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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in alignment (48)


Everything has Perfect Timing

Notice you can only assist or empower another to the degree they are willing to help themselves. Wisdom unfolds from the inside out like an awakening lotus. People only hear information they can vibrationally receive at their state of consciousness. People are always doing their best at their level of consciousness. The urge to simply be yourself and let go of layers of illusion occurs when you are in a state of higher consciousness. As consciousness increases and expands, you feel connected to everything. Energies that enter one's scope of awareness are beyond verbal description. This requires alignment in thought, word, action. Light Body Activations occur with perfect timing. It is an alchemical process triggered within Oneself.

(image of Cosmic Consciousness by Cameron Gray)



Get Direct Soul Access

Notice that energy follows the path of least resistance. Imagine you are a mini tree hopper, soaring through the dense jungle in search of the perfect spot to land. The best way to guide your flight, like life, is to go with flow, or wind direction, to take what feels like the most natural or easiest Path, rather than go against the current. Going with the flow is acting in alignment with our Soul. Tuning into Soul accesses aspects of self typically unseen. Certain knowings act as our reliable compass. Listen closely. Anchor into the natural consciousness. Everything, inluding the miniscule, points to the perfect Path right now. We each allow or resist what nature intends


Unleash your inner magic

Notice unleashing our "inner magic" is about aligning with the fully -sovereign God conscious being within. When we wish to see veils or illusions in the external dissolve, this begins within ourselves. Its about reading our patterns, unplugging the programming, getting out of our own way. As we nurture strong discernment, we grow super- aware of incongruencies and stop allowing them to continue. The only way to create a soverign energetic field is to stop ignoring what bothers us and act differently. Karmic relationships are going. Discomfort arises so situations can be transcended, healed and integrated. Every trigger is a gift. Discomfort arises as long as we are triggered. What is not fully integrated keeps surfacing. We are meant to purify and integrate the lessons. Go in deep to remove the weeds, step out of the Matrix. When we do not speak our Truth, we are not loving the self fully. Everything must be questioned. No more spiritual bypassing. We must let go of victim consciousness. Becoming super -conscious again is being aligned with ethics and morals that ought to be common sense. Its about knowing we can be in pain and not suffer. We are realigning with core values, integrity in practice. This unlocks the multi-dimensional self. Who are you being while you are doing what you do? We see trans-formations within as we are ready to emerge as the phoenix. This is about coming into full alignment with our Crystalline Being Self. As we transcend the illusion of separation, we have conscious contact with different levels of consciousness. Everyone has to do his/her own work. Shifting onsciousness is moving from polarity consciousness to the frequency of unity consciousness. This is the Zero-point energy or the Holy Grail. Divine Love and neutrality are strengthening. Magnetic storms bring imbalances to the field. This is not about feeling no emotions. Holding balance is about being steady in the eye of the storm. Anything that is trying to play out is collapsing. Everything is unfolding in the Now moment. Focus on the child-like excitement of knowing all is well. Know everything comes together. Trust the unfolding. Many levels of battles are happening. Fighting simply feeds the fire. Centering or being at peace with oneself is the key. Listen to inner guidance to transcend survival fears. When we are aligned, believe in miracles, they turn up. Know your worth. Takes a lot of strength to stand up for ourselves. Say no to what is not in alignment with true self. Believe we can survive and making a living doing what we love. Support your clearing. Huge DNA clearings are happening for the multidimensional collective codes coming online. Everything is revelaed to us in the Now. Breaking through the programming requires coming into balance. Be aware only the programmed mind is triggerable. Move beyond it. Betrayals come up in relationships in part from other timelines. This is not personal. We cannot allow people to project onto us anymore. A program within us allows it. Your feelings are your navigational guidance system. It dawns we are not here to fix others but to set boundaries and rise above our programming. We are watching the codependence and narcissists dissipate. First, we must come into oneness to sense the power of inter-dependence. Stop the shennanigans. No more energetic leaks. Send love and consciousness to those who do not grasp their programming. We are transcending persecutor, rescuer and victim roles. This is the unconsciousness fighting for its "ego"self, its survival. Fom the moment you no longer fear attacks, abuse or negative expeirences, the program stops running. Heal the auric field. Be grown up about mental-emotional reactions. Say no to the universe about anything other than pure love. Empower yourself and laugh more often.


The Key to Being Authentic

(Image credit: Fractal Enlightenment)

Notice as you begin to love yourself fully as you are, you begin to grow aware of the illusions you created to shelter yourself from pain, those situations you created to uphold a false sense of self. As you begin to see through your own dishonesty, the stress and struggle it has been to uphold it, the lies told by others around you also reveal themselves. The more aligned you grow with your own integrity, the harder it is to stomach / accept the falseness around you. It dawns you never actually let go of situations or relationships. Rather, they fall away as part of you consciously shifting into higher vibrational states. You shift the focus of your attention away from unconscious living to conscious co-creation. The more in tune we become with our feelings, and act based on goodness, the faster we expand into the best version of self. A higher vibration echoes congruence, authenticity, self-respect, self-trust, self-love, -acceptance and will to surrrender to the universe. Deepest being knows help or support is always given to those who ask when they are true to themselves.


Align more with True Being

Notice as you shift focus to quantum singularities, it dawns there is no "space-time" in this expanded existence. Downloads come directly through the brain and all functionality networks. Instant revelations occur. Any guidance you get is like a connection to streams of knowing from an expanded state of Being. As you grow more effcient, you strengthen connection to Divine consciousness in the ever-existing present. Clarity arises from disilusionment. Since you and the cosmic multiverse are same, you never really "improve". Rather, you simply create more or less aligned versions of self with True Being. Consciousness only seems to change and accelerate. Ego or "I" is disintegrating. The border between one's self and the external world is dissolving, "ego-disintegration" or "dissolution" is also an important feature of the psychedelic experience. Many avenues remind us what harmony feels like, and induce shifts. Each change requires a death to occur in our lives. As we transition into new states of awareness and consciousness we naturally let go of what is not supportive. On one level, we are all connected and we are Spirit. From this view, we are always divine and perfect. At the same time, part of the human condition is having an ego which sees itself as separate from the rest of life. Each state of separation creates fear, anger and various emotions. Physical illness echoes states of separation. As we engage in spiritual practice, we start to heal separation. To expand consciousness requires we surrender to the perfection of the universe. At times, this is hard and we benefit from remembering our own divine light.