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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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10 Tips to be radically responsible

Get back on track-

Commit to our 21 Days of Radical Responsibility Program

Start with 10 tips to be radically responsible (for your life):

1. Make choices based on what’s actually true, rather than what you think should be true.

  • Listen to how you feel in this moment-be aware of signs, signals, sensations as pointers.

  • Tune into the heart vibration and rhythm of the breath. To feel calm or rattled is a reliable guide.

2. Assert and reinforce your feelings, needs, boundaries, requests.

  • Be aware of when someone attempts to talk you out of your feelings
  • See everything as an opportunity to trust yourself more

3. Own your choices and visions. Don't blame others or the external.

  • Know you are who you are because of all your experiences

  • See the lesson or blessing in all situations whihc you create for yourself to grow

4. Honor personal power of others. 

  • Treat them as whole, creative and resourceful rather than needy

  • See your role is to allow others to make their own choices rather than control them

5. Filter for present-moment thinking

  • Be aware of tense of language spoken

  • Let go of thoughts of past or future

6. Focus on what's in your control

  • Focus on yourself and your responses to the external

  • Accept what is within your power and reach

7. Be radically honest with yourself and your values

  • Be aware that every choice has consequences

  •  Do not go along with others simply its easier (recall Dumbledore: "The time comes Harry, when w must choose between what is right and what is easy.")

8. Practice your ability to respond to your emotions, sensations, and thoughts in useful ways 

  • Validate your truth, intuition, signs and signals from within you

  • Meditate to sharpen subtle senses

9. Practice self-compassion: treat yourself with kindness and grace

  • Set realistic standards
  • Love yourself, your choices & inclinations

10. Take action. Action is reciprocal with confidence. Don't stay stuck because you're unsure or the path is unclear. Take a step forward.

  • Notice feacing fear is the reliable choice (so long as it doesn't put you in harm's way)

  • Recall your thoughts and feelings direct every moment of your life – no one is coming to save you=

Consciously shift frequency

Notice the more we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, health and conditions the more we recognize being vulnerable is what allows us to be real, connect with others, dissolve illusions of separation. In fact, as we gain insight into trauma or adversity and the message or lesson offered, it would be selfish to keep that insight and source of growth for ourselves. It is in sharing our stories that others are inspired to bravely face themselves and blossom into true nature.
So, we must be willing to be completely honest with ourselves, recognize where and with whom we are, have been dishonest. Turns out, we are only ever dishonest with others in the same way we are dishonest with ourselves. As we expand, we are able to hold what is happening in the consciousness of love, to honour the interconnectedness of life. This is about seeing from wider view, so we can be what we came to be, access all of who we are.
Many people forget the deeper vibration of responsibility. Contrary to popular belief, its not about duty or meeting others' expectations. Its about being spontaneous. We have response -ability to be in this moment. Our attention, consciousness, focus, is only ever present. Being here is responding with our whole being. Be like a dragonfly, consciously shift frequency & vision.



Shift from struggle to surrender

Notice we are each making our way from unconscious struggle to surrender. Some of us may feel we struggle more than surrender, but we get here. Every moment, we have opportunities to shift energy, vibration. The matrix of interactions is complex. Everybody has unique experiences and manages them the best they can based on their references and level of consciousness. We see through the lens of fear (ego) or the mirror of love, acceptance (Soul).
Bottom line is, when we struggle in the external world with events that evoke discomfort, resistance or anything other than peace, its because there's imbalance inside us. We do not feel okay. We store energy that bothers us. It follows we feel restless about all we repress, deny or attempt to escape. As the result, we struggle to experience the outside world in ways that make us feel better. So, external things cannot bring lasting happiness.
Ironically, people struggle with the intention not to struggle. They struggle to forget or let go of their inner struggle. In essence, ego struggles to get things the way it wants and keep them that way. Fighting, disagreement, ill health, all happen because we each have different ideas about what will bring us peace, fulfillment, satisfaction, wellness. And struggle is not spirituality.
Curious thing is, nobody ever satisfies a desire by fulfilling it. Its like we close the door on one desire to feel better until something else begins to bother us. Nothing we do is ever wrong or bad. When people get what they want, they fear losing it. There must be a better way to know peace. We can learn and grow from it all.
The spiritual journey is very much about the inward shift. Then, the competition and struggle are suddenly with yourself. Do what challenges the 'self' concept. If we struggle inside and decide we have no problem then this is not the answer either. Spirituality is not a struggle and not denial of lingering struggles. Fighting with the self is common. What does it mean to grow spiritualy? It is not about how long you can meditate or how quiet you can be. Its the process of surrendering to the fact things are not as you think. Everything has a reason for the way it is without us. It is the result of cause and effect, universal laws. No accidents exist.
Some say the spiritual journey really begins with the willingness to take responsibility for our role in unfolding events. It also takes everything being as it is to interact as it does. Beyond judgement, everything is the result of all that ever was. Wake up to realize what is right here, now. Its not about whether you like it or not. Same thing with every moment. All forces invite us to surrender honour, respect, this moment in front of us. Each is very special. Something inside is distracts us from the reality of the moment in front of us. Shift away from struggle to seeand feel the blessings right where we are. This is the act of letting go of the unreal. We are each on a unique trajectory of radiating divine light, joining dots and streaming beyond space-time.

Honour Yourself 

Notice what it is to honour yourself. To honour oneself means that we care and show ourselves as much love and kindness as we might show others, even treat ourselves better than we imagine others would like to be treated. Does it ever feel like you are more present for others, that you are more connected and in tune with the needs of those around you or that you want to please everyone? We are all helping each other along a winding road. We are crossing the abyss that separates us from our true selves. Journeying to and through the heart space is perhaps the most transformative of all journeys. This is about growing aware of and letting go of all we are not. There is so much conditioinng that exists to separate us from ourselves and each other. When the challenging situations arise, our first response may be to ignore this, attempt to get rid of discomfort, judge ourselves for it, view ourselves as a failure. Recall the story of Buddha shooting 2 arrows. The first arrow represents the painful emotions we want to escape or send away. We shoot the second arrow because we dislike our insecure, anxious, failing self. In essence, the tendency is to blame ourselvs for the experience. When its a habit to shoot those second arrows, or in other words, revert to a habit of judging ourselves, we are creating an abyss that is locking us in our self-created suffering. It solidifies our identity as a bad self, creates that undercurrent that "there is something wrong with me." The reality is that any self-aversion creates an abyss that separates us from others, and obscures reality. The answer is always to love ourselves, to love and accept ourselves into the freedom we tell ourselves we long for. Depending on our outlook, the outcome changes. Everything comes back to love. Its who we are and everything guides us back to the truth we know and feel in the heart.


15 Qualities of People Who Have True Integrity

Many people ask what are qualities of individuals who are authentic or harmonious with true being.  One can feel or tune into this in a person's vibration, sense energy and radiance flowing through them.  It can also be helpful to make certain observations. Consider 15 qualities of those who have true integrity;

1. Punctuality

Authentic people are dependable. They value their own time and your time. They do not hold you up. To engage with such a person is to feel respected.

2. Praise

People who live in integrity do not take credit for things they did not do. They always praise those who deserve it.

3. Harmonious

They are their truest forms. You won’t catch them in a lie.

4. Honest

They are open and direct that feel its natural to "tell it like it is."

5. Supportive

They support rather than take advantage of others. They love to build people up and help them get where they need to be. Taking too much from someone else will never be an issue with someone who has a lot of integrity.

6. Non-confrontational

They are not avoidant but peaceful within so non-confrontational. will talk through things or be the astute observer. You cannot and will not force this person into arguing. I find this to be a very respectable trait.

7. Trustworthy

They do what they say and are true to their word. They set an example for others so they also have integrity. 

8. Intuitive

They have a accurate intuition that gives them insight. If someone is down in the dumps they will notice and the compassionate soul will act in the greater good of all. 

9.  Trusting

They accept your word as truth until it is disproven. 

10. Honourable

If they misstep, they apologize. This is just how they are. They own up to their mistake and make things right.

11. Humility

They do not quite know their own worth. They are altruistic and selfless and rarely see it. 

12. Caring

They are always helping other people. They love to know that they have improved someone’s life. It gives their lives meaning.

13. Kind

Giving kindness can go a long way. When someone looks like they need a little pick me up these people deliver. They inspire or brighten up almost anyone’s day.

14. Righteous

Those who do what's right, regardless of the obstacles or challenges.

15. Transparent

They do not hold secrets of hide who they are. They present themselves in the same way to everyone.