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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in struggle (10)


Feel your path of least resistance

The path of least resistence is the key to everything. It enables you to see beyond what you are conditioned to see or believe.  It is the means to align with the truth of the real you beyond form.   Notice people often struggle.  How does this serve them?  How do your observations awaken you?

Be aware that inaction is a choice.  Be aware no response counts.   Be aware that going against the grain or making emotional waves are not paths of higher wisdom.  Experience how it feels to detect or resonate the vibration of a silent observer.  This evokes the peace and serenity that are the authentic you.  


When the questions disappear

As questions that form in the mind fade away, you may forget the original purpose in asking.  You may conclude that silence is where the answers exist and suddenly trigger your own revelations.  There is no time like the present to notice what you imagine and why.

To grasp where and who you are is to be in harmony with all that is.  To realize you are in conflict with something or someone reveals you resist the harmonius state of being, that you choose to struggle against full acceptance.  Whenever you do not feel at peace, step back.  Observe.  Situations and perceptions do not punish anyone.  We only ever choose to punish ourselves and imagine reasons for all that.


The key is to remember

Many people believe they must build an identity or a self-vision.  You can also choose to remember what you already are.  What if you allow soul to reveal itself more fully?

When you insist on a struggle or concentration, you engage the mind in thought. This blocks the process of remembering spiritual perception.  To recall what is taught ignores what you know.  The key is to allow what you disregard to emerge.

1) Allow things to flow into consciousness & accept them as is.

2) Realize nothing exists to alter perception of the mind but to shift focus to your true state of being.

3) It is not words or ideas that transform, but only the impact of direct experience that trigger divine revelations.

4) The truth is known not through the mind, but through living fully and spontaneously now to the best of your ability.

5) As you surrender into the mystery of every moment, you connect with timeless joy and the nature of forever.

6) Physical life is the artistic canvas of soul. Introspection and contemplation offer insight into what soul needs and how linear choices contribute to soul progress & expansion.


How to incorporate nothing?

People sense incredible changes are ongoing and also unfolding beneath their conscious radar.  As you bravely choose to identify apparent struggles, you realize you are invited to be at peace with every choice.   Yet, are you?

More and more people are realizing that doing, feeling and being nothing is meaningful.  Yet, they are also asking, how does one incorporate different levels of nothing into their lives? As you review your behaviour,  some already falls away. What does it require to reframe nothing where you are?

1) Stop doing what you always do out of habit.

2) Detect that beliefs & opinions are out of place.

3) Notice power in being unemotional & impartial. 

4) Dissolve any mindset that creates a struggle.

5) Recogize human-perceived time is irrelevant.

6) Understand who you meet helps or hinders you.

7) Pinpoint your level of self-control or how to find it. 

8) Accept responsibility for how you think & feel now.

9) Realize you create struggle & can also transcend it.

10) Feel how adversity reinforces inner peace & stability.

11) Sense balance flows through he who feels balance.

12) Choose to be non-confrontational & non-resistant.

13) Visualize moving into unconditional self-acceptance.

14) Love everyone & sense you need not grasp everything.

15) Know you never miss anything you are willing to accept.


Soulful persistence

It is said that as you work at something, it becomes easier.  From this view, the endeavour gradually does not seem like work. Some people interpret this to mean the harder you exert the self or the more it struggles, the bigger the reward. 

Society teaches that a person is meant to earn success with blood, sweat and tears. As part of the process, a person is expected to engage in competition, conflict and feel repeatedly tested. Deep down, one is invited to ask what is testing whom?

Ingrained views condition people to think that anything coming easily does not deserve to be appreciated. For example, when a sports game appears one-sided, not only do players feel something missing but spectators somehow feel gypped.

Another view of persistence has nothing to do with striving to achieve, accomplish or become anything. From this view, you need not be fastest, best or most anything. Comparisons and a need to excel fall away. What you are remembering, remains. The soul is a silent warrior with infinite patience. What is the nature of any path? How does soul dialogue and expand inside?

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