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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in source energy (4)


Live the purpose of life

Notice you are deeply conditioned psychologically to pursue happiness, fulfillment, security. When you forget who you are, you lose the way and come to think material existence is the answer. Any fear you hold is a fear of not having, not being or meeting your expectations of your ego vision of self. As you discover such paths are unsatisfying, that pleasures and imaginary identity do not last, you are guided back to kindness, to the mysteries of nature, and to timeless wisdom. Many ways exist to recognize higher purpose and to shift so as to live in alignment with it. If you feel ready, you are here.    The what always comes before the how.

What is life? It is a global unity movement, a consciousness or flow of awareness coming through everything. Operate from the truth that humanity can thrive through cooperation and destroy itself through competition. Start to notice the catalysts that prompt you to look inside yourself. Everyone you encounter is a pointer to harmony.  Each polarity can be understood and balanced. Everything emerges from and disappears back into love. You can function based on existing world distortions or see beyond them.

Living in love is understanding and appreciating all experiences as lessons, teachings and opportunities available to you.  Act on what resonates or feels right.


Penetrate the ultimate reality

As you turn inward and gradually turn inside out, revelations unfold.  Every aspect of existence is a vibration of light energy.  You are an extension of the eternal source.  You have no beginning or end.  Energy only flows between forms. While experiencing different states of mind, the core state of being is always present.  The awareness of true nature as the whole is also here. As you let go of all that is not you, what remains is the ultimate reality.  It echoes you are the giver and receiver of all you have ever done. You do not become something you were not. Apparent ignorance or forgetting who you are is temporary. To love and accept all as you reveals the highest truth.

"What man is God once was [is happening now through you and me], what God is, man is also now." - Anonymous


Feel its already happening

Notice that when you want to do something or when you wish for something to happen, source energy only manifests into being what is reflected by energy vibrations you feel.  So, feel like you would feel when this thing you want is already happening.  That is, feel as though you are already doing what you wish to do.  Think, speak and behave as if you relish everything about the process unfolding where you are.  Know possibilities exist as non-physical energy before the senses detect any confirmation in this physical reality.  Imagine you only allow positive vibration to flow in you as love, appreciation, abundance, and gratitude. 


Who chooses among the possibilities?

Quantum physics teaches that human beings sense the truth of their existence through infinite perspectives of consciousness.  The movement of objects presents in terms of possibilities. You may ask who or what chooses among these many options? What happens as you discover you have creative control over your experience?

Consciousness itself unfolds based on free will.  Experience systematically narrows possibilities.  The observer is not included in impressions of quantum physics.  The subject is more fundamental.  Humans perceive things based on memory.  They view self in time and space to narrow possibilities.  To move beyond the senses allows you to experience things that remind you much exists beyond what you are taught to believe is real.  Have faith.  Trust.

When you view the self as separate, or as an object in consciousness, then you have not yet let go of the subject-object perception.  Direct experience reminds you everything is an extension of you.   As you step outside illusion, you no longer feel separate from anything.  A force within feels an awakening of absolute freedom.

In essence, you reconnect with who you are from consciously engaging in non-ordinary states-of being.  This awakens states of consciousness you temporarily forget.  You can detach from perceptions you pick up in the physical that distract you and contribute to dis-alignment.  You connect with guides to steer you back on track.

It is said an effective way to manifest your own dreams is to realign with Source energy and help others to help themselves.  Every moment, you are a more conscious participant in the cosmic shift of consciousness.  You create your reality and manifest the ego and quantum self as part of Cosmic synchronicity. Help others-get there from here.