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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in interpretation (6)


Awaken to false interpretation

Every moment, you have infinite opportunities  to recognize you are not the mind, you never were, and never can be.  To identify with what does not exist is part of the process of awakening to false interpretation.  You are shifting energy, focus and outgrowing beliefs you are ready to let go.

You may have heard of Chuang Tzu who dreamt he was a butterfly and awoke depressed and in a quandry.  He is unsure whether he is a butterfly dreaming he is Chuang Tzu or Chuang Tzu dreaming he is a butterfly.  This story prompts you to reflect on what is real and tangible to you.

When you awaken from any dream, you are invited to increase awareness. You are invited to reach a place where thought does not exist. When the mind is quiet, thoughts do not exist. The gap between thoughts is you. Within that gap, neither Chuang Tzu nor the butterfly exist. So long as thoughts exist, the mind is present. It is a teacher but it is not you. Be alert between thoughts.  Emotions are your guide. You know what feels right.


End your suffering

The emotion of disappointment arises when you resist surrender.  It gradually eats away at the ego. You experience a kind of suffering until you reach a stage when you accept another way of living exists. You are only willing to surrender to who you are when you reach a point where you have had enough.  You decide to end the thoughts and interpretations that create self-inflicted suffering.  As you realize you have a choice, you can decide to stop imposing suffering on others and cease your own as well. Every let down is a teacher.  Otherwise, you would not awaken to know suffering is over.  You discern infinite reasons to be and allow love.  You intuitively release patterns, peel away the old to reveal something new.


Observe in silence

Notice the nature of how you interpret energy as you observe in silence. Listen to the judgment expressed by those around you. Taste the flavour of the air. Feel what stands out and notice what is already fading into the background. Smell colours and texture of the entire experience. Notice what you choose to retain and what you choose to let go.

Notice the invitation of silence. Everything is empowering you to reframe and expand on what you see.  If it is observable, if you hold onto identity, then you still cling to the "I-me".  The self you cannot know is just a thought you wrap in flesh and believe to be real. Whatever appears to cause pain blocks the recognition that the pain-body arises from within the mental self.  The true has no trouble.  Silence is unwavering peace.


Everything is perfect now

Notice how you observe and interpret.  Notice how you feel about your true self.  Consider for a moment, that everything is perfect, that you are perfect as you are.  Soul-level energy vibration resonates you are loved unconditionally and nothing needs fixing.  Consider what kind of messages you receive or believe that contradict this story. How do you feed the fire?

The soul constantly echoes uplifting feelings about the limitless being you are.  The heart feels its way to credible answers.  You know your inner self better than anyone else.  Mind grounds its understanding of you in what the physical senses reveal or conceal, in what appears to be missing, in all you are not.  You choose your focus.  Every choice is part of the timeless journey.


Be ready for anything

Recognize the universe does not bring you anything that you are not ready to receive.  You trigger your own revelations.  The criteria for your reality is constantly shifting.  As you interpret it with only physical senses, you limit how you view or experience reality.  You are discovering that as you ignore any reality that does not enable you to feel good, those things disappear.  They are no longer part of your reality. 

You know what is going on.  You choose to resist temptation of what keeps you feeling less than you are.  As you take your attention away from the things that bother you, those things fade away and you only experience solutions.  To deactivate what troubles or irritates you, what is unpleasant, or painful, simply let it go.  Stop thinking about it, talking about it, writing about it, or otherwise reinforcing it in your life.  Only focus on wellness, love, strength, courage, insight and you know you are ready for anything.  Let nothing faze you.  Direct the thinking mind to your advantage.  Align with the fearless, limitless being this is you.