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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in revelations (23)


3 Revelations about Control

The desire to control is a common unconscious phenomenon. Many people are unaware of their own driving force or what exists beneath it.  Consider three revelations about control:

1. The effort to control arises due to fear.

In other words, control is a defence mechanism.  As you identify the fear, question its validity. Ask yourself, Is it true? If you’re afraid the night will be ruined, question that assumption.

2. Control is a result of being attached to a specific outcome (as if we always know what is best).

As we trust that we’re okay no matter what circumstances unfold, no need arises to micromanage the universe. We let go, open ourselves to all sorts of unforeseen possibilities that are unseen when we’re attached to one “right” path. What can you directly influence? Is your focus here? Or are you in someone else’s business? When we’re trying to control things outside of our own sphere, things fall apart rather than together.

3. The energy of control is less powerful than surrender.

When our vision gets very narrow and focused, our breath goes shallow, adrenaline is pumping and the heart rate increases.  It almost always does. Let that feeling of freedom guide us toward loosening our grip.  The more we want something, the more we are conditioned to hold on. yet letting go results in something beautiful.


Astonish Yourself

Notice the deeper we go within into the nature of our pain and suffering, the more astonished we are to find nothing but Love. To find no-thing, is to see fear is illusion. Our intrinsic value is felt in nothingness. This is not a vacuum or a void. Turns out, the black hole is the portal or gateway to recall and unleash our limitless potential. The loudest voice arises in the natural state of silence.
Every emotion arising in us points to our own projected reality, not to anything independent of our own mind. The most startling revelations empower us to activate and live in higher awareness.
Everything that seems to be happening to us is only appearing on the screen of our own consciousness. To know this is to fear nothing, know we are in essence, untouchable. As reality is observed through this lens, it dawns that suffering is a catalyst to deepen our own humility, compassion, quiet grace and dignity.
Freedom arises as external acceptance no longer matters. We find relief from the mind as we see through our pain, stop making choices to make others comfortable. Transmutation evokes feeling uneasy, but falling apart is a stage of awakening to our own beauty. Pain is physical and suffering is mental. Each is a teacher guiding us to find comfort in our vulnerabilty and live wholeheartedly.
The secret is to love ourselves fully as we are right now, instead of loving the idea of other people loving a different version of us. Come what may, truth is, we deserve self-love, the understanding we are worthy of our own self-respect. Inner strength and resilience grow as we consciously realize the truth for ourselves in practice. Let go.



Breathwork opportunities

In light of the current climate, I am increasingly contacted  by people interested in Leonard Orr's Rebirthing, Stanislav Grof's holotropic (cathartic) breathwork and related breathing practices.  As it stands, I offer regular group workshops and private sessions that are tailored to client needs. These services are offered in-person and also remotely. Contact me directly to discuss breathwork and opportunities to live life more fully.  What if personal revelations and living differently are within reach?  Now is the time to trust your intuition and the universe more.


What 40 paintings in 40 days teach me

Its common to hear of multi-day challenges to get fitter, healthier and move toward more conscious living. yet, how often do we hear of 40 days of painting as a way to live more consciously and connect to the Earth? This is a spontaneous activity that engages my body-mind-spirit.  Here are 7 powerful lessons this painting experience teaches me:

1.  Life shifts based on our priorities

Priorities define our character and evolution. As we shift from thinking to feeling our way through life, our focus changes to be in greater harmony with true self. The strong desire to paint prompts me to rearrange life to fit it in. As a mum of two kids, juggling family and other responsibilities amidst Covid-19 related changes in lifestyle, the painting emerges as a tool to expand consciousness. We each have 24 hours in a day and use time based on what matters.  Something mysterious calls me to paint more frequently as if I am decoding my life and the rhythm of my breath on a whole new level.  

2. We get out of life what we put into it

The more we feel grateful for what is unfolding in our lives, the more reasons arise to feel grateful. Engaging the right brain more often not only helps bring left-brain dominant logic into balance,  but also helps unlock secrets about ourselves we are taught to overlook. As I paint, I am feeling shifts and in my vibration because I am validating what is important to me. I feel uplifted, fulfilled, energized. Being true to myself facilitates revelations and electricity flows more freely through my body.

3.  How we view our experiences is a choice

Not knowing the nature of each painting emerging through my sketches and brushes excites me. Its as if I am receiving transmissions from my higher self or the best version of being.  Deeper, more restful sleep happens, vivid dreaming and life-related insights coming to me at an accelerated rate.

4. The film Julie & Julia (2009) has a lasting impact

The film Julie & Julia (2009/ Meryl Streep, Amy Adams), the modern day protagonist learns much about herself as she cooks 524 recipes in 365 days. Based on two true stories,  the film intertwines the lives of two women who, though separated by time and space, are both 'at the end of their rope.' (at a crossroads in their lives). They both discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible. I am painting my way to non-verbal and other revelations about creating and contributing to a new reality. 

5. Setting time aside for personal care is essential

We often hear how important it is to regularly take time out for ourselves and personal care, yet do not always consistently stick to a plan. Although I engage in daily yoga and other practices, no activity positively impacts my life like the painting. Until engaging in this activity, I did not anticipate that it would renew me.

6. Energetic aspects of me are activating

As I consistently engage in intuitive painting, I am awakening dormant parts of energetic self, activating bio-circuitry and translating what I detect in multi-sensory perception.  For as long as I can recall, I have sensed sacred geometry first and not known what to do with this information. It dawns that the paintings are a kind of communication, a code or language that remind me of authentic crop circles.

7. Love is the absence of fear

Breathwork and intuitive painting are both tools which shift our focus back to unity and interconnectedness.  When focused on the external world, we forget who we are and grow susceptible to emotions and fear. We are taught to seek experiences, states of mind, and other things. breathwork and creative expression like painting remind us everything we seek is already within us. The mind cannot grasp this yet the heart feels it. Creating mandalas, sacred geometry and geometric paintings, induces trance-like states that enable me to feel in harmony with the oneness of universe.The rhythm of the breath naturally shifts to echo who I AM. Love is teh absence of fear.


The time is ripe

The time is ripe for triggering revelations within yourself.  Ancient wisdom resurfaces much like inner knowing when humanity and individuals are responsible, receptive to it and ready to work with it on a practical level.   Reflect on what you are willing to receive and integrate it into everyday living.  No such thing as coincidence. No chance encounter, experience or relationship exists.  Be open to synchronicity.  This is one.