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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "As you shift into loving and accepting yourself fully, and no longer fear being vulnerable, you reclaim personal power." Liara Covert





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Entries in ego (89)


Practice the Middle Way

The concept of the Middle Way arises as you do not completely deny your desires yet, you also do not succomb to all of them either.  As part of awakening, you rediscover how it feels to live in balance and harmony.  How often do you actually nurture inner being?

Finding that 'happy medium' is not about giving up dreams or ignoring who you are.  In fact, its about remembering how to be centred, patient and spiritually-poised when events run smoothly as well as when they do not.  Its about choosing to see the bright side or blessings in all circumstances.  Its about choosing love over the ego compulsion to be right.  Its about being aware of the compassion in your blood. 

Every choice you make emits energy vibration. As life unfolds, every cause has an effect. Some you choose to see and others you do not. How and what you perceive, any opportunities you notice, result from more than thought. Recognition reveals its Cosmic Synchronicity.


Silence offers answers

The ego exists through comparison.  When you introduce polarity, you bring opposition into being.  That which is not is purely imagined and can be shaped and corrupted. That which is remains untouchable, indescribable and unfathomable, and is what exists beyond the mind.

Consider a man who shares his sense of identity.  His ego grounds his judgment in what mind conceives and accepts.  He speaks of what he thinks he is and what he believes he is not.  He limits his scope of awareness to his familiar five senses.

Imagine one with no sense of self. As the ego disappears from view, one has no substance. One is only pure space. Hindrances are not perceived. Thought does not exist here. Insults have no effect when thrown at someone who is truly at peace in silence. Such sounds are not even heard. Notice if your focus of attention is not on a tree, you cannot hear it fall. So, you sense silence when not looking, listening or doing, but being. Silence is transparent by nature.


Feel beyond the ego-centred world

To explore beyond ego-centred mind, it is necessary to be aware of the nature of mind and how it fools you.  As you begin to sense that you create limitations based on perceptions of time and space, you may also grow aware of the transient nature of consciousness.

As part of the wake-up call, notice universal mind is within, not outside.  You are invited to shake up ingrained misperceptions and view them as a stepping stone to experiences beyond, through self-dircted journeys in awareness.  As you grow aware of how conditioning in the external world alters your internally-focused states of attention, you recognize choices to outgrow and transcend what is taught.

Prepare to transcend the linear, to move beyond desires of ego, and reconnect with a level of pure information.  This reveals that familiar sensory perception does not convey the truth of vibratory light.  Get ready to relearn what you already know- Cosmic Synchronicity.


Sense the presence of the cosmic witness

The cosmic witness is understood as the universal source; omniscient, omni-present, and infinitely guiding remembering.  It is not separate from you.  Consider these 10 steps to ascertain and sense the presence and of the cosmic witness and what it is not:

1) Awaken to your own ego-created desires that exist at the root of your suffering.

2) Step back from the insatiable ego & illusions you create to reinforce perceived problems.

3) Reflect on underlying reasons for your desires, hopes, fears & attachments that create the above. 

4) Notice the nature of ingrained beliefs  that prompt you to self-judge and imagine what is not there.

5) Recall cosmic consciousness is the core state that re-aligns you with true nature.

6) Explore why the mind imagines limitation, inadequacy, reasons for insecurity & loneliness.

7) Let go of beliefs which are themselves conditioned mental delusions.

8) Practice forgiveness of self and others then realize reasons for forgiveness are illusion.

9) Recall the feeling of "right action" & be what it is that reinforces who you are.

10) Realize that every choice impacts perceived self and the whole universe.


See where you are helps you

Right now, you could list all the things ego mind perceives are uncomfortable or going "wrong" on your life.  Yet, you could also choose to find advantages about every circumstance. What is your choice? What is your conditoned habit? Are you ready for change?

Every moment is ripe for raising awarness of opportunities to shift vantage point. Give yourself the task of finding at least one blessing in every situation that bothers you.  Notice the change in your state of mind and being. Journal your reflections. Decide to focus on the growth that is emerging within you.  You are taking the responsibility to find inspirations to Transform Your life.