Accept your cutting edge

As you deliberately focus attention on ideas and experiences, you influence the momentum and direction of your vibration, and the nature of conditions you invite into your life. As you feel the rightness of certain choices, grow aware of what evokes good feelings inside. Its like you gather momentum of everything that is required to make things show up in your visceral experience. Every choice inspires you to feel more clarity about conditions and events that are bringing your dreams and what you are asking for into being. Whatever you focus on activates a thought vibration and law of attraction responds to all of it now.
What is thought? To give your attention to anything activates the underlying energy vibration within you. To feel inspired is to validate the impulse to act. Motivation is the desire to act against or resist something. Notice your thinking tendencies. Do you imagine problems into being?, Do you self-criticize and discourage self from trusting intuition? Or, do you heed the pulses within that prompt you to feel secure confidence, that remind you of knowing you already have what you want? Recognize the power of that infallible, emotional guidance system. It always tells you where you stand between perception of 'here and there.'
Notice you realize every thought you put into motion. Notice the underlying vibrations of love and fear. Being aware of difference and your freedom to choose means you accept you are at the cutting edge of creation. You awaken to the journey of moving to align energetically with knowing. Every thought and feeling is a timeless teacher. You are student, teacher and energy being always transforming into more.