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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in thought (24)


Create a new vision

The world that you experience begins and ends within your mind. It emerges as thought and dissolves from when it came. Now is the perfect moment to heighten awareness and recognize how you think and feel determines the nature of the life you live. Take responsibility for creating new vision. Let go of old beliefs and parameters.  Find harmony within and see every unfolding event as part of a larger harmony. The inner vision is what transforms the outer experience.


Master your fear 

Self-mastery is always within reach.  Understanding fear is a big step to watching it disappear from your life.

You may hear people say they expect to get older, weaker, and generally deteriorate and imagine other reasons for fear to arise.  Some people quickly tell you their limitations. Watch thoughts passing through your mind and feelings in your bones.  Notice your own beliefs, assumptions and expectations. If you focus on what you do not want, you focus on the absence at what you do and experience fear.

If you notice any negative or pessimistic thoughts, then part of you is open to the possibility that things are not going well or things can get worse.  When you allow yourself to believe this, you forget what you think creates your experience.  You always have the power to shift your attention and change your thoughts.  It is a choice to shift focus away from peace of mind and knowing in the heart all is always well. 

What if you train the mind and can retrain it?  What if you underestimate the power of intention? What if you intend to feel younger, stronger, and more energized?  What if you convince yourself that you are getting more creative, attractive and inspired? What if your appetite is changing? Good feelings set the stage for more good things. 

In a practical sense, watch what happens as you envision your business growing, your health good and stable, your relationships nuturing,  your life enriching, that your dreams are within reach and unfolding. Notice what happens as you allow yourself to see beyond conditioned ways of seeing your situation.  

Ultimately, a vision of well-being, abundance, contentment, fulfillment, love and acceptance exist whether you allow them into your life or not. You have to be wiling to allow these ideas into your experience. Notice how emotions both distract you from perfect health and well-being and alsoguage how far you stray from who you are.


The Power of Words

Notice the power of words.  They point to that which cannot be named.  Be aware of the nature of the words you use and the emotions behind them.  Taking resposibility for life is easier and more straightforward than the mind would have you believe.  The words cannot be you because you exist to give them life, perceive and hear them.

Consider that as you grow aware of your choices of words and the intentions behind them, you have the power to stop using words that do not serve the highest being.  Be mindful.  Listen to your words.  What do they reveal? Watch what happens as you stop using words outgrown.  Your external world transforms.  What do you choose to see?  

Are your words empowering or disempowering? What do they say about optimism or pessimism? Is it your tendency to use the present tense or do use more past and future tenses? Which words reveal who you truly are and which words reinforce what you are not? Notice how your words influence the word choices and life perspective of others.  You are powerful beyond measure.  Every word you utter is a silent pointer.

Join us on Aware Talk Radio with Steven L. Hairfield (The American Monk) and Jeoff Hutcherson on Wed Nov 2 (or Thurs Nov 3 depending on your time-zone) when we explore this subject.  You can also listen to show archives.

"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." - Buddha

"Prayers and mantras show us how to express thoughts which are most noble, which are completely beneficial, pure, and good... these activities sow the seeds for good and right things in our mind which will become the basis for the expression of what will benefit ourselves and others." -Thrangu Rinpoche


Untrain the mind

Everything you think and feel is a clue to the cause and effect of what you perceive in the world.  Each thought invites a comparison and then, judgment arises.   According to the conditioned mind, no neutral thoughts exist.  Notice how focusing on thoughts creates beliefs and habits.  Even before something happens, you assume history is to repeat or the future is worriesome. You dwell on fear unless you untrain the mind. 

Consider how you train the mind.  If, at some stage, you injure yourself while doing something you enjoy, physical pain may trigger that memory and fear may now hold you back.  If you applied for a job in an area of interest and were unsuccessful, you may be discouraged from applying for a similar role, fearing failure or rejection.  If, you have broken or difficult relationships, you may fear getting involved with someone new. If you regret something you said and dwell on negativity or are angry about something someone else has said, harbour grudges, this prevents you from moving on.  You see the world you have made but do not always register you are the source of all you see.

Recognize no thought is neutral.  The world does not think a certain way. It simply reflects back what you are thinking though your experience. Perception is not the cause of reality but the lens through which you selectively filter and choose to see reality.  You raise awareness by noticing your life unfolds based on choices to love or fear.  Notice your focus is not so much on what you see as how you see it. 

"Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them." 
-Rabindranath Tagore


Notice the flawed premise

Listen closely.  Notice what you tell yourself.  Notice when you assume conflict exists within your own mind or you see conflict arises as the result of lies you tell yourself.  The truth never opposes itself.  It just is. Notice how you feel around different people.  What happens when being in someone's presence brings out the best in you?

The larger part of you, the source energy consciousness, knows what is going on. That part of you feels its way into states of continued renewal. It knows how honest you are with yourself,  is reflected in every situation and relationship.  If you only ever feel good, you do not notice an emotional gap, and life does not cause you to expand.

Notice thoughts and beliefs you hold prevent you from allowing and being the joy that is unlimited. Where are you in vibrational relationship to unconditional love and acceptance of all you are? Notice the power of influence you have over your thoughts and feelings. Notice how people feel in your presence and whether you notice anyone at all. Notice othes are inspired and uplifted, or they express negativity and bring you down. Notice how you feel deep inside reveals itself in your external world. 

In essence, the vibrating energy that you are raises and lowers based on whether you allow what you perceive though mental filters to affect how you feel. Approach reality based on pure appreciation or not. You control how you respond to whatever unfolds. See what happens as you begin to see everything through the eyes of genuine love. Flawed premises are no longer.  This is no coincidence.  Its Cosmic Synchronicity.

"You see someone on the street, and essentially what you notice about them is the flaw [you imagine in yourself]." -Diane Arbus