Decoding trauma leads us to truth

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Be Your Dream
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Cosmic Synchronicity
Notice each of us is the authority in our own version of reality yet for varied reasons, tend to forget this and give our power away. Let this moment be a turning point. Its up to each of us to take responsibility to move our lives forward, to grow aware of and let go of what no longer serves our highest good and the good of all. Reclaiming inner power can involve starting to see ourselves as the beautiful, strong, bold, and courageous beings we are created to be, putting heartfelt knowing into action. Reclaiming power also happens each instance we choose to forgive and love what we are taught to fear or hate so we can move on and it no longer controls us. Blossoming into more of true divine nature is about growing in wisdom and maturity to decode the signs and signals we give ourselves. Love the journey.
Your role is to make the most of where you are. You are invited to create life experience and to explore things that evoke different emotions within. Your willingness to participate in this leading-edge, transformational process reveals how courageous, successful and truly elastic you are. Rest assured, the unlimited being within always expands and bounces back.
Consider as you engage in situations that prompt you to believe you are less than you are, you feel out of balance, uneasy, and know temporary amnesia. Yet, insight you gain into resilience, unconditional love and what you are becoming, make the roller coaster of emotion worth it. You come so far and choose to remember why being who you are feels so good. Its up to you to awaken. Catch up to what you imagine. It already exists. Open your mind. Open your heart. Raise your energy. Know your power.
In the mind, you think its possible to be out of sync or out of the flow of what feels right. Emotions block the experience of now. Here, being in the flow is the only reality. This is feeling peaceful amidst whatever arises. Illusions arise in a sense of past and future. This is out of sync with true nature.
Human beings get emotional because they allow the mind to judge. Judgement distracts you from the natural flow of energy vibration that grounds and harmonizes your energy being.
To see the beauty of nature in silence is part of the process of remembering what you are. You awaken to see through your own filters. Recognize inter-connectedness with One Humanity.
What is required to wake you up? What if everything you do is a catalyst for deep awakening? Simply be willing to expand perspectives. Nothing is mutually-exclusive or separate. Everything points to deeper seeing. The physical senses are Self-limiting yet point to wider experiences available to you.
You connect with inspiration in cosmic revelations, dream visions, and creative spontanaiety. As you work through and let go of blocks, a rush of energy and inner knowing allows you to sense divine plan. One related tool available to you is my ebook, Soul Work: 50 Exercises to align mind body & spirit.