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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in truth (124)


See through the human journey

Notice everything that captures our attention is woven together to tell a story. Our lives are unique universes that function like spiders' webs. If you touch single thread of your own unique instrument, the whole web feels the vibration, as do nearby webs that respond in resonance or dissonance, harmony or disharmony, approaching to merge or repelling and fading away. Come what may, touch a single blade of grass, a single flower petal, tree, water droplet, and you touch that which appears furthest away for it is all one. Creating ego is a human journey that shapes perspectives until we come home to where we never leave.


Redefining true responsibility

Many views exist on responsibility. Some feel taking it is key, others prefer to avoid related discomfort, pain. A part of you would argue taking responsibility is like taking control of life. Yet what is really under our control?

Society distorts things. We are taught being responsible is doing what we are told by our elders (parents, teachers, mentors), and being irresponsible is acting from our perception of individual needs. The mistaken fear often adopted is if we act spontaneously, this will be like avoiding social, family and cultural responsibilities on our shoulders. In fact, this is a huge misunderstanding or way our minds are manipulated away from truth.

In truth, response is possible only if you are spontaneous, act in the moment, now. Response means that your attention, awareness, consciousness, is fully present. Come what may,  respond with your whole being. It is not a question of being in tune with anyone else, some holy scripture, or some imagined personality. It simply means to be in tune with the present moment.

This ability to respond in the here and now, based on feelings at present is responsibility, another term that silently refers to meditation.  This is a forgotten secret. Remembering and putting this into practice changes how you relate to yourself and the world.


10 Tips to Live a More Authentic Life

Many people ask themselves what it is to live a truly authentic life. One perspective invites us to abide wholeheartedly based on the 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas outlined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. 

We are each invited to explore different life areas and discover where we adhere to these universal principles or not.  Working with a mentor, guide or therapist can assist us to deepen soul alignment.  Dreams are realized based on congrumence or inner harmony. If we are out of alignment with these principles, then life issues arise.


1. Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed)

2. Satya (truthfulness)

3. Asteya (non-stealing)

4. Brahmacharya (celibacy or 'right use of energy')

5. Aparigraha (non-greed or non-hoarding)



1. Saucha (cleanliness)

2. Santocha (contentment)

3. Tapas (discipline, austerity or 'burning enthusiasm')

4. Svadhyaya (self-study)

5. Isvara Pranidhana (surrender to na higher being or contemplation of a higher power)


10 Tips to Rebuild, Rewire & Recreate Yourself

The moment arises when we are ready to make bigger life changes.  Sometimes change seems to happen without us and we may feel confused or frozen in our tracks. Sometimes we are unsure exactly how to respond to abrupt change, that is, which mountains to scale, which direction to turn or to how to let go of what no longer serves us.  Consider 10 Tips to rebuild, rewire and recreate yourself;

1. Draw Power from Inside

Everything shifts as it dawns true power comes from inner navigation rather than from outer attractions and attachments to people, position, potential promotion, material goods and prestiege.  In other words, this is key to reclaim and strengthen relationship with our truest virtues, vivid visions and untapped potential.

2.  Speak Truthfully

One who speaks from the heart, does not hold back, regardless of judgement, rejection or loss of popularity, is aligned with Soul.  As we shift away from ego agendas, we realize being honest with ourselves and others is the only option to be real.  Journalling and reading entries to self can encourage us to take it next level.

3. Focus on a Calling

This is not the same as what we do as a job we are pushed into or we allow someone to choose for us.   It emerges from intuition, a sixth or spiritual sense.  Its up to each of us to take chances, join the dots of our own path, do what others tell us cannot be done.

4. Be Loyal to your Values

This implies we are aware of our ideals and live in integrity.  This comes from deepening self-awareness and being willing to let go of relationships and situations that are not out of sync. Whether we call them pillars, commandments, guideposts, habits, principles or core values, they quietly guide our decisions and actions. The best are easily understood and shared in practice.

5. Live from the Heart

As we sget out of the head, (stop questioning, doubting, over-analyzing), and live more from the heart, we find effortless productivity soars, confidence and self-worth increase, and we grow into magic manifestors. This is part of the process of discovering oour gifts and offering service.  I pray we all come to trust intuition over the logic and practical reasoning of the intellect.

6. Study Inspiring People

Inspiring men and women affect us based on artistic genius, being fearless warriors, prodigious scientists, businss titans, inspiring humanitarians, Nobel laureats and individuals who inspire us to love and accept ourselves and our visions.   Principles they live by, behaviours, discipline and rituals stand out or draw us in to recognize qualities in ourselves that are ripe to blossom.

7. Learn to Meditate & Visualize

Notice the body. Feel your breath. Take note when your mind is wandering. Varied approaches exist.  This is about becoming an astute observer of your own thoughts and feelings.  Gradually expand your awareness to include body sensations, and sounds in external environments. Embrace everything that arises with non-judgmental awareness. Continue practicing mindfulness meditation for at least 10 minutes daily, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

8. Invest in Self-development Events & Courses

Call it synchronicity or intuition, something mysterious guides us to commit time, and energy to events and courses. Maybe its a yoga teacher training, a children's illustrator workshop, a writer's masterclass, an artists' internship, a free offering that crosses our path, guidance from inspiriting specialists with no strings attached. Take advantage of what presents. Let your soul be your pilot.

9.  Enlist experts

At different stages of life, we invite in teachers and guides that invite us to evolve and flourish into more expanded versions of our true Self. That may include; performance coaches, healers, breathworkers, spiritual counsellors, hypnotherapists, dream coaches or whatever resonates with our stage of consciousness.

10. Self-examine

To pay attention to yourself invites looking deeper into the psyche, to realize what unfolds in our external world reflects the state of our inner world.  Begin to realize the subconscious mind and conscious mind are the same mind.  The only reasons we see a difference is because we artificially create a division. The part of the mind we are not willing to look at is the subconscious mind. To explore this unknown, do shadow work, get up early, strengthen resolve, do dream work, and take steps to align with personal destiny. 

On reflection, as a wiser woman, I realize this is a lot.  At times, the process, was uncomfortable, even terrifying.  Yet, is was also electrifying, fascinating, rewarding to make my own breakthroughs. It dawns that deep personal change is often painful simply because it is transformational.  We cannot grow into all we are meant o be without leaving behind versions of ourselves we outgrow. Older versions of you experience a kind of death so your own new realities can emerge. We are taught change comes with suffering but the nature and duration are up to each of us.

Every morning, I see aspects of the external world continue to sleep or remain unchanged while the way I see myself, my behavior, even my very operating system are completely restructuring.  The more I focus energy, time and attention on my vision, the more major fears fall away and new situations emerge to replace them. Much of my previous conditioning to please, to be liked and conform, while betraying true self, just dissolved.


13 Situations where we ought to speak up

(Image: Human Energy Field- visionary art by Alex Grey)

Many people have heard phrases like “Silence is golden” and “Silence speaks louder than words.” And yet, situations also arise when not speaking up is not in our best interest and can also be detrimental to others.

This article invites reflection on 13 situations that invite us to recognize speaking up is important, desirable and in the interest of the greater good.  Knowing the best course is about learning to tune into our vibration and watch signs and signals within us. May this inspire each of us to step back and review what can feel like tricky situations. Self-mastery involves systematically mastering our fears. 

1) When we witness injustice

When we see someone is treated unfairly or unjustly, we ought to know deep down silence is not an option.  Whether it’s at work, in public, or even among friends, standing by and doing nothing makes us complicit in the injustice.  It takes courage to speak up, especially if the person acting unjustly is a partner, family member or perceived authority.  We each matter. What we say matters. Validating others and their rights is like validating ourselves.  Candidly sharing can inspire others to also listen to their gut and say what they feel.

2) When our boundaries are being crossed

Moments arise when people, intentionally or unintentionally, cross our boundaries or those around us.  It might be through words, actions or even invading personal space. Many people know what it is to stay silent, thinking they don’t want to create a scene or get on someone’s bad side.  Yet, I’ve come to realize my peace of mind is paramount.  Respecting myself not only alleviates discomfort.  It also ensures my boundaries are respected. Yet for my boundaries to be respected, I must first clearly define them.

3) When something is unclear

Many people seek clarity.  At the same time, they may act as if they know or understand things they do not.  I’ve been in meetings and personal situations when what’s being discussed is confusing or unclear.  It’s easy to feel embarrassed and just nod along, pretending to understand. Yet, I’ve found that asking for clarification shows courage, open-mindedness, and willingness to learn.  That does not necessarily mean I always get clear on everything, Yet, If we say nothing, we stay in the dark. Instead, make room to let light in.

4) When our health is at stake

Well-being is a given yet how we experience health in the body, varies.  True health and balance depend on being in harmony with our soul.  Life experience has taught me to tune into the heart for guidance.   Although self-care may be effective and beneficial at times, there are situations where I speak up and reach for external expertise. In health matters, silence is not an option.  If I have a serious physical wound that is bleeding, or require surgery, I get things properly treated. I am open to discussing symptoms with specific practitioners,  expressing discomfort to a fitness instructor or friends who relate.  It’s easy to ignore signs until that no longer resonates with conscious living.  

5) When our values are compromised

Certain situations arise that challenge our sense of taboo or compromise of our values.  Whether it’s at work, in relationships, or even casual interactions, I’ve been in situations that turn out not to align with my core values.  Tempting as it might be to keep silent to maintain peace or avoid conflict, I’ve learned that this can lead to regret and resentment.  As the way I live my life is my message, I work toward transparency to encourage others to work though their own layers of unconscious dishonesty. Hence, it’s crucial for me to shift situations when my values are disrespected, standing firm in my convictions while also promoting understanding.

6) When we feel unsafe

Safety is a tricky one. This may seem obvious but it is not. Earlier in life, I found myself in situations in school, workplaces and elsewhere where I was bullied and due to fear of authority, injury, or undesirable consequences, I chose not to speak up when I felt unsafe.  Fear of safety led me to allow others to exert power over me.  Of course, we are generally taught not to put ourselves in harm's way.  Yet the mind can interfere. As we grow in wisdom and maturity, this allows seeing things from new perspectives.  I am systematically working through this and empower others to do so. It helps to take the personal out of situations, to reflect on universal principles and make decisions based on what is for the greater good not based on what ego would have us do or not do.

7) When someone we care about is hurting

During our life journeys, we encounter situations where people we care for deeply are going through a tough time, mentally, emotionally, physically, perhaps living with the memory of having done something they regret. If we truly see this, feels it, we are aware of it, both the inward sorrow, as well as the outward sorrow. Then, only one option exists-we must respond, one has to solve it, one can't just sit by and do nothing.  Of course, it may be  tempting to remain silent, assuming they need space or fearing that we might say the wrong thing.  However, I’ve discovered that reaching out and expressing concern and support can make a difference.  It’s not about proposing ot solve their problems. it’s about reminding them they’re not alone.   Sometimes, it is reassuring to feel supported.  At the same time, its also important to recognize we are not responsible for the choices other people make or do not make. 

8) When we are hurting

To feel is what makes us human. Pain is physical, suffering is mental.  Self-worth can be affected. At times, I’ve chosen to keep difficult feelings to myself.  I’ve put up a facade, pretending I could handle it all.  But I’ve learned that silence can amplify my suffering.  Being honest about my feelings, reaching out for help when it feels right, has been one of the hardest yet most liberating things I’ve done.  Turns out, vulnerability is strength. In some situations, to admit that we not okay is a big step towards deep healing.

9) When our ideas can make a difference

Some of the biggest innovations have come from unexpected ideas?  For instance, the idea for the Post-It notes came from a 3M engineer who thought of using a weak adhesive for bookmarks.  To doodle or generate ideas invites brainstorning and expanding on what inspires us.  Our ideas could be the next big thing, or might resolve a situation that’s been bothering loads of people.  Remember, thought and the courage to voice it is what changes our reality.  

10) When we are treated unfairly

Discrimination and other mistreatment are more widespread than often realized. I recall a period in my life when I was working for a few different employers who had favorites and exploited me.  It wasn’t initially overt, but the subtle biases were felt.  I was often overlooked for opportunities for which I was just as qualified. In some cases, I was underpaid for my work.   At first, I brushed it off, thinking it was all in my head. But as time passed, the pattern grew more evident.  It took courage, but I finally voiced my concerns.  Those employers did not always see the same way as I did.  I was let go in one case and threatened by others. Things didn’t change immediately.  Yet, I began to see a shift in myself which led me to create situations where I was treated well.  The lesson here is, if you feel you’re being treated unfairly, don’t suffer in silence.  We deserve to be heard and treated with respect. Life is a mirror for how we treat ourselves.

11) When silence hurts more than words

We’ve all had moments in our lives when we chose silence, hoping it would save us from confrontation or pain.  But sometimes, silence hurts more than words.  I remember a time when I had a falling out with a friend. Instead of talking it out, we both chose silence. As days turned into a longer period, the distance grew. It took a lot of courage and swallowing of pride to finally break the silence and mend the friendship.

12) When dreams are guiding us

The more we develop drem recall and explore possible meanings in our dreams, the clearer it is we are often giving ourselves soul-level guidance from about how to manage situations in the physical world.   Exploring dream recall tips and writing down what we remember is a helpful way forward.

13) When you experience (or witness) a conflict of interest

Conflicts of interest happen when people acting in professional roles of authority as well as in personal roles that compromise our position and vulnerability.  For example, its unwise (and unethical) to get romantically involved with our boss or a anyone who exercises authority over us. Its also not in our best interest to share deeply intimate details of a colleague or co-worker who could take advantage of that information. This is about creating or reinforcing boundaries.

In closing, if you’re in a situation where silence is causing more damage than good, it’s time to speak up. The words might be hard to say but remember, healing starts with a conversation.