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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in flow (28)


Live life to the fullest

Be aware of what feels good, of what  enables you to feel you are living life to the fullest. Imagine that you are fulfilled every moment of every day.  What are you doing or not doing?  Every choice you make is a way you invite yourself to see the bigger picture. 

View every situation as a trigger for a smile. Every choice is a gentle nudge to love where you are, to see reasons to lighten up and love whatever arises. You only ever whisper, write or speak to yourself through everything you perceive to be happening.  Note you can always appreciate everyone, laugh at the little things, and laugh at yourself.  Laughter is release of resistance, a way to ease into the flow of this moment.


Be aware of encoded communication

Life experience is activating something within you.  This is drawing attention to core state of being.  Activation is transmitted through the written word, through books, the Internet and other media.  Energy itself is passing to and through you in the here and now.  Energy passes by way of the tone of voices you hear, by the word choices that stand out to you.  Energy passes through the physical bodies of humans and other creatures you encounter on this path.  Much is conveyed on subtle levels and waves.

Recognize that human senses are interconnected.  They draw the same energy like channels on a radio dial.  Light and sound are both vibrations yet at very different frequencies.  Beyond the five familiar senses where the mind grounds itself, energy flows seemlessly outside time and space. Whatever the mechanism, everything you think and feel and say is connected to people you pass by or with whom you never interact directly.

For instance, as you walk by strangers on the street, your energy flows into them.  Someone could experience an instantaneous revelation or healing right there.  You can think about someone and send thoughts (telepathy) and energy can also be received.  As awareness expands, you feel more comfortable functionning in less controlled surroundings.  Distant healing is another way energy is sent and received.  Your essence is in fact an energy transmitter.  Do what feels right.  Everything goes well.


Let go of your own resistance

Feelings that keep you from realizing a vision only hold your attention if you focus there.  Notice why you doubt, sense you are doing something wrong or feel impatient at a lack of results.  Notice what happens as you shift the focus of your thoughts.  Notice your thoughts are themselves energy vibrations shaping the evolution of your life.  Speak as if the life you dream about it already here.  All the power in the universe conspires to make it happen.  And so it is.

Talk yourself through a breakthrough or change in some area of your life.  For instance:

It is so exciting to be tuned into the flow of what is working.  I know I create my own reality.  I love knowing I create my thoughts and shape the direction of my unfolding experience.  I know that to speak in generalities and to feel good now where I am is a bridge to feeling good about specific changes I would like to see in my life and inviting those to manifest.  I trust the universe is creating a path for me and people enter into my life to help me move ahead. 

Go more specific: I expect synchronicities and continue to notice them.  I have good vibes about branching out to help people help themselves in a new and harmonious setting.   I can feel inside that vibrationally-speaking, researching property for sale  at this point in time is no accident.  I feel I am outgrowing my current conditions and I am also aware that its now a buyer's market.  I know visiting places of interest is a step toward living that dream.   

My vision of a move invites details to fall into place that enable this to happen smoothly. I feel energized as I explore the surrounding community and welcomed by friendly locals. Direct experience further convinces me of the power of intention.  I sense focusing on and speaking openly about a healthy change of scenery is making it unfold in this reality. I love picturing myself in that new house or set of conditions.  I feel the momentum building.  


Go with the flow

Notice how it feels to truly go with the flow in your life. You suddenly notice no obstacles, only stepping stones. Value judgments disappear and you only recognize experience. Feelings of risk and danger do not cross the state of right mind. Trouble does not find you. Wanting no longer controls you. You have no desire to harm or make unhealthy choices. Illness cannot cling to you.  Kindness and compassion are your constant companions.  What do you feel is required or what would prompt you to refocus on basic inner nature?

"Just as water flowing in the streams and rivers fills the ocean, thus may all of your moments of goodness touch and benefit all beings, those here now and those gone before." -Pattanumodana Blessing


Move with the energy

You may think you can ignore certain thought energies yet, each one is destined to flow in its own time.  Suppression simply postpones expression.  Each one signals a path to the centre.  You can see through the self-expression to see eternal being arising. 

Understand your true, unchanging position.  As awareness, one does not express, suppress or even touch energy.  One simply watches it come and go in waves.  One follows the path back to source.  Here, all subsides in the formless and all is known.  Energy is what it is: neutral.  Mind gives it form. Notice whether you allow or resist the natural flow.  As energy returns to source, it is neither love nor hate, but innocence.