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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in struggle (10)


Be Ordinary

Notice the moment is here or the busy mind hijacks attention. The mind is goal-oriented, oscillating between past and future. The mind is not here. Being present is the most ordinary state. The mind has no present tense and cannot grasp what is beyond its scope. When presence happens, it is unrelated to the individual. Purpose is a human created idea. Nature has no purpose. The sun, moon, stars, trees, vegetaion, creatures, flowing oceans, are no means to an end, but simply are. To be present is nothing special. No superior or inferior exist. Relax. Struggle falls away.  Being here now is all that is real.


Shift from struggle to surrender

Notice we are each making our way from unconscious struggle to surrender. Some of us may feel we struggle more than surrender, but we get here. Every moment, we have opportunities to shift energy, vibration. The matrix of interactions is complex. Everybody has unique experiences and manages them the best they can based on their references and level of consciousness. We see through the lens of fear (ego) or the mirror of love, acceptance (Soul).
Bottom line is, when we struggle in the external world with events that evoke discomfort, resistance or anything other than peace, its because there's imbalance inside us. We do not feel okay. We store energy that bothers us. It follows we feel restless about all we repress, deny or attempt to escape. As the result, we struggle to experience the outside world in ways that make us feel better. So, external things cannot bring lasting happiness.
Ironically, people struggle with the intention not to struggle. They struggle to forget or let go of their inner struggle. In essence, ego struggles to get things the way it wants and keep them that way. Fighting, disagreement, ill health, all happen because we each have different ideas about what will bring us peace, fulfillment, satisfaction, wellness. And struggle is not spirituality.
Curious thing is, nobody ever satisfies a desire by fulfilling it. Its like we close the door on one desire to feel better until something else begins to bother us. Nothing we do is ever wrong or bad. When people get what they want, they fear losing it. There must be a better way to know peace. We can learn and grow from it all.
The spiritual journey is very much about the inward shift. Then, the competition and struggle are suddenly with yourself. Do what challenges the 'self' concept. If we struggle inside and decide we have no problem then this is not the answer either. Spirituality is not a struggle and not denial of lingering struggles. Fighting with the self is common. What does it mean to grow spiritualy? It is not about how long you can meditate or how quiet you can be. Its the process of surrendering to the fact things are not as you think. Everything has a reason for the way it is without us. It is the result of cause and effect, universal laws. No accidents exist.
Some say the spiritual journey really begins with the willingness to take responsibility for our role in unfolding events. It also takes everything being as it is to interact as it does. Beyond judgement, everything is the result of all that ever was. Wake up to realize what is right here, now. Its not about whether you like it or not. Same thing with every moment. All forces invite us to surrender honour, respect, this moment in front of us. Each is very special. Something inside is distracts us from the reality of the moment in front of us. Shift away from struggle to seeand feel the blessings right where we are. This is the act of letting go of the unreal. We are each on a unique trajectory of radiating divine light, joining dots and streaming beyond space-time.

Love Yourself First

Notice loving yourself first brings greater clarity and fulfillment on a wider scale. "Who am I" who is able to give love? Am I giving it or, simply wanting to receive it? And is this about love or wanting to be desired, accepted, valued, heard? Love and desire are not the same. In this context, to be loved (desired) one day could lead to being rejected another day. Desire is then, not a stable form of emotional energy. Is my desire truly "love" for another or a subtle attempt to control and possess and take away their freedom or potential for growth? Does the free offer of love grow into an unconscious demand based on set of conditions? Is love then selfish or selfless? Is love based on fear, perceived lack and assumed instability without the other? Its amidst the chaos of internal self conflict that the impossibility of certain love is recognized. Related relationships end. This revelation evokes misery, despair, sense of where to from here? The very structure of collective ego is in a state of fragmentation. The only way out of the quagmire is through- to feel and return to Source, focus on love power that is ever present and accessible, alongside the courage to let go of the unreal.
Ego's ideas of love can justify regressing to childish behaviour. To move out of the energy of a codepedent struggle, mental-emotional imprisonment of the other, the key is to recognize true love is about letting go not clinging or holding on. When the other flies, and detaches emotionally, ego is abandonned. True love is seen as it is. Only love of pure goodness gives one the ability to shine or radiate light. The conditioned reaction to fear, deny, repress and run from pain and search for pleasure signals the love we bear for self.
Deny thyself nothing, give self infinity and eternity and discover that you need nothing for you are beyond. - Nisagardatta Maharaj



Moving beyond boredom

There is a Zen teaching story about a student who comes to the Master and tells him, "I'm getting really bored with just feeling my breath coming in and going out all the time. Don't you have a meditation practice that is more exciting?"

The Zen Master replied, "Well, yes. You are now ready for a greater teaching. Follow me." And so, the Master led the student into a courtyard and approached a large barrel of water. "Gaze into the barrel," said the Master. As the student eagerly leaned over and peered in, the Zen Master suddenly pushed the student's head into the water. Being quite strong, the Master was able to hold the student under the water for quite a while, even though the student struggled desperately. 

Finally, the Master let the student come up for air, and as the student gasped the Master asked, "So... is that breath boring?"

We are often taught to crave drama and struggle, yet do we really need them? We are also taught to believe the breath is "nothing special." After all, it happens without us. However, as we pay closer attention to the breath, recall what it is to breathe consciously, we move beyond boredom, into what we deny or overlook. In fact, as we focus on the breath, we engage in what truly matters, and what we seek is 'in plain sight' or 'in plain breath'.

While breathing exercises are growing in popularity, the rhythm of the breath itself is a language that can be decoded. Insight we gain has potential to positively impact our lives.  What is it you desire most? To reclaim power? find new confidence? Be more accepting of who you are? 

It is as if the answer or solution we seek has hidden Itself in the most obvious place. What are we ready to see about the nature of our choices? Which stage of awareness are we willing to reach? 


Value every struggle

Struggle is an experience each person creates as a teacher and a pointer to a lesson that is initially overlooked. When you know emotions like anger and frustration, you are in conflict with or disagreeing with who you really are, and what truly matters.  This is gradually revealed when you are ready to accept it.

Any sort of discomfort or imbalance you think you feel is a gift that points to your own misplaced beliefs. To believe in anything is to postpone tranquility and relief. Life is perfect as it is unless you believe otherwise.  You are happy and fulfilled, overflowing with peace and love unless you are taught to believe otherwise.

When you are ready to ask, "Who am I?" on the deepest level, you do not respond with a name, titles, occupation, relationship status, credentials or other forms of ego identification.  This is a trance.  The ego exists so you can wake up and see who you are.  Recognize who you are not to awaken from the dream.

Whatever you do as an effort to obtain security, approval or love overlooks you are what you seek. Tests arise to show you where you are still identified with who you are not.  Tests, like struggles, are valuable.  Its useful for fear and attachment to arise to show why they persist.  Feel everything fully and watch illusions disappear.  Deeper bliss appears.  What is always here is all embracing love.  Embrace limitless being.