Notice if we are truly committed to soul growth, this requires we shift our full, conscious attention in this direction. Wherever we focus in this world creates problems or distrubance until we recall our true relationship to energy and all things. Yet, what is it to devote ourself to our evolving relationship with self?
Contrary to popular belief, evolution does not necessarily require living in solitude in a remote place, leaving a job or family, though such
experiences may be part of our journey. In truth, evolution happens as we prioiritize our liberation from illusion, decide to be conscious of our reactions/ responses to all things. See triggers as gifts to move though them. If the external happens to irritate us, evoke fear, negativity, imbalance, we accept this points to what is going on inside us. If people are talking and it bothers us, then we realize disturbance is within us. This is taking responsibility for our thoughts and feelings and recognizing power is within to direct every moment of our lives.
A being intent on spiritual grow uses every moment for this purpose. Its not only during scheduled meditation or spiritual practice. To sense energy is to realize wherever we are, we attract or repulse everything in our experience. We tend to look past what feels neutral to what evokes pain or pleasure, want to minimize pain and maximize pleasure. We are disturbed, experience pleasure through attraction or overlook things. Ponder why so many things are neutral. Within those moments, a peaceful relationship exists. There is nothing to do abouti it. Thing is, balanced states tend not to last long. Our conditioned habit is to push things away or cling to things we attract to stay balanced. Whatever we are constantly working on is not us. Problems and solutions are not us. Yet they take most attention. The spiritual journey is about shifting away from that to neutrality.
Yoga is about turning all this upside down. It helps us realize that only working with ourselves can change our external conditions. It is not about touching our toes but what we learn about us through the course of our practice. As opposed to what is widely taught, we cannot change 'life' by focusing on the external. Why?
A closer look reveals focusing on the external is giving our power away. The external solves itself when we work on ourselves. Life is energy simply passing by and we are at peace with it. All of life is beautiful. If we think something right or wrong with life, then judgment is within us about us. People are the way they are. Situations are the way they are. We are honoured to be here with it all. There is a dance of energy unfolding. Watch what happens when there is no attempt to control things. Put whole heart and soul into whatever is before us. What enables us to experience life as it is not on what we define it to be. All of life exist to free us from our own self-created limitation and illusions.
So, work on our inner selves can happen every moment. Until we understand what takes us out of the peace evoked in meditation, then we will not be able to prolong that experience. Pay attention. Watch what is coming up in you. Join the dots. Ebbs and flows of inner tides prevent us from being at peace. True spiritual growth is the revelation that we are working on ourselves every moment of every day and not simply when we are meditating.
Most people can maintain consciousness and balance in a relaxed situation. The key is to be aware of what draws us out of that state. How do we stay centred, come what may? Shift focus inward to how we are responding to life, relationships, situations. Enter a room and participate in interactions, keep the continuity of experience and leave still centred. The purpose of any event is never the event, it is what happens to you when you are interacting before, during and after a situation and how we grow to remain calm and centred.