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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in thought (24)


Let the inner sun shine

Every moment beckons you to open up to deeper revelations about who you are.  What does this mean? Supposing everything; thoughts, feelings; events are all optional.  Focus of attention shapes everything. You have unlimited choices about what to recognize, live and experience.  Examine, reflect, do nothing or everything.

As you encounter perceived contrast, this reminds you of choices to interpret or not, to react emotionally or not.  This is a moment of decision. What stands out? Why focus there? What prevents the inner sun from shining? Thought. Let it all go. Nothing is as important as you think. What if nothing matters, but attachment, memory, desire selected focus or judgment? Stay still. Be the dream.


Know not what to say?

If you would like to say something, and you are unable to come up with something, this may evoke distress.  Yet, what what does it mean when you know not what to say and feel at ease with that? As you surrender into the state of not knowing, you connect deeply to something indescribable within.  You realize what truly needs to be known already is. What you think is important is a mental thought that separates you from that which is known.  You begin to sense every label is an imagined concept that has no bearing on what truly matters. Judgement is a limited perspective.  Suddenly, you recall how it feels to be happy where you are and just be.


Awaken to false interpretation

Every moment, you have infinite opportunities  to recognize you are not the mind, you never were, and never can be.  To identify with what does not exist is part of the process of awakening to false interpretation.  You are shifting energy, focus and outgrowing beliefs you are ready to let go.

You may have heard of Chuang Tzu who dreamt he was a butterfly and awoke depressed and in a quandry.  He is unsure whether he is a butterfly dreaming he is Chuang Tzu or Chuang Tzu dreaming he is a butterfly.  This story prompts you to reflect on what is real and tangible to you.

When you awaken from any dream, you are invited to increase awareness. You are invited to reach a place where thought does not exist. When the mind is quiet, thoughts do not exist. The gap between thoughts is you. Within that gap, neither Chuang Tzu nor the butterfly exist. So long as thoughts exist, the mind is present. It is a teacher but it is not you. Be alert between thoughts.  Emotions are your guide. You know what feels right.


Observe in silence

Notice the nature of how you interpret energy as you observe in silence. Listen to the judgment expressed by those around you. Taste the flavour of the air. Feel what stands out and notice what is already fading into the background. Smell colours and texture of the entire experience. Notice what you choose to retain and what you choose to let go.

Notice the invitation of silence. Everything is empowering you to reframe and expand on what you see.  If it is observable, if you hold onto identity, then you still cling to the "I-me".  The self you cannot know is just a thought you wrap in flesh and believe to be real. Whatever appears to cause pain blocks the recognition that the pain-body arises from within the mental self.  The true has no trouble.  Silence is unwavering peace.


The answer is yes

As you choose to realize you can focus your thoughts in any direction, you know all things are possible.  You no longer question your abilities or doubt what you are.  Figure out what thoughts and feelings prevent you from realizing certain dreams, from getting to where you want to be, from allowing energy through. You translate through physical senses and more.

In other words, suspend reality, let the mental resistence and beliefs about practical limitations go.  Be the unlimited being you are.  Allow contradictory thoughts in your vibration to disspiate.  You are aligned, secure, and healthy.  You no longer focus on how you will achieve, or what is probable.  You focus on how it feels as you are doing it.   As you feel the exhilaration and appreciation, you know what is real and live it.  As you shift alignment, you tune to vibration and dimensions that resonate.  Whatever you imagine, you already are in more than one way.