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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in remembering (54)


What to do for personal well-being?

Reflect on the turning points concerning healing in your life.  How does that make you feel? What do you appreciate about being a seeker and a finder of remedies and solutions? Do you choose to have, be or, quest for things you perceive to lack?

Some people sense personal well-being begins as a state of mind.  Other people sense this is heart (or intuition) based, or even stems from something from outside of themselves.  Consider the components that contribute to your energy level.  Notice the shifts.  What do you make of this? You may sense varied levels of evolution or remembering. These subtle nuances are how you Transform your life.


Do you sense more to life?

You are ready to be more conscious of your frame of mind.  Ingrained within your belief system, you may believe that disharmony, lack and discomfort are part of life.  In truth, they are not.  As you choose to let go of every idea, concept of belief, you realize you have the opportunity to choose the joy of being.  You are coming to recognize the creator within yourself.  You shift states of being.

Invite yourself to remember who you really are.  What does this entail? It is completely your choice.  As you begin to realize the extent of your choices, you remember you align with limitation or limitlessness.  You choose to get frustrated by conditions or find reason to laugh and break free from the prison of the mind. Each decision is a stage of Self-Disclosure and Cosmic Synchronicity.

Tune into my radio show entitled, "Remember who you are" or, visit the archives:



What does it take?

What if you do not have to be anywhere? As you realize you are not going anywhere, you suddenly know you are going nowhere. Consider why you feel increasingly impatient as you are. What is this telling you about your states of mind and being?

Part of you may be asking, what does it take to change? What does it take to be yourself and accept it?  What is required to give up the masks and illusions? Some people are ready for this stage and others are not. To be focused on ego prevents you from transcending.

From the higher perspective, limitation does not exist. Evolution does not happen. You are slowly tapping into the vision that is you.   What are you giving representation to right now? All of this remembering is the road to aligning with Cosmic Synchronicity.


Return to the fullness of being

More and more people are noticing the experience they would describe as life is not the truth. Who you really are is unrelated to perceived fear and chaos. Notice how you come to believe and grow dependent on aspects of the external world.  What if you let go of any message unrelated to your core perfection? Everything you feel  invites you to return to fullness of being.  What does it mean?

Every thought, word and deed that you engage in reflects the truth and knowing you already have.  To sense this is to move to a new level of self-understanding. That is, love is communicating with you through every experience.  You are invited to find the source of light, to be that light, and illuminate the darkness represented by any obstacle or negative feeling. As the natural self lets go, you bring no resistance.  You no longer deny the state of true self.  Everything is effortless and you remember.  You begin to notice everything.

Imagine for a moment, how your life evolves as you shift how and what you perceive.  What do you choose to see and choose to decide does not exist? All experience is a reminder to love unconditionally the self and others, to notice the reasons you create to convince the self not to do so. The ego mind is a catalyst for revelation and self-directed learning. You can choose to align how you think and feel within the self, to let go what is not you. You can consciously choose to notice elements of Cosmic Synchronicity.


You have perfect timing

Everything you think, do and feel has perfect timing for your own unfolding process.  You expand and contract based on feelings you generate, based on whether you choose to block the flow of what comes naturally.  As you choose to analyze, judge or second-guess the self, you limit what would otherwise be infinite experience.  What you experience is a reflection of what you choose to be now.

As you step back, you can decide that everything offers blessings, benefits, and draws you into your own forgotten sources of wisdom.  To sense that you are precisely where you need to be is reassuring. Notice you have opportunities to be elsewhere, but choose here. How does it feel to remember more of how to align with you?  This is part of the harmony of Cosmic Synchronicity.