re-orient the soul;

1) Perceived absence is only an altered state of reality.

2) Spirit return as light energy to comfort living loved ones.

3) Images go from unconscious sensation to conscious reality.

4) Skilled spirit enter a sleeping mind  to integrate in dreams.

5) Dream visitors reinforce inescapable truths.

6) A filtering process sends waves of energy from spirit to you.

7) Dreamweaver spirit create or alter visions to send messages.


15 steps to nurture psychic insight

Why does psychic insight often mystify people? The dictionary offers varied meanings for “psychic.” Some people believe it pertains to things non-physical and non-scientific. Further, some people believe it relates to mystical aspects of the human soul or mind not readily proven or left unexplained.

Other people believe it describes individuals who are sensitive to forces, energy and forms that appear supernatural or inconceivable. Still other people prefer to avoid labels and detach from any view that requires external validity. Whatever your perspective, consider 15 steps to nurture psychic insight;

1) Attune to energy. Take steps to discern energy in diverse forms within and around you. They comprise you, affect your perception, scope of senses, faculties, health and well-being.

2) Raise self-awareness. As you begin to awaken to your thoughts and feelings, you can employ different techniques to gain insight into their underlying (and unconscious) causes.

3) Notice what is unnatural. Decisions you repeat reinforce conditioned responses to stimuli. You adopt practices based on vibrations expected from your senses or, based on what you are told, until you come to define what is natural to you.

4) Rediscover traits of "natural". Human beings are taught to forget what is. They are urged not to express how they feel when they feel it, to believe and consume man-made things and ideas. Life is a process of recovering inner-knowing on the natural, spontaneous, uncultivated, formless, and presence.

5) Recognize the influence of ego. Most of what you think and feel is displaced. The ego cannot relate to or begin to understand the present. Ego urges you to resist, devalue and avoid anything that would refer to the here and now.

6) Move beyond time. Wherever you perceive, you draw from conditions to rationalize a certain reality. Learning how you obscure things is a step toward dissolving what is not happening now. To detect when your mind wanders in time is how you realize ego distracts you from truth. Take time out of the equation and you remove ego influence.

7) Prepare to dissolve mindsets. A shifting of core consciousness must occur for you to consistently and genuinely change focus. This involves progressive stages of feeling, exploring and dissolving emotions using guided methods of mental discipline. To step beyond the"I" and "me" in thoughts and actions means you begin to transcend it.

8) Awaken deliberate intention. When you are busy getting somewhere, you are not present, do not notice inner patterns or deal with them. To awaken soul is to uncover something beneath your ingrained attitudes worthy of new attention.

9) Purge self-indulgence. Human beings are motivated by what they imagine will bring them pleasure. To humour your whims and satisfy your cravings is to self-indulge in ways that do not always serve you.

10) De-condition the mind. You exert yourself as part of a goal-setting process hoping to achieve certain personal outcomes. It is necessary to de-condition the mind to purify and restore your former, high estate of awareness.You may encounter resistence but this is but a trapping of the mind.

11) Accept events that unfold. As you consciously choose to align with energy as you sense it, you begin to embrace the concept of inner non-resistance. Choosing to accept getting what you want and not getting what you want, is like opening a door into unseen worlds. Beware though: indifference and reactivity are judgments. Acceptance is something else.

12) Choose to be in the now. At a given moment, when reasons for your action relate to a sense of presence, then you do not act based on ego. Moving beyond conditioned reasons for identity brings you to new levels of awareness and opens your senses to ingest energy outside human perception.

13) Move beyond fear. You no longer have reason to judge and consciously grasp what is. This is a mental place where you begin to view life with varying levels of insight. Words do not always adequately translate experiences.  You learn to recognize and dissolve walls to deeper, psychic awareness.

14) Nurture a gentle heart. Intuitively understanding the hearts of others means you arrive at a point where you sense everything is either from the view of perceiver, he who is perceiving, or the thing perceived; or, consciousness, force, or matter. Then, you evolve to sense all views simultaneously.

15) Align with pure love. To consciously move beyond conditioned mental images brings you to align with energy without conscious reference. You do not compare, juxtapose or analyze. Higher awareness allows you to experience an energy state or field without self-absorption. To access high energy vibrations between the spiritual self and fragmented selves, rediscover the practice of love.  Go beyond limitation.

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