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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in dimensions (36)


See from a New Point of View

(Image: Human Merkabah by artist Samuel Farrand)
Notice much misinformation and confusion arises in use of language and adopted meanings. Sacred geometry has been my core reality since childhood. I tune into everything as geometry first, decode energies into a human realm of perception.
When it comes to language, dimensions and realms are not the same. sacred geometry serves as a tool to reveal dimensions are different points of view of the same reality. Math is the universal language. Nine dimensions of our existence come from unity (0 leads to 1 to 9). To exist, a unified dimension must express itself into another. It creates polarity which is the second dimension. As these two points move, they create a third dimension, which is an axis between these two. These three points of view are in motion around each other which creates the fourth (time). This fourth dimension begins to create energy and light, which is the fifth dimension. Then, this shape can change it position which creates the sixth dimension. This said, the sixth dimension can transcend and manifest itself as the seventh dimensional reality. The infinite possibilities of these changes are represented by the toroid or eighth dimension. Everything comes back to the divine unity or reason why everything exists. This is echoed by the nineth dimension, as seen by the cube, which, precipitates the formation of the platonic solids that generate everything that exists in our dimensional reality.
So, to tune into things from point of view of geometry helps us to realize that we are not actually moving from 3D to 5D. Rather, we embody all dimensions simultaneously already. It may be said awakening is about growing aware of our conditioned emotional processing of information, realizing we can change our response. As we tune into the vibrational nature of thoughts and feelings, we can consciously recognize disharmony, shift focus and connections to amplify a different or more all-encompassing view. We exist to recall what it is to be our true self, and to experience a spectrum of energy and delight in coming full circle.

Dream Analysis of the Week- Levels of Initiation


I was eating raw food as I climbed spiral stairs of an inner mountain. I met a familliar lady (Jane) who smiled, passed me a key. She was a dream guide I encountered to reach a door on another level. I used key to open door in the wall both key and door vanished. i stepped inside and fell into what turned out a deep chasm yet landed on soft moss. I sat up to see a labriynth of winding underground caverns.  Something mysterious arose from shadows to light my way. I followed glowing insects. A bioluminescent underground river in vibrant twinkling colours appeared out of nowehere. The insects and river guided me to a large chamber with a cathedral (vaulted) ceiling.  In the distance,  I saw another key on a bed of moss on a high rock near a waterfall. So, I waded into the unknown water and swam toward it. A puriple dolphin surfaced inviting me to hold its fin.  We swam together toward the key. As I reached the huge rock I struggled to climb footholds to get ontop, and the rock rumbled.  Then, a huge turtle surfaced its head to smile. As I picked the key up from its back, a holographic vertical series of geometry appeared and key vanished. Touching the key had activated a portal. Symbol recognition at the level of consciousness activated a certain sequence. Lights flashed and "I" vanished.


Raw food as a dream symbol reminds us that everything we consume has a frequency that activates and strengthens our energy systems or suppresses innate capacities. To eat clean and pure sustenance is one way to sharpen lucidity.  It also enables us to accelerate cosmic downloads of vibrational information, so we receive, decode and transmit light in a conscious manner that expands consciousness and turns on forgotten abilities.  Discipline is also required.

Stairs imply moving through levels of awareness. Obstacles are clearing as you take action to make amends.  Spirals refer to the nature of the spiritual journey and the willingness to embrace stages of ups and downs, steep shifts in direction, and moving stairs.

We may be reminded of the famous Escher painting of staircases entitled "Relativity."  It depicts a world in which the normal laws of gravity do not apply. As we begin to see through illusions and dream with lucidily, we begin to harness more creative power in waking life.

Relativity (M. C. Escher) - Wikipedia

This image depicts one of the most copied, and most parodied images, a series of staircases crisscross in a labyrinth-like interior. It intrigues, not only due to the geometry and versatility in conveying multiple dimensions, but also because the staircases symbolize humans' endless pursuit of moving up in the world and the obsession with hierarchies, the "next level" or "next thing".  This 3D world of climbing stairs can perpetuate dissatisfaction unless a means of feeling grounded and satisified emerges in waking life.

Dreaming of a key invites us to ask, “what is the issue in my life that needs a solution?” The key is a common symbol that foretells new discoveries, a geographic move, fresh ideas, thoughts or feelings, new experiences and new knowledge that has been hidden from you (or you have been witholding from yourself).  Dreaming of a key suggests you are open to a big life change, shift, or new beginnings. Being given or holding keys echoes levels of initiation. Keys may point to a secret, a mysterious situation that has not been overly transparent. As the key vanishes, this is the omen of a difficult life period coming to an end. Something echoes, 'you earned it'.

To imagine a chasm, or abyss, reminds you that you choose fear or excitement change in a real life situation. The dream could be telling you that you of the urgency to make a decision and take action.  Falling in a chasm can signify a fear of failure, or not making the "right choice". Yet, to emerge safely indicates you are confident you will overcome obstacles.  To have something soften your fall implies success is linked to accepting the help of others.

Underground places may symbolise where we bury our suppressed fears and desires. This dream symbol can come up when things you have ignored or denied for some time finally need to be addressed. Going into a cave can represent a journey of self-exploration to heal difficult feelings and relationships that can be very transformative.

A vaulted (cathedral) dream ceiling reveals you see beyond where you are yet, find it hard to stabilize on higher ground. You do however, use ingenuity and resourcefulness to do the best you can in light of new challenges. The mischievous aspect of your personality has you push boundaries, go further with intention to reach a new level of love, acceptance, joy. This said, some childhood anxiety has yet to be resolved in your adult life. You have kept that "vaulted" (hidden) in your subconscious until ready to surface for healing and integration.

Turtles in dreams represent your inner persistence, determination, endurance, wisdom and spiritually. These fascinating yet symbolic messengers has just emerged to show you more ancient wisdom is growing accessible. Dolphins are another creature with cosmic significance. They convey vibrational messages felt and decoded  differently based on level of consciousness. Some know them as wise, telepathic guides. Those who ask are always helped.

Sacred geometry appears here as a sign the soul is being nourished. Awareness of parallel worlds and timelines implies you can travel more widely as you master yourself. You may recall visions from films like Dr Strange: The Multiverse of Madness  and how geometry is like a vibrational code or door that arises as part of initiations. Cosmic doorways present in alignment with our vibration.

We offer Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams, related to karma, energies, clarity and more. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course. Contact us.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Relationship Change


I thought i was going on a romantic island getaway with my partner yet had mixed minds about it. Instead, we found ourselves on a luxury yacht with hot tubs and spas in different rooms and were told by ship captain that the trip was going around islands in circles near the horizon with people we did not know. My middle sister showed up with a duffle bag full of white fluffy towels and put it on a big bed.  I went up on deck, saw a lifeboat tied to the side and jumped in. I started rowing toward a portal that opened in the ocean. As I passed through it, time stopped. I saw my children were playing next to neighbours at a park on a white fluffy cloud. My boat suddenly turned into a hot air balloon. I landed on the floating world and the kids climbed in.  We lifted off, flew in a new direction.  Another portal opened.  I navigated the balloon through.


Relationship change on the horizon. The definitive decision is yours. Its clear your current personal life is not taking you where you wish to go.  You may feel unforeseen burdens by circumstances beyond your control.  Water and spas echo your emotions or empathy toward others. You might be overly sensitive and would benefit from freeing yourself from taking on other people's energies. Remind yourself you consciously define your own frequency. Making a conscious move to become the captain of your own ship would expedite a rapid change of energy and scenery. You may recall energy of doing it before. 

On another level, this is about re-adjusting templates of energy and recalibrating personal energies to align with inner wisdom you are ready to share. You may sense an urgency to shift or a sense of 'time running out' in order to prompt you to shift into your soul role. The quickening you feel echoes you are really have (and are in) 'no-time'. Pressure you place on yourself to be more authentic is helping highlight and let go of illusions that already served their purpose.

A lifeboat echos your ongoing spiritual journey is offering an exciting mixture of possibilities as you move forward. This includes switching timelines and dimensions according to the nature of your vibration. As you recall more of your true power, there is no choice only being in alignment. Lucid dreaming is a tool we can use to consciously move into dream yoga and new scenarios in waking life in ways that reflect our true nature. What would activate your own inner magic?

Fluffy clouds tend to represent peace and harmony. You are not only moving toward but also know what this really feels like. The true playground is unlimited, a holographic reality like the holodeck of the Starship Enterprise of Star Trek. Tune into your inner child.  Allow light-hearted feelings to guide you to the best course. Let Soul be your pilot. The moment arises to intuitively move beyond, reframe or rise above difficult life situations. Changes are definintely in process.  The direction you go from here is up to the degree you are willing to take radical responsibility, trust and surrender to the unknown.  To face oneself is to observe without judgement.

"When we're deluded, there's a world to escape. When we are aware, there is nothing to escape." -Bodhidarma 

We offer Dream Consultations of single and multiple dreams and also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course. Contact us for details.


Sense of Love is Changing

Notice we cannot simply show up half-heartedly and expect the world to show up, and reveal itself completely in all dimensions. The universe always has our back, yet what appears in our scope of awareness mirrors how truthful we are with ourselves.  That is, we cannot see what is vibrationally out-of-sync with us. When we do not fully accept all of self, we do not accept parts of reality, keep them from entering our perception and experience, postpone wholeness.

The depth of insight we have into self (why we do the things we do or not) shapes soul's evolution. If we only share glimpses of truth, do not validate all parts of ourself, stay ignorant of our dishonesty, we simply catch glimpses of wider realities. All feelings are essential to growth and any we avoid, suppress as shadows, limit our reality. We only experience wider realities to the degree we are willing to face and explore deeper parts of ourselves. This takes courage.
When unconscious, we do not change because we do not recognize anything needs to change. Until we bring light to our unconscious wounds and patterns, grow in our discernment, develop discipline and patience, we are not ready to accept responsibility for our own joy, happiness, peace and serenity. Thus, this cannot emerge in our direct experience. "Ah-ha" moments change everything.
To connect with something beyond ourselves allows everything to be as is, suddenly know nothing interferes with our happiness. It is everywhere, whether we experience it or not. By letting go of control, learning to trust and surrender, we recall what it is to love all parts of self, transmute energies other than love and integrate aspects of self we resist. Our sense of what love is, calls for love and messages about love, change as a reflection of expanding consciousness. It dawns as we change, the world around us changes. Wider realities emerge.

Patience is a teacher

(Peruvian Pop up visionary art experience by Alfredo Zagaceta )
Notice the feelings evoked by words 'loneliness' and 'solitude.' It is common to fear or resist being alone. Ideas of loneliness evoke visions of boredom. So, a bored person finds another and they both take action to get through or beyond the ideas of boredom. On some level, boredom doubles. Doing has its place and provides a path to valuable lessons. It also takes one away from deeper truth.
The genius of mind creates illusionary escapes, places, illusions of togetherness. Our whole society, families, organisations, communities, hobbies, livelihoods, travel, are all escapes from visions of loneliness. Yoga is the process of growing aware of absolute loneliness and growing aware nowhere really exists to go.
Boredom is transcended by living fully in each moment as it arises. Be open to the unknown, to anything that may happen. Accept it as it comes. The denial, non-acceptance is the obstacle. To be open, receptive, to accept, is to unconditionally welcome it all. Create the situation and the happening will come by itself. Nothing truly valuable can be predicted. We cannot predict every aspect of life, yet we can set heartfelt intention, let things unfold in their own way.
To be patient is to surrender. Sit in solitude. People who resist waiting imagine the idea of certainties. They have said do this, and this will happen. The mind tells us the happening is a guarantee. Yet, in the big picture, this cannot be. Waiting lifetimes may not allow the thing to come. As one fully accepts this uncertainty, the heart settles. That is, knowing everything is happening now, is to be aware of everything as it is, to experience glimspes of the whole.
Ultimately, no one truly knows what is next. No one knows every possible path. No one knows exactly what this moment will bring. To accept what comes and make the best of it allows the best version of Self to blossom. This waiting is as easy or as hard as each of us decide. Our energy has the power to shape a new destiny, to allow us to shift timelines, dimensions or into what resonates.