The answer is yes

As you choose to realize you can focus your thoughts in any direction, you know all things are possible. You no longer question your abilities or doubt what you are. Figure out what thoughts and feelings prevent you from realizing certain dreams, from getting to where you want to be, from allowing energy through. You translate through physical senses and more.
In other words, suspend reality, let the mental resistence and beliefs about practical limitations go. Be the unlimited being you are. Allow contradictory thoughts in your vibration to disspiate. You are aligned, secure, and healthy. You no longer focus on how you will achieve, or what is probable. You focus on how it feels as you are doing it. As you feel the exhilaration and appreciation, you know what is real and live it. As you shift alignment, you tune to vibration and dimensions that resonate. Whatever you imagine, you already are in more than one way.